
Go back to your bell tower Quasimodo, stop scaring the village folk

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damn that bitch ugly!

Whats next for my beauty of lancaster?

What leaks?

You're show is shit. I wonder if the normies will finally realise this after how awful this season will be

Good job confirming all the leaks were true! (We already knew that from set pics but still.)

arya kills littlefinger.jpg

>implying normies care of quality in TV-shows

The only season that was legit quality was the first, and that wasn't mainstream.

This can't be happening!

>it really upsets me to have series spoiled

try being a fan of the books

What's got Quasimodo stirred up?

Whenever a leak occurs D&D pour hot wax on her.

A show for kids spoiled lol. Who cares honestly? I bet is PR work.

would still smash tbqh


be honest, you would smash anything even a cuttlefish


jon gets expired khaleesi pucci


i dont care
i dont even watch game of plebs


Fucking hell, can they fuck this show up any more? Arya is already and insufferable, plot-armored little cunt. Do they really have to have her kill off one of the only interesting, non-bullshit "muh ancient blood and magic" characters left?

Her first scene in the next season will using a mask to pretend to be Walder Frey and poisoning all his sons and grandsons.

let him die, after the lobotomy he got last year its impossible to save the character

What current shows do you enjoy? bet you wont answer

>people still watch GoT
Why? What kind of pleb do you have to be?
I refuse to believe anyone still watches it and thinks "Yes, this is a good show and the quality didn't drop at all".


He's probably the best character left on the show

>Jon surrenders the North to Dany in exchange for pussy

>Jon gets impregnated by Dany
>he gladly accepts his fate as her broodmare

The only thing confirmed was her killing Littlefinger, which was pretty obvious when they said a major character was being killed in Ep. 2 or 3 that involved Sansa.

The leaks that were spread around and posted all over from Reddit are pure fanfiction, nothing matches up with anything that has happened in the books regarding some prophecies and how things are playing out.

>the lannisters conquer dorne and high garden

>Olenna kills herself with poison after confessing to Jaime that she killed joffrey

>cersei has a miscarriage

>nothing matches up with anything

>Good job confirming all the leaks were true! (We already knew that from set pics but still.)

>Leaks have Jaime go North to fight
>Suddenly he's in High Garden fighting Oleanna and the Tyrells for Cersei
>She was on Dany's boat along with the Dornish

Yeah fake as fuck. At least try to have some consistency in the leaks.

Also OP at least try with the font choice if you're gonna change shit for shitposting.

Idiot, damn near everything has been confirmed. The return of Gendry confirmed with set pics, the expedition north confirmed with pics, etc.

> nothing matches up with anything that has happened in the books
Who gives a shit about the books anymore?

they conquer dorne and high garden early on.

jaime doesn't go north until around ep 7.

There are only 8 Episodes this Season. If that were the case then the last episode is just them fighting a Polar Bear and the Wall breaks.

Even then, the leaks are too much for 8 Episodes to go through even at a damn good pacing.

>A tv show made from fucking books written decades ago
>Crying about leaks

lol wut

so what all leaks have there been so far?

The books aren't even finished.

>euron kills the sand sneks

show has overtaken the books you tard
the fat fuck writes at a snail's pace

>the fat fuck writes

You're in denial

GRRM writes all the time about football

>watching that retarded shit
>calling another user tard

>arya kills littlefinger

>not understanding the basics of what you're talking about
>not a tard

So they're definitely going with their own ending for the show. The Aegon reveal is by far one of the dumbest things that makes the littlest sense possible.

It was just his clone.

D&D are gonna bring out the rocket dicks and Zombie Ramsay.

>Viseryion dies

That's kind of depressing, I like those little shit Wyverns, why couldn't they just give him a normal fucking Ice Dragon that he just happens to have? Not like anything else makes fucking sense anymore.

The same 'leaks' happened before Season 6 which all turned out to be false, which to be fair we later did get actual real leaks, but these are the same leaks by the same source as the Season 6 fake leaks.

Not buying it.

>he doesnt know about the teleporter

Arya stole it, so her "nothin' personnel kid" delivery has more impact

Bran actually steals it and is using it to transport into the past, where you find out he's actually Bran the Builder, but he's also Jon, who is also the Night King, who is also Stannis

>which all turned out to be false


they all turned out to be true.

She now knows how people who can read feel

Not those. We had leaks before that as well from the same source as the ones we are getting now that turned out to be false before we got those.

So I'm betting against these particular spoilers we'll probably get the actual spoilers around the end of April.

>dany kills samwell's father and brother with fire

there's 3 dragons and only 2 people to ride them so one has to die.

