ITT: we post video games with a certain atmosphere, and other anons recommend films that fit within the theme

ITT: we post video games with a certain atmosphere, and other anons recommend films that fit within the theme

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Just watch seven and then the matrix while turning the heat off.


Twin Peaks?

desu: I never made it out of the classroom in the first scene. :(


I prefer Celsius, ideally Kelvin

But that movie is garbage

so is the game


The Matrix.

I already watched Twin Peaks

i haven't played it but i guess any generic spooky scary mansion shit would do

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Evil Dead


I just started playing this tonight, and like said, TCM is huge influence.

I know you are just trying to shit on the game, but do you have any good spooky mansion movies to recommend? I feel like its a generic plot but I'm struggling to think of one besides Disney's Haunted Mansion and House on Haunted Hill.

I didn't mean to come across as harsh. Is RE7 good? I pirated it but haven't got around to launching it.

Here's a great movie inkeeping with what you're looking for

Im only about half way through but I'm loving it. They have the atmosphere down so even the backtracking is suspenseful. All I could think was how great the plot could have been for a movie, which I never think about video games.

how scary is it/10?

i scare easily

>Resident Evil

There is constant creaking and noises throughout the game. Its like you are always just waiting for something to pop out. Have you played PT? If so, think that.


rouge one


Neither did I, because the dialog and writing were so fucking awful.

This is quite similar in a lot of ways, not setting or storywise though. Made me feel as terrible as LiS did too.

I don't play videogames

Eraserhead felt exactly like Silent Hill did to me.

why post in this thread then faggot

Austin Powers

Dark Souls?

That game is crazy comfy.

recently pirated this game.

love the idea and similar games but the executions is amateurish and atmosphere is dead

Hard mode: No Lynch

Are you retarded?

No, are you?

This right here.

hard one

Blade Runner

kek I remember this thread


pandorum is the closest I can think of

this game almost triggered my second existential crisis

yea it's interactive kino


>goes from interesting murder mystery to full retard Mayan prophecy garbage

so, movies that turn to shit in the second half?


its like one long twilight zone episode its fucking amazing.

Also the homonculus is fucking creepy. I would love to see this made into a film

>that part where he mentions how he had to carry a baby the other day

agreed. its arguably the only time-travel story in any media that doesn't suck. it's made by guys behind Silent Hill, its got 7 endings and its essentailly a not-shitty walking sim from 15 years ago.

Avoid the PSP version since it has completely re-done voice acting that is shit tier.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Hard mode: no Batman movies or capeshit

Trying to play this but desu whenever this comes up I get ready to quit and go do something else

Hard mode: The film must also match the quality of this game.

be a shitty sequel?


Every shitty stupid film ever made.

Try this:
Hard mode: Not Funny Games.


I mean it's considered one of the RPG masterpieces but yeah ok


kill bill

Donnie Darko

The Hills Have Eyes

Black Dynamite

Sorry meant for


Saving Private Ryan

Forrest Gump


If anyone has a film like it they get a gold star

Shouldn't Hard Mode be no Fight Club?

Come on, I know someone has some dark russian films to suggest for this game.

Freddy Got Fingered

Hitman especially part 2
Hard mode: No Jean-Reno

Never played it but try Come and See if you want dark Russian films

i've never played journey but i'm going to say stalker anyway


>Freddy Got Fingered is a 2001 American black comedy film
Wow sounds perfect
Sounds like a good match, here is a screenshot so you get a feel for it.


Super hard mode: GOTHIC 1 (and possibly 2)

Les Miserables.

Films with metaphors and shit.

it's such a hilarious game but fuck I love it

I know about se7en and prisoners (jake gyllenhaal)

watch donnie darko and then watch all the seasons of gilmore girls, it's as close as you're going to get to life is strange desu

How on earth have I never heard of this game?

True Blood

Apocalypse Now.


Mini series when?

>its a tunnel episode


Aged suprisingly well, if you can get over the visuals. You will need a hotfix to fix game not loading proeprly after mission 2, or something like that. And there is the unofficial coop campaign released by devs as a mod.

Great game, honestly.

>chilling in your hooch inbetween missions, reading the diaries, listening to music
>test firing new weapons on the range
>having actual squad with their own abilities, using the radio dude
>pointman spotting boobytraps for you

The one mission that stood out and that I remember to this day was some stealth night-time POW rescue. It was tough as shit.


any movie with a Pro-War message.

That POW mission was a real pain in the ass, not to mention how buggy it was. Still a great game.

Unfortunately i couldnt get the game work on Windows 7

dark city

memories of a murder

This is what you need my man

I'll give it a try

Y'know there's actually an area in Journey that's reminiscent of that one shot from Stalker I keep seeing.

Any films that deal in a humorous heavy metal blood n' guts aesthetic will do.

Deathgasm is a perfect example.


Evil Dead 2





Silent Hill 1
>The Mist
Silent Hill 2
>Blue Velvet
>The Shining

The Seventh Seal