
>but Adam can't
Because he's a gay bottom furry.

Other urls found in this thread:


as if it's bad

because he's not a reviewer, he's a dogfucker.

YMS, CinemaSins, etc. don't actually know anything substantial about cinema and film making to make any real criticism about movies, so they resort to click bait nitpicking to make it seem like they know more than they actually do, which is jack shit.

He spent 10 minutes autistically breaking down the way the fucking title card for Syncecdoche, New York fades in and out and how genius it was. He's retarded

also a meth addict

He apologized for it literally in the next video after everyone got mad and pointed out it was just layers blending. That was still pretty dumb tho.

To be fair he does say inn the review that the only reason he got so annoyed with it was because the director made bullshit claims.

Whining and nitpicking so much on a low budget flick while making a video can't be very good for an already damaged individual. People tend to like his stuff though so I guess he is simply a symptom of a disease.

People don't watch his videos to "learn" about film you autists, they watch them for entertainment because he's funny and good at mocking bad films.

Wouldn't surprise me. Meth is a big deal in the gay "community".

>adam is right so Sup Forums cries
love it.

give me a quick rundown on adam

Cinemasins has never pretended to be an insightful review, its just a for a laugh.

Agree. Too bad this one wasn't nearly as funny as Host, Cool Cat, After Earth or Fateful Findings, which to be fair is a pretty easy target since Breen is just amazing by himself without even editing.

Which is kinda sad, since his next one is Childhood Trauma, which I am sure will be just boring just like 2 parts before that.
He needs to do the Visit. One of his, in my opinion best review traits, is that he actually watches the interviews, listens to commentary tracks and reads production reports to call out bullshit or explain certain bullshit in the movies and since I watched those interviews on Visit too, I can attest to him having a ton of material to make fun of.

his videos are fairly entertaining but he barely uploads anything and has voiced some stupid opinions outside of his videos

>unironically thinks it's okay to fuck animals

advertising, reported.

How come killing and eating an animal is more ethical than raping it?

Agree with all of that, yeah. Frozen was not as funny as some of the others. Megan is Missing is one of the best ones imo, but it's also an easy target 2bh

they dont actually want to think about what he was saying in that video, they just want to clutch their MUHDEGENERACY pearls and pretend he literally fucks dogs instead of realizing it was a thought experiment

because as a species we had to kill animals and eat meat and it became acceptable and natural, fucking animals on the other hand never has and never will be acceptable.

It was a thought experiment to begin normalizing dog fucking

Reminder that this guy is a raging SJW who absolutely despises all corporations, even though he's profiting from them.

Reminder that he endorsed Mozilla Firefox firing Brendan Eich because he donated to an anti-gay marriage bill. This is the guy who created javascript, and he lost his job because of disgusting, gay filth like YMS doesn't think he's progressive enough.

Reminder that he shits on Cinemasins and other commentary style reviewers for reviewing films the exact same way he does, but he likes to boast about being more akin to RLM's more thoughtful, thorough reviews.

He is a dead set idiot.

the gay ''comunity''?!

he is much more simmilar to the nostalgia critic than rlm lol

>despises all corporations
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
>Reminder that he endorsed Mozilla Firefox firing Brendan Eich because he donated to an anti-gay marriage bill.
Well, Adam's as queer as a 3$ bill so I don't see what's supposed to be that surprising.

>Why is it that RLM is able to actually teach something about movies but Adam can't?
To teach you first need to know and understand it.

>Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Yes. What are you, a hobo?

>Well, Adam's as queer as a 3$ bill so I don't see what's supposed to be that surprising.
You can be both gay and intelligent. He is completely devoid of the latter.

I don't care about his sexuality. What annoys me is that him and seemingly 90% of online "critics" know jack shit about cinema. Look at my attached picture, the guy has hardly seen anything pre-2000, and he just saw Citizen Kane for the first time a couple weeks ago. Him, Chris Stuckmann, and the rest of them aren't critics, hell they aren't even film buffs.

Just watch Goodbadflicks exploring Frozen, much better than this vid from Adam

He tried to justify this in a Q&A Video by saying old movies aren't as good as newer ones because they lacked better technology. He also admits he never went to any sort of film school and all his knowledge comes from DVD extras and Mr Plinkett.

I don't really consider it a community given the fact that when sodomizing each other and dumping a hot poz load in a neg hole doesn't make you a community.

>going to film school
>not going to film

[citation needed]
I recall him literally saying how retarded it is to judge an old movie harshly just based on the technical merits

You'll have to trudge through these + the following parts:



Says plenty of really stupid shit.

This guy looks like Morticia Addams

k, will look through them when I have time
for now just to prove I didn't pull that out of my ass
at 30:33

I'm confused, it seems like he just said you should watch film without caring about their limitations. The worst thing about this is he called Pi (1998) "old".

>Why is it that RLM is able to actually teach something about movies but Adam can't?
Because he's copying them without knowing how to do anything other than nitpick.

>made a review of both Bad Liutenant films
>barely even knew who Werner Herzog was

What a fucking hack.

He has really poor taste in film, but then again so do most "film critics" on Youtube.
I watch him as background noise because he's not too annoying and occasionally he can make something funny. And I like his top 10 lists as recommendations for obscure films to watch.
He's watchable and he does fine at trashing bad movies but if you want in-depth reviews you are better off looking somewhere else.
Oh and he's a Canadian furfag who unironically justifies dog fucking but you probably know about that. And personally I don't really care about his sexual preferences I just think he's lazy and has poor taste overall.

He's such a pathetic waste of sperm. He's never had a boyfriend and just sits in his room, wanking to cartoon animals. He then pisses and moans about lonely he is to a few hundred on his livestreams, some of whom pay to talk to this shithead. He's a complete narcissist and doesn't do jack shit to improve his life. He is everything that is wrong with our society today.

>tfw the earliest cave paintings were hunters fucking animals
Not even memeing. Look it up.