>Even then, the leaks are too much for 8 Episodes to go through even at a damn good pacing.
Haven't you seen the last season? They will put an stupid and slow build up and in 2 episodes everything will be solved in a 2 minute plot with nothing but shock value



desu I don't care about spoilers for the show, they won't be the same ones as the books which is what really matters but even then I don't really give a fuck about spoilers for the books because it is just taking too long. If I could read a summary of what will happen I would do it.

did the man cast the spell? did the wizard slay another dragon?
deary me

>If that were the case then the last episode is just them fighting a Polar Bear and the Wall breaks.

the wight bear that kills Thoros sets up the idea they can control animals too so it makes sense when Viserion comes back under the control of the Night's King.

RIPIP Viseryion

Another death to add to the list. How long before the rest of the dragons and direwolves kick the bucket because they cost too much?


>they won't be the same ones as the books

so naive

So let me get this straight.
>Arya kills littlefinger
Will she be wearing a mask?

Cause that is a meme dream come true.

He's right, the show has already strayed from the book to the point that its impossible certain things are gonna happen in the show that will happen in the books, let alone some of the prophesies and visions we've had for ages.

Also you know GRRM, he'll change the actual ending just to spite people. I wouldn't be surprised if the Night's King wins in the end in the books just because.

She's got a point, the people that end up leaking this stuff are autisticly obsessed with the series and will consume any of it's media regardless of quality. Why not just wait a month

The books are done.

He not dead yet.

That fat shit is just going to collect a check

>he thinks the books are done

Oh you naive little man. GRRM has had those books done for ages, he's just too lazy to actually release them because he changes a paragraph or two every fucking year.

>getting mad when someone dies in got

kill yourselves

>Le anyone can die in GOT, best show XD
Hello teenager, funny how Arya keeps plotarmouring her way out of it then.

Arya was always the only safe character in the entire show. She's GRRM's wife's favorite character.

According to his latest blog he has been writing and editing anything but winds of winter and now is stopping the side work to focus on it. I don't believe him, because he said that a year ago.

His dumbassery is the only thing keeping LJ alive right now.

When your mother abandoned you as an infant anyone else would have killed you. And THIS is my thanks?

littlefinger dying is real unfortunately

That implies the fat man will finish them before his impending coronary finishes him

No, they'll be released after his death and the ultimately irony is that ASOIAF even kills those in the real world.


>Big Dornish bodyguard dies in seconds by being stabbed in the back with a butter knife
>Arya survives like Wolverine after multiple stabs in her gut
>People still theorize on what's gonna happen in this shitshow

why would arya kill littlefinger

>nothing matches up with anything that has happened in the books
>the show as of last season is beyond the books
Wew lad

Betraying Sans to Rams?
Because he wants to rams Sans?
"you killed ma fahdah!!1!"


Why should I care what a hobbit wearing a potato sack thinks?


>GRRM was gonna have her die at the RW but his bitch wife told him no
no wonder her plotline is so boring and directionless

getting mad when people in it die, without the context to know if the death makes sense in the wider plot, is teenage as fuck

whining about plot armour is just as bad. the show is a made up story you putz. the sense of realism is there, but it is only an atmospheric realism.

>GRRM letting his no talent wife call the shots when he barely has any
>admitting this in public


>arya kills littlefinger
too cliche. white villain is gonna get killed by a stronk woman.

if cia is really gonna get killed then i'll root for the night king.

She's still going to be rich as fuck though. I wouldn't mind retiring in my early 20's

Actually that was never the case.

The original plans were basically this.

Jon, Arya, and Tyrion would have a love triangle with Jon and Arya getting together in the end.

Sansa would have had Joffrey's baby after marrying him.

Joffrey and Robb were originally going to actually fight, who would be killed by Tywin who would rescue Joffrey towards the end of the fight, only after Robb has maimed Joffrey.

Dany was actually going to come to Westeros far sooner, she was also the one who killed Khal Drogo for having killed Viserys.

The only five characters he intended to keep alive to the end were Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Bran, and Arya. Where it was basically a coming of age for all of them as they actively changed the world and its politics so that the Game of Thrones never happened again, with the battle against The Others happening at The Wall.

There is a lot of random shit that never made it in just besides that. Tyrion was the one who destroys Winterfell and killed Joffrey.

Jaime ended up murdering everyone and becoming King slowly, which included Bobby B as one of the murders.

are they doing flashback to young Ned? Is that him?

>Arya is supposed to be becoming beautiful in the books like Lyanna now that she is hitting puberty in the books
>she's still a dumpy little kid because her actress hasn't grown an inch at all despite years having passed in the show as well
