Films that get better with each viewing

Films that get better with each viewing.

Other urls found in this thread: vs real life


pick one weeb

>and stay there.

You're the only bringing up cartoons.

This is the television and film board.

*only one

That's neither television nor film. It's a Pleby cartoon for depressed Asian children.

I only brought it up because you posted an image of a shitty weeb cartoon.

You are confused about something here. Your Name is a theatrical feature film that has nothing to do with cartoons and isn't aimed at children.

I'm not OP, and he didn't post an image of a shitty weeb cartoon, whatever that means. Maybe your browser has a caching issue and is showing you the wrong image.

It's an anime children's film.

Quality still looks like shit.

>theatrical feature film

Yes and Goku is going to win the Oscar for best actor.
Fuck off pleb.

No it's showing me a picture of a cartoon called "your name"?
Isn't there an imageboard here for discussing cartoons?

Leave films to the adults.

It's not aimed at children.

It factually is a theatrical feature film. It was released for theatres and is 107 minutes long.

Well don't you think he deserves it after Cell stole it from him last time?

This is far more suited for Sup Forums than it is for here.

Wow really activating my almonds.

Maybe there is a cartoon called Your Name, but OP is talking about an anime movie called Your Name.

This is the television and film board. I don't see what the problem is.

> anime
Yes, there is a board for that and it is not here. You would just discuss it on that board but you're probably trying to shill it here.

>anime movie

So a cartoon for babbies?

I'm not OP, and why would anyone shill it here? It's already the highest grossing anime movie of all time.

This is again the television and film board and Your Name is a film so I again do not see what the problem is supposed to be.

No. You must be confusing it with something else.

Sup Forums usually isn't bothered about chink cartoon movies being posted here. Not sure what you're all sperging about.


Why should I go to Sup Forums?

>It's already the highest grossing anime movie of all time.
Stupid platitudes like this are always the hallmark of a shill.
>Hi I'm not a shill but this movie is awesome all the critics agree. spend money on it.

It's not a platitude, it's a factual statement (assuming the news about its gross are correct). You need to seriously consider psychiatric help if you think I'm the OP and working for the US distributor.

Okay, you've convinced me. I'll get the ticket to Your Name TM tomorrow!

Alright pleb

Again, this has nothing to do with cartoons. Your Name is an anime movie, and not whatever it is that you're confusing it with.

Anime is trash made for little kids but attracts the attention of autistic manchildren

By this logic everything is trash made for little kids but attracts the attention of autistic manchildren.

Jackie Brown

Anime is trash but once more you autists have your own board you could have posted this on.

why is anime always about school children, even the supposedly adult ones

This is the television and film board. Your Name is a film. An original film made for general audiences and screened in many countries. There's no reason why it can't be posted here.

>why is anime always about school children
It isn't.

That's not logic

Japan is full of pedos. Literally every anime ever is about children with powers or abilities that end up fighting God or whatever. Anime as a whole is stupid and cringey.

It's wrong in any case.

Most anime characters are teenagers, not children, and they don't look like real people. And you're the one arguing here that if a movie has a child character in it then it must be automatically pedophilic, which makes you the pedophile.

>Literally every anime ever is about children with powers or abilities that end up fighting God or whatever.
Literally a tiny minority. I can't even think of any anime that fit that description.

>Anime as a whole is stupid and cringey.
Then so is everything else.

God just fuck off you cartoon pleb

> There's no reason why it can't be posted here.
2.) No one here watches children's films
3.) every comment ITT is a variation of fuck off

I didn't say anything about cartoons.

This is, again, the television and film board. Your Name is, again, a film.

>2.) No one here watches children's films
Your Name isn't a children's film, and it doesn't say anywhere that children's films are not allowed.

This movie is a stupid children's cartoon.
>muh complex anime plot
Yes, you're right. Everything can be for adults. MLP is for adults too. You're right.

anime with kids always involves sexualizing the characters

>tiny minority
Evangelion, what is possibly the most recognizable one, involves that.

>not cartoons

>No one here watches children's films

TDKR, Star Wars, Capeshit... These are for ADULTS?


>animation is strictly for children
Grow up retards.

Honestly they should join OP on Sup Forums.

It has nothing to do with cartoons and it isn't aimed at children.

>muh complex anime plot
I didn't say anything about the complexity of the plot. I haven't even watched it yet.

>MLP is for adults too.
MLP is specifically made for children.

