President Trump is an American terrorist who must resign now - George Takei

>President Trump is an American terrorist who must resign now - George Takei

He's say anything to stay relevant I see

>it's yet another "triggered Sup Forums" episode

>ywn punch OP in the face

>I spend my time getting butthurt over anything a celebrity says that I don't agree with


I cannot comprehend why someone would ever take seriously what a celebrity says

Better go jerk off some younger guys on the Howard Stern show again, these are your role models degenerate liberals.

A celebrity?
Like Trump?

Post the webm of takei jerking off the guy on howard stern

>He's say
>He is say

you're fired. Put all the memes on the desk on your way out... and the little one too.

How long is this shit going to continue
Are you going to have to endure it every fucking day for the remainder of his term?
Do these fags have nothing better to do than trawl the media looking to get offended?
Literally SJW-tier retardation

because hundreds of thousands of people are exposed to their words and there are plenty of lesser people who will take anything a celeb they like says at face value

expressing discontent with something is not a shameful act, and if you think it is, you're being conditioned to raise sheep for kids


>click on link
>ctrl + f "internment camp"
>1 result

like clockwork, this never misses an opportunity to mention he was in an internment camp in WWII


First time I see him mentioning it, even though I already knew about it

cry more

>it's a Sup Forums wanders out of its echochamber and gets butthurt by differing opinions rerun

the mean celebrities don't understand reality is supposed to be a safe space >____

>How long is this shit going to continue
People still want to "win" so until something else gets cool besides politics

Everyone in this thread is butthurt. Everyone in this whole board is butthurt.

except me

Surely this is the end of the Drumpf right? Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>Donald Trump is a terrorist, he must resign.
>Bah gawd, that's Mike Pence's music!

This, the sexist fascist racists are really really angry despite winning the election, trust me I'm clairvoyant male-feminist and I know better. Anyone that has opinions that hurt my feelings is really angry

>tfw didn't save any CTR piccolo pastas for some meta-shitposting

What are some movies about puppets?

This. The butthurt SJW rich millionaire who voiced his opinion in a rational way is really angry. Anyone that has opinions that hurt my feelings is really angry