What is the Sup Forums consensus on Three Kings?

What is the Sup Forums consensus on Three Kings?

it's pretty good



Dubs AND fpbp confirm

Russell's best movie 2bh

solidified my opinion that Wahlberg is a shit actor.
Somehow he has gotten himself into the mold of someone we are SUPPOSED to think is "great", like John Wayne.
I wasn't impressed by the whole thing, and I really wonder how it revealed anything about what is actually happening in this war.

I don't think Wahlberg is considered ''great'' in any serious film circles but he's pretty good and likeable enough. I think he was at his best in The Departed

Literally Battlefield Bad Company: The Movie

>liking thiefs that are enlisted


Spike Jonze started out making skateboard videos, so I knew him from that. I like this movie because of ice Cube and mark Wahlberg and George Clooney. This was my second war movie I ever saw. Thanks for reading.

Isn't there a 4th dude? Why isn't he on the poster?

why do they do that thing in movie posters where the person's name isnt above their head?
not counting ice cube because he isn't a person
he is an ape

This is basically what the A-Team movie should've been.

Saw it in the cinema I liked it. Taught me about what happens when you get shot.

Pretty, pretty good. Can't believe it has Ice Cube in it.

It has to do with who gets top billing. Clooney was the biggest star so he gets to go first, and Ice Cube was just a rapper trying to get into acting so he went last. Of course this is never really thought about when doing promotional art so you get this type of weird shit. But it makes sense composition wise. You want Clooney in the center, not on the left.


Kelly's Heroes was better.

ice cube is pretty chill
stop browsing Sup Forums it's bad for you man, now it's just advertising, like Sup Forums but bad for your brain, actually nvm both boards are pretty bad for you

actually just do what you want
but you'll get over Sup Forums, we all did eventually, unless you're new, actually, you should go to Sup Forums, it's funnier there, all the newfags go to Sup Forums, actually Sup Forums is pretty shitty now with the moderation but it was good back then

you know what, nvm

Yeah he might seem likeable in movies but he is a douchebag. He bullied Leo Di Caprio. You must be an asshole to do that

>he might seem likeable in movies

Honestly, I don't even see how people can think he's likeable in movies. Most of the time he's about as charismatic as Steven Seagal, even when his character is supposed to be really likeable.

You're thinking of bad company, a vidya game

Leo deserves to be bullied the bear deserves the Oscar


It was an alright movie but kellys heroes is the winner

I haven't seen it in many many years but I remember thinking it was alright.

To this day I keep wondering how the fuck did Marky Mark get to be an A-list actor. His only genuinely good movie is Boogie Nights.

gulf war kino
>"stop calling them sand niggers and dune coons, towel heads and camel jockeys are perfectly fine substitutes"
it was a different time

Vic made the movie desu
All I remember is him aND how he was Neebs before Neebs

I'm black and i hate Ice-Cube or any rapper singer in movies.

Mark Walberg and Clooney suck dick.