>anime with kids always involves sexualizing the characters
No they don't. You're the one making everything sexual and refusing to see characters in anything other than sexual terms. Even IMAX theatres don't project this hard.

>Evangelion, what is possibly the most recognizable one, involves that.
They're teenagers, not children, and Evangelion is a single show.

>not cartoons
Obviously not. They're two completely distinct forms of animation.

You're no different than the faggots from MLP who would invade other boards and talk about how their children's cartoon was REALLY made for adults.

Then this board dies. Every post becomes a shitty meme




I didn't start this thread, and Your Name is on-topic here, has nothing to do with cartoons and was not made for children.

>people moaning about this

If you think it's against the rules, report it. Remember, all false reports are against the rules.

>refusing to see the characters in sexual terms
There's an entire genre called ecchi, isn't there?

In the Japanese version they are referee to as "children"

>completely distinct
How? Totally Spies is a cartoon and looks like any generic animeā„¢

It is a cartoon and you are fooling yourself if you think anime is for well-functioning adults.

>There's an entire genre called ecchi, isn't there?
Yes, but so what? You're the one saying here that children are automatically sexual. Ecchi anime does not commonly involve child characters, and even then they're not real children or representation of real children. They're fantasy characters that have nothing to do with real children.

>In the Japanese version they are referee to as "children"
They're teenagers in junior high.

I could probably write two books on the topic. They have practically nothing in common and have an enormous range of differences with completely different foundations.

>Totally Spies is a cartoon and looks like any generic anime
It's modeled after anime, but it doesn't pass for anime. And something isn't automatically a cartoon just because it's made outside Japan.

It's an anime movie. It has nothing to do with cartoons.

Also, anime is also for well-functioning adults. Your Name is by now I think the fourth or third highest grossing movie of all time in Japan, everyone watched it.

Anime is a cartoon. It's children's scribbles.

Anime and cartoons are completely different things, and anime is mostly not made for children.

This is dream logic on par with "apples are only for Norwegians."

>well-functioning adults

okay bro

This is SJW-tier mental gymnastics.

japan was a mistake

>everyone who dislikes my manchildren's cartoon is an SJW ;-;

I wasn't talking about any "manchildren cartoons," and what I actually said was that the mental gymnastics employed in are SJW-tier.

Anime > Capeshit

prove me wrong

Reading comprehension mother fucker, do you know it?

anime isnt for children because the japs have taste like children.

mccdonalds is proper dining for adults because american adults eat there.

i don't think anyone disagrees with that

there are plenty of anime kinos that decimate literally any cape flick

On a related note, Kinema Junpo--Japan's oldest film magazine--picked the anime movie In This Corner of the World as the year's best movie, and its director was picked as the year's best director. Readers also voted it the year's best.

Strange that such a prestigious magazine would select a "children's cartoon" as the year's best movie.

Ripoff of Remember11.


why does anime make japanese cities look so whimsical when every real picture of them looks like a depressing shithole?

why are jap movies so sappy and gay these days

They can fix imperfections, use more vibrant colors and pick whatever season and weather they like, so of course they often end up looking better. vs real life

>mfw sub-human plebs here don't watch anime

That would be FMJ for me. I can't really explain it.


I wanna see this but I have a feeling it wont even get a release here

>the Oscars are a scale to determine the nature of a audiovisual product
wew, too many burguers in your bloodstream


only two nukes was a mistake

>I'm too hardcore for Sup Forums starters pack

I wonder what happened to /tv. You can't have a discussion anymore about films unless it's a thread about unfunny, stupid memes. If I was a mod every shitposter whould be banned from all boards. Sup Forums must be cleansed from these plebs.


best movie of 2016

where can i ilegaly download this movie?

OP you go BTFO real hard here. I haven't seen the film/cartoon/anime or whatever you call it. What can i expect and why exactly does 'it get better with each viewing' though?

Yes, i watched a couple of animes too: FMAB, Cowboy Bebop, Eva, and Steins Gate. Probably a couple of features, so i don't mind seeing one or two these here.


Contrived plot to fit it's bullshit story (and desperately trying to connect to Japanese themes).

Literally no interesting characters. And barely an interesting dilemma. And what the fuck was that pacing? It starts exciting, but then it goes NOWHERE.

I haven't seen it yet but it has at least gotten very good reviews. 97% (36/37) on RT, 80 on Metacritic, 9.35 on MAL (113K users). So most people like it.