Le every man that hates gays is secretly gay himself propaganda

>le every man that hates gays is secretly gay himself propaganda

What did liberals mean by this?

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It was just one guy.

Honestly, who wouldn't want to fuck a dripping wet and needy Chris Cooper?

It's one thing to not like gays, but if you dedicate your life to hating them then it's probably overcompensation.

They mean that you're gay OP

Just like pedos

>le every man that hates gays is secretly gay himself propaganda

name 1 movie where this happens

it's like how gay men are secretly straight and do it to hang around women in changing rooms

If someone hates black people does that mean they secretly love black people?

That's not how it works.
if they hate blacks, they're secretly black.



American Beauty and The Simpsons are the only examples of this I can think of.

Every man hates homosexuals,

They're called cucks

True story:

I had a high school teacher who ranted in class about how much he HATED American Beauty because it depicted the gay couple as happy while every hetero family and relationship was fucked up and dysfunctional. He also ranted one day about how pissed he was to go to Disneyland on some sort of "gay friendly" day and his kids were exposed to men holding hands and shit like that. A few years later, he came out.


I am kidding I made that all up

>le a man who kisses and kills another man ashamed of kissing he is gay
Those fucking trumpets I swear to God...

Males don't hate gays
They hate that their sons would become gays
so they try to make society antigay so that their kids don't live in a society that tells them it's ok to get fucked in the ass by the schoolmates.
It's no wonder that childless people are the most degenerate, cause they don't care about the future.
People with kids do.
No man want to see his daughter being a whore and the son a tranny so they vote for a society that see that as negative.
It's always been like that and it worked.

It sounds too convenient to be real, but I swear on Mena Suvari's perky tits it's a true story.

You surely think a lot about gays, don't you..

>Muh conveniently considering everything differing from my point of view propaganda
>Hurr durr this is totally unrealistic and psychoanalysis doesn't know shit at all
>I'm totally straight by the way, hail Hitler, amiright guys?

I always find it weird that they do this, mostly because it inherently implies being gay is a bad thing.

Dripping wet and needy Chris Cooper. Just imagine how much of a nervous slut he would be.

Met a South-African catholic abroad once,
he sounded like a fairy and was interested in my gf's nail polish. He said homosexuals were an abomination.

what did he mean by this?

I think people that hate others are in fact jealous of those other people and that is why they hate them. Like unconciously they like/want the things the other people have/represent as well but they cant have it (for whatever reason).

its basic psychology man

>American Beauty is a 1999 American drama film directed by Sam Mendes and written by Alan Ball.

>Ball is gay and has been called "a strong voice for [the] LGBT community".[16][17]

It's literally LGBT propaganda and the fantasies of a mentally-ill faggot. This is where you ironically tell me I wanna suck his cock.

does this mean Chris Hansen is a pedophile?

It was a big meme a couple of years ago. I wonder why they stopped saying it? Haven't heard it from them in a long time.

sjws are a fucking cancer. god i hope the times change, and they just discover the source of their mental problems and fix themselves

It's sometimes true. In high school there was this weird little faggot who called everyone "homo" and "fag" every opportunity he got, but he liked to grab other guys' asses and walk around in the locker room naked and show off his dick.

4 years later he's finally come out.

I hated him worse than anyone I've ever hated before or since.

I'm gonna be unironic and say you really do wanna suck his cock, fucking faggot.

And hating blacks means you want to be black too. Hating fat people means you wanna be obese. And Hitler wanted to be Jewish.

Hating someone usually means you have problems yourself though. Hate is not rational

Basic overcompensation

There is actually a trend among transsexuals (not mentally ill cross dressers that would never pass the psych tests to be considered a trans) to participate in "manly" activities like extreme sports or be members of elite military units such as the Green Berets and navy Seals before coming out as "women"

Oy, gevalt!

>doesn't remember this guy

freud was a mistake


are those trannies?

>Ottomans at the doors of Vienna
>Guyz don't hate just let us invade hate is irrational yo

>that overacting
disgusting, i could never get hard with this low level of acting ability

Does that make you feel insecure, user?

It's offensive because it makes it seem like hate against gays isn't real, like there aren't people who honestly hate them

>itt: young insecure fags

Cocksucker thread!

Hey, I have stated that I would love to fuck a needy Chris Cooper.

>high school teacher
>coming out

Does he work at McDonalds now?

>every man
It's one man.

transexuals are mentally ill. They suffer from dysphoria, which is a mental illness.

I've got bad news for you.

He was a queen obviously

Now explain all those politicians who made a career out of being hyper anti-gay and then got caught sucking dicks at a public bathroom

Makes sense. No straight man is obsessed with gay sex or talks about it all the time. It's like when those guys who know all about cuck porn accuse everyone else of having a cuck fetish. Classic projection.


Not bad reasoning, i have no problem with other people being gay or if people want to be whores and fuck up their lives that's on them, but i would hate it for my kids and i've been more anti these sort of things ever since i got married and kids became a close reality.

> psychoanalysis

Literally retards' psychiatry, might as well consult your birth stones.

Blond isn't. The brunette has an Adam's apple.

Name four (4)

Literally the manliest person that ever lived supports gay marriage

>And hating blacks means you want to be black too. Hating fat people means you wanna be obese. And Hitler wanted to be Jewish.

Except no one said people hate gays because they WANT to be gay. They hate gays because they ARE gay and hate that part about themselves.

Just like fit people who used to be obese hate the lazy lardasses they see their old selves in.

Just like Adolph hated his own Jewish lineage.

You were so retarded, you came all the way around and made a valid point. Give yourself a cookie.

Why are you all talking about this movie regarding gays? Don't you know how problematic it is for women?

>Because of its blissful ignorance, American Beauty is a movie our culture can no longer afford to lionize. It’s a beautifully directed movie that romanticizes some of our country’s biggest problems: disregard for class struggle, the commoditization of female bodies, and an exploitative obsession with youth

>maliest person that ever lived
Actually, that would be...

Alexander of Macedonia

and he WAS gay, when he wanted to be. So, there ya go.

Name three other movies where this happens and the fucking shitty Glee episode does not count. M O V I E S

Sex Drive
Top Gun

hitler had no jewish lineage