Do you think Obi-Wan ever tried Death sticks?

Do you think Obi-Wan ever tried Death sticks?


Anakin, man, when did you become such a total sellout?

Are they seriously cigarettes? From books to movies it got so fucking boring knowing that good always wins.

There was a dude on youtube who made a what if scenario where Obi Wan not only tried them but got addicted to them that was pretty good.

No, they're a hallucinogen. Highly addictive and used by thrill seekers.

>I think you should go home and kill yourself

>degenerate trying to make a living with death sticks.
>mind controlling monk that murders friend with glow sticks.

wtf i love drug dealers now.

Like glitterstim? So Elan was just offering Anakin some heroin?

Sort of like heroin mixed with acid.

>Obi-Wan says "yes actually, give me 1"
>AOTC plays out exactly the same otherwise
>ROTS plays out exactly the same
>final showdown with Anakin on Mustafar
>"Anakin you're tripping out, here have a death stick"
>Anakin smokes a fat blunt and calms down
>They team up and kill Palpatine when he comes 5 mins later
>They start Anakin and Obi-Wan's Jedi College

nice job obi wan

> dude drugs lol

weed brings people to the light side of the force jesus christ i hope trump doesnt ban it

What do you think he did in Tatooine during his years in exile?

Me and my friends started calling cigarettes 'deathsticks' after rewatching AOTC a few years ago.



Death sticks?
Not even obi wance

Friendly reminder that's Mouse from the Matrix

>Anakin and Obi-Wan's Jedi College

>They start Anakin and Obi-Wan's Jedi College
>implying potheads actually accomplish things

>They start Anakin and Obi-Wan's Jedi College


Heres some bs EU shit for you but someone with a relation to Anakin basically just got high as fuck on deathsticks all the time and used the force to not die because of them.

>He turned away the death sticks in a neon bar
>He cut up his friend who he loved with a glow stick

It rhymes

holy shit, it is!

But I thought Obi-Wan thought highly of the high ground?

Sure, with all the tobacco growing on Mos Eisley and the nice climate, I'm sure everyone smoked.

thank you for sharing reddit!!

According to an expanded universe comic I read, death sticks dull your connection to the force.
Obi-Wan wouldn't do this

Who needs death sticks when you have heroin?

>tfw you need clean air to use the force
>tfw Vader barely had lungs but was strong in the force

It always confused me why they'd call them "death sticks". You'd think that'd be counter-productive to sales, right?

A lot fewer people would start doing meth if it was called "slow painful death by choking on your own vomit crystals".

Why not go with something more catchy, like "fun sticks" or "problem solvers"? Hell even in real life we call ecstasy "happy pills".