Did Ruby Rose got DIESEL'D?

Did Ruby Rose got DIESEL'D?

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look at her hand

>all of those shitty tats


I thought she was a bulldyke.

>implying lesbians doesn't enjoy a dick sometimes

>woman with no gender
>man with no race

What do they produce?


Here's their daughter (male)

vin diesel is gay so no

but apparently this man is even more gay

What did she mean by this?

jesus christ

She probably looks like a dude from behind so he's cool.

Someone kornheiser it.

I would ABSOLUTELY into her armpit.

>implying female and male backs dont look different

This pic would be better for that, it's practically premade

At least her girlfriends aren't buttugly dykes unlike so many of these other (((lesbians)))

Vin's gayer than she is.

axilla game on fleek 2bh

Not even criticizing tattoos in general but

What the fuck motivates Ruby to get THESE tattoos

its a color guide duh

Well at least she has one patrician tattoo on her entire body

not a single person in Sup Forums is patrician stop tossing this word around

Cut too deep there bud

That's a strange claim to make.

is that a periodic table of elements..

what's the porn fetish where you porn star fucks a lesbian and turns her straight

nigguh wtf did i just read?

how many on Sup Forums are legitimately rich? you need to be rich to be patrician

>not porn where a porn star fucks a straight girl and turns her lesbian

Implying Vin isn't a collossal homo who takes a steady diet of beefcake callboys in his trailer every day of filming.

t. someone who worked on XXX (the first one) while it filmed in prague.

>not porn where a lesbian rapes a straight women who never enjoys it and ends the video sobbing and disgusted with herself

That's a thick patch of hair on your neck there pal

>he doesnt like lesbian rape porn with a dash of humiliation


How does she know which one of them she's banging?

Is that Brendan on her arm?


>woman with no gender

She could be a qt with proper grooming, tattoo removal, and no dykeness

>Rose came out as a lesbian at the age of 12. Because of her sexuality, she suffered verbal taunts and physical abuse from her schoolmates, which led to a suicide attempt. She was also sexually abused as a child by a relative, and has bipolar disorder with a propensity towards clinical depression.

>With regard to childhood gender nonconformity, Rose said she wanted to be a boy while growing up and that she was saving up money to physically transition from female to male. She said, "It was in my mind as something I wanted to do and then I just... didn't. I guess I grew out of it. I even used to sleep on my front because I didn't want to get boobs ever, which I think worked actually." She stated that modelling led her to discover androgyny, and allowed her to model with different gender expressions. She recalled, "I remember being at a Yum Cha restaurant with my dad and the owner coming up and saying, 'Excuse me, we're trying to work out if you're a handsome boy or a beautiful girl.' It was a compliment and I was shocked, and when I thought about it I actually wanted to be a handsome boy".

>Rose is genderfluid, saying, "I am very gender fluid and feel more like I wake up every day sort of gender neutral." This announcement came approximately a week after she released Break Free, in which she visually transforms from a very feminine woman to a heavily tattooed man. Rose stated, however, that she prefers to continue using feminine pronouns. While if she had to choose a sex, she commented that she would choose to be male, she does not feel like she should have been born with different body parts. Seeing the desire her transgender friends had for transitioning, she asked herself if her need to transition matched theirs, and concluded that she is satisfied being gender neutral. "I think at this stage I will stay a woman but ... who knows. I'm so comfortable right now I feel wonderful about it, but I also fluctuate a lot," she added.

This. My friend is a lesbian and we fuck once in a while when we're bored. Dick is like a fun novelty for them.

I just mean, wouldn't 'person with no gender' the right way to say it?

she's not a man so vin has no interest in her.

>Vin Diesel


Story pls


Ruby Rose a qt

He probably extended his Corona belly out like a dick into her cunt.
She got

A baby with no face.

I had a Threeway with two lesbians when I was in college. I think it's easier for them to just fuck a guy for fun than it would be for a straight guy to fuck a dude for fun. They probably just think of us as sentient dildos. There's also the whole fake lesbian thing that lots of college girls do to experiment or look for attention or whatever. I dated one of those recently. Protip: Don't.

I am patrician!

Literally the "I was sexually abused as a child and my dad wasn't around" starter pack.


Look at them. You just KNOW they went shopping together. Vin Diesel is known as one of the BIGGEST spenders in Hollywood and Ruby Rose, frankly, I don't know who that is but she's probably not as rich as Vin so she must have enjoyed having a sugar daddy slash gay best friend pay her bills, carry her bags and listening to her troubles.

>Leonardo fan


that's not even that bad, the shitty tattoo of leo is a bigger offense. Like a kid drew it.

Eat shit nigger Leonardo is the best.

Only time i saw that was a video where Isis Love takes Skin Diamond home and blindfolds her and she sucks Isis' boyfriend off

"Fucking tumblr idiot" is the correct way to say it.

Hatred of her father/self.

>She was also sexually abused as a child by a relative, and has bipolar disorder with a propensity towards clinical depression.
Oh my god, no way...

It's like a "Who's Who" of red flags