What are the BEST films/tv about Private Investigators/Detectives??

Anything good like Chinatown. Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:

L.A. Confidential

Technically True Detective.

Night Moves and The Long Goodbye are two of my favorite kinos ever, so try those.

Not P.I.s but True Detective, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, and L.A. Confidential have very similar tones. Love all three.



Wow, I've never heard of this. Sounds tight.

It's very well filmed but it could have been better. They dropped the ball on the ending imo

It's pretty suspensfull regardless

>in b4 muh True Detective meme

Try The Maltese Falcon, L.A. Confidential, Insomnia, or The Big Sleep.

Something about Mary

Add Out of the Past in this list and you're good.

>try these 4 movies everyone ever watched

Sup Forums kids being helpful as always.

Is this a thinly veiled noir thread?
If so take a look at the big sleep.

Lord of Illusions
a paranormal x noir movie

You don't know that. Don't be a pompous faggot and contribute to the thread.

The asphalt jungle is really good.

This one's not serious at all so I'm not sure if it's what you want, but it's comfy kino.

And on the same note.

The Naked City

shane black is detective kino king

Classic Noir based on Hammet & Chandler novels. That's what Chinatown is a homage to btw.

>everyone ever watched
Have you had a look at Sup Forums threads? There are at max 5 people posting here, that watched any movie before 1970.

Not private detectives, you retard. PI crime fiction is a subgenre in itself.

The very first HBO production was the miniseries Philip Marlowe, Private Eye adapting Raymond Chandlers short stories with Powers Boothe in the lead as Marlowe
Has an amazing opening:

These two faggots beat you to it. I bet they haven't watched a legit film noir in their lives.

>have very similar tones.
that tone is called film noir you pleb

yeah, that might be true.

The Big Sleep
Angel Heart
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
L.A. Confidential
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
The Thin Man series
Devil in a Blue Dress

>Angel Heart
I liked it, it had good direction and acting, but if you expect a classic noir or generally private investigator story you will be disappointed.
Just saying..

Murder, My Sweet
Lady in the Lake
- Dick Powell and Robert Montgomery aren't quite up there with Bogart but they're pretty good
The Long Goodbye
- Elliot Gould as a shambolic anachronistic Marlowe is something else
Farewell, My Lovely
- Robert Mitchum

Double Indemnity
Out of the Past
Lady from Shanghai
Key Largo
Third Man
Touch of Evil
Beat the Devil
The Friends of Eddie Coyle
Devil in a Blue Dress

Inherent Vice

Blade Runner

The Long Goodbye

The Big Sleep


The Big Lebowski


For the most part it does play like any traditional private dick story.

Sure sure. That's why I liked it and I am not saying it's a bad recommendation. I personally wasn't prepared for where it went with the story and I didn't appreciate that much.