ITT: movies women, gay people and millenials will NEVER understand

ITT: movies women, gay people and millenials will NEVER understand.

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Like any intelligent, forward thinking citizens of the 21st century, my wife and I are feminists. And like any feminists we were shocked and disgusted by this movie.

Both the main character (Jiro) AND the narrator are male! If alarms aren't going off in your head so far you're probably a bigot. Things became more and more repulsive as the movie played on. All of the supporting characters are male! And even worse, almost every single character in the movie is male!

I don't care if this is a documentary. My wife left the room in tears at the end of the first hour during a particularly sickening scene where Jiro serves a room full of customers. He says (not an exact quote) "I made the meals smaller for the women and larger for the men so that everyone would finish at the same time." Things like this would be expected in a film about Adolf Hitler or Winston Churchill (both disgusting sexist pigs)but in a movie about food it was just chilling. And that wasn't even the worst part! The women in the room appeared (probably special effects or movie magic of some type) TO APPROVE OF THIS. Can you believe that?

My wife won't talk about it and I'm not sure I could if I wanted to. I finished the movie with tears in my bloodshot eyes. I can't believe we've advanced so far as a society and women are still seen as being gutter scum.

Anyone forward thinking enough to simply be on the internet, to find this movie, to read this review, will be disgusted by the brutally sexist assault on your senses and common decency this movie has gotten away with.

Jiro is a delusional old man. His son runs the business and makes better sushi.

So people who have and will never have to work hard for anything in their lives? Sounds about right

You faggots keep talking shit about millenials when you are mostly Generation Z yourselves. And what you really mean when you say this stuff is Generation Z.

>some cunt is so narrow-minded, all he gives a flying fuck about is running a place that serves sushi, instead of occasionally thinking about the Grand Scheme of Things and just how fucking ridiculous he looks in the broader scope: The Movie

Is peeling the reddish for five years really necessary for making food that tastes good? I don't mind hard work but especially with the older generation it's hard work for hard work's sake

I want to save up a few thousand dollars just so I can fly over there, find that little sushi bar, order the most elegant, expensive item there, then just slather ketchup all over that shit as I watch the light slowly fade from his eyes

Did you write this now, is it pasta, or is it an actual review posted somewhere?

why not gay people?

t. homo

Fuck your soulless gook shit.

I'd literally kill my old man in his sleep if he ever said this shit to me.

I want to punch that smug cunt in his cunt fucking face until the cunt is nothing but cunt sushi

yes nobody ever makes mistakes, i bet this guy has never been hugged

>stopping after two nukes was a mistake

im living in japan and it sucks man this place fucking sucks
there isnt even 1 remotely good thing about japanese food
they just do raw cuts of meat because they all cant cook for shit, their food is so fucking bad. just low quality meats and noodles/rice. fucking vegetables are like a mystery to them, and fruits, you like paying 10 bucks for like 10 strawberries ? yeah good luck with japan, fucking place sucks

ohh and dont get me fucking started about how fucking NASSSTYYYY the motherfuckers are, old ass men just digging into their noses in public nobody bats an eye, everyone walking around sick all the time and NOBODY WASHES THEIR HANDS. most places dont even have hot water when you wash your hands, fucking hygiene nonexistent

He's almost at mummy stage in the documentary, your cunt sushi would most look like jerky and lack flavour.

>t. millenial otherkin fags

Lol same, I too live in Japan and this is true.
But at least I can crack open a beer in the street and go to boob touch bars

b8 but still, Tokyo has more Michelin-starred restaurants than Paris and New York combined. Even Osaka has heaps.

You're just a pleb.

>top reviewer on Rotten Tomatoes

>Living on Honshuu

Wait. This shit is real!? Tried to Google it, but Jewgle says it's an illegal request.

>live in the backwater parts of any country
>complain about the food
What did you expect nigger?

>Implying I'm him
The food where I live is great, right on the bay so there is really cheap and fresh seafood. And its the sticks so its authentically flavored stuff.
But the hygiene is bad

t. coddled millennials who still live at home

he work so huuurd at stupid shit that doesn't matter. I bet you're a mike rowe fan too hahaha

Its a fine line between tough love and neglect. Clearly a parent should take interest and be supportive of their child, they fucking made the thing. But living with your mom at 30 because you never got a job isnt any better. Jiro clearly has parental issues, as does anyone else that clames supporting your child is coddeling them. A failure of balance is a generational thing, kids learning how to be shitty parents from theirs and so on.

pretty sure that was a major point of the movie though. and most of the dudes in the film where well aware of all of that.

Better do dat dere antihelminthics every 6 months, bro.

Did you start this thread just to post this? If so, not bad at all, (YOU)

I'm pretty certain that you are millenials aswell

holy shit it's real...

it's not like amazon reviews are populated with satirical pieces.

>people like this actually exist

I watched this after Robin Hanson recommended it as justification for his favorite dystopia, but Jiro is a miserable cunt and there's something wrong with you if you think he has a good life.

Instead watch Bill Cunningham New York (also recommended by the virtual slavery guy). Bill actually seems to enjoy what he does.

Unless you're in your mid to late 30's, you're a millennial too, by most definitions. And if that's the case, you are also far more likely to be a cuck

>Adolf Hitler or Winston Churchill (both disgusting sexist pigs)
Explaining it ruins it imo.

4/10 - not bad overall, but needs a lot of plishing

what about Fergie?


Checked out his other reviews. Thankfully it just seems to be a troll. But I was scared for a moment.

why are people so upset by this?
I agree it's an arrogant, shortsighted and unreasonable thing to say but he's just some guy in a documentary

This isn't your dad talking. (Or is it?)

Its from a Troll amazon account that leaves fresh pastas like these in the review section