What the hell did I just watch?

What the hell did I just watch?

A David Cronenberg movie






Julianne Moore still being hot and female autism

Jesus, she looks so old, I almost feel bad for fapping to her so many times. And you can see that she's using skin toned underwear in the first webm, who let this hit the big screen.

one of the most disturbing films of all time.

some shitty cgi fire

Don't feel bad, pretty sure she enjoys it.

A standard story of unaware egos and obsessive revenge.

I liked it, desu. Mia and Cusack were great.

the cheapness of the cgi flames added to the disturbing nature imo

>ywn get bludgeoned to death by this qt. Why live?

fugly roastie

>maps to the stars
>not a sci fi

lol 2randum4me

Cronenberg thought he was making some insightful movie about Hollywood and fame. Turns out he doesn't know satire from his asshole and should stick to body Horror. I wish he'd adapt Charles Burns' BLACK HOLE.

>wipes from behind

Cronenberg being sick of being that body horror guy so his films are wordy moving theater now. See Metropolis, A Dangerous Method and this

One of the best films of Cronenberg. Top 3, certainly

I don't think this was a satire. I think he's trying to expose the creeps that run hollywood. John Cusak was a scientology/CIA spook who was using mind control on Julianne Moore. He was married to his sister, which implies the whole "elite inbreeding" of the upper class. It had more of a conspiracy theory tinge to it than anything else.

Is this any good? I normally like Cronenberg

Fuck. Sounds like I won't enjoy this one then. On another note the Freud one made me cringe from start to finish. That woman's acting was horrific.

I was hoping he'd turn towards the direction of Eastern Promises which was great.