If you look decent enough

if you look decent enough

How the hell do i know if i do?

you can have any girl with at least one of these things (no particular order)


good luck

maybe I'm wrong but in that scene Travies looked:

confident as fuck
well dressed
well spoken

If I were a woman and someone like that come to my job to ask me to have launch with me I would be flatterd and probably would accept. The least I would do if give him a chance to talk.
...but women are weird entities. Hey but worst think it could happen in that particular scene is getting a NO. Now the worst thing can happen is being accused or violating private space, been misoginy, talk rape, stare rape, get fired from your work, even some jail time.
Single guys are FUCKED, glad I already got a gf.

YES! I have a face and a dick.

Thank god SJW is non-existent in my counry, but im still fucked, since the girl i like work at the same place as i do, and i wouldn't be able to go there after rejection.

He had a gift of gab. She was also tired of Nu-male fucks like Albert Brooks

well he's a good looking guy and acts all mysterious and confident, women like that shit.
then he decided to take her to see a porno and fucked it all up

Rewatch this.

Girls will say "yes" to be nice. His outlandish approach method and strange demeanor took her off guard. At no point did he have a "chance", and he outright scared her off after the porno theater.


Do you look like DeNiro?

>Albert Brooks in the background keep watching over them and even peaks over

what the FUCK was his problem?

Seconded, she's practically bullying him and Albert Brooks is her bitchy fag sidekick. He just wins out on a pity date because he doesn't relent. Travis is not a cool guy.

he had no chance? why the fuck did she agree to go out with him then? she was definitely intrigued by him he just fucked it up when he took her to see a porno.

Look in the mirror

If you were a chick, would you fuck you?

I don't know about that, Cybil Shephard plays it as being genuinely intrigued up until the pork theater

not a chance in 2017

Never mix your personal life with your work environment!
You will end up screwed like that beta guy on 500 Days of Summer or worse.

Have you heard of this thing called Tinder?

As a nonwhite male do I have a chance getting a qt white girl?

doesn't really work that way. I'm hedious but girls like me for my personality.

I'm hideous shitskins with very weird personality and I've been with one qt white girl. But I prefer not racemixing for serious relationships.

No they don't. If you truly think that, you don't have a chance.

No, now leave our women alone you asshole.

I can't tell, cause im not a gay.
who am i lying to? I would fuck myself even if i wasn't chick. But seriously tho, i consider myself attractive, but then again, who doesn't?

yes I had ZERO chances in school and college. But once you are an adult, women see you different. Don't ask me why, I still haven't figured out.