Why the CGI additions to the OT of Star Wars looks so fucking bad?

Why not blend good practical effects with good cgi instead of using awuful cgi only?

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Shut up starwars is a national treasure.

Why the fuck would they go back and bother with doing practical effects for an old movie?





hope - jabba scene sucks sticks out like a swollen helmut.

empire-pretty good changes minimal

jedi- koo nee taa etc ,noooooo, no yub nub ending.

empire- is the best star wars movie.

Because Lucas is autistic

they needed CGI that "meshed" well with the effects of that time. it's intentionally not as good or else it will stick out in a bad way.

LMAO look at this retard you just have to overide the anti aliasing and anisotropic filtering settings in the driver menu

Good CGI is expensive.


Yeah but he is the bad kind of autistic. He isn't Kubrick or Tarkovsky autistc.

thanks for reminding me how based yub nub song is, listening to disco now


Less offensive to me than the "fixes" to E.T. the Extraterrestrial or the CGI crapfestival that was Crystal Skulls.

How could anyone screen Crystal Skulls and not realize that it's a steaming pile of shit?

Oops I meant to post youtube.com/watch?v=v9mmYDenPk4

>mfw listening to disco yub nub

What did they chance with ET?

They did that with the prequels, they used a ton of practical sets and only cgi when necessary. Then Lucas wanted to get that same kind of expansive scenery in the OT special editions, but without the budget for actual props, so he used that garbage looking

All the guys holding walkie talkies in that scene were originally holding shotguns.

Much of this shot is a model. Way to go, OP.

Wrong, kiddo. The SEs came out in '97. The first prequel was released in '99.

This shot OP posted is mostly a large-scale model.


>no yub nub ending.

Yub nub was lame. The new version is vastly superior.


>they used a ton of practical sets and only cgi when necessary

The prequels were fucking 90% CGI

>It's bad on purpose

When will this meme decease?

Huh? I didn't even know this was a real thing. Though South Park made that up in that episode.

Yeah, thought that was added in the later special edition but it's apparently not. There's still a bunch of shitty cgi robots and shit it in it and it's all poorly blended in with the rest of the film. The prequels managed to make the miniature sets blend in perfectly and consistently.

Nope, lots of real miniature sets. Back then, it was actually easier to do that way.

Oh no, it's quite true

But at least Spielberg got rid of the ET fixes and took responsibility for Crystal Skull. Lucas on the other hand was still fucking with the OT before he sold to Disney.

Loaded question


Apparently as user noted here Spielberg has since changed it back, though.

that ?panfloute? hits all the right spots

Federal agents, armed with their trusty rape whistles and radios.