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is it a muslim refugee?

great for that white Christian girl

welcome to Sup Forums the worst moderated board on Sup Forums.

Saoirse Ronan is a stupid vapid hollywood sellout cunt

Ban said "off topic actor/actress discussion"

>A poignant and intensely atmospheric look beyond the stereotypes of Islam. After her hippie British parents are murdered, Lilly is raised at a Sufi shrine in Morocco. As a young woman she goes on pilgrimage to Harar, Ethiopia, where she teaches Qur'an to children and falls in love with an idealistic doctor. But even swathed in a traditional headscarf, Lilly can't escape being marked as a foreigner. Forced to flee Ethiopia for England, she must once again confront the riddle of who she is and where she belongs.

>As lost in this cold new world as her fellow immigrants, Lilly becomes the heart of this disenfranchised community in London, attempting to reunite people with their scattered families. But as her friend Amina discovers, Lilly’s mission isn’t purely altruistic and a passionate lost love affair is revealed between Lilly and Aziz, an idealistic doctor.

fucking disgusting



When did Britain decide to kill itself

>off topic actor/actress discussion
She has a screen charisma that is uncommon.
autistic mods REEEEEEE, starting an /ourguy/ thread now

>all these triggered white males

lol maybe if you learned to not be autistic sociopaths you'd find a qt like sersh


It's just a job guys. Doesn't mean anything ;_;

Saoirse is gonna get BEHEADED


She's not even average looking in Ireland. She's uglier than average and average here is not fucking pretty.

But she's pure though.
And this movie will bear witness to her acting prowess.

>A poignant and intensely atmospheric look beyond the stereotypes of Islam

Not you too Sersh.

I'm looking for a new waifu suggestion.

She isn't pure at all. She can't even pronounce her own name correctly. She's an Anglo in disguise and there's no such thing as a pure Anglo.

God I hate kikes.


>Sweetness in the Belly

Of all the fucking things...

I never expected her to take on a role like this one. What in the fuck is up with her choice in films?

Her parents were still murdered by Tusken Raiders though.

>turned down The Hobbit
>turned down The Avengers
>turned down The Force Awakens
>signed up for this


If anything this is exactly what any actress would do in her position which is to show how much she cares about "real" issues and get a free Oscar nomination

>I never expected her to take on a role like this one.

Why? Because you see pictures of her on the internet and assume she's some Sup Forumssmoker like you and owes you a date or something?

At least now we know Rey and Finn never get together or Sersh would have taken the role immediately

>girl makes controversial movie that plays into the fears of insecure fucking white men
>demographic is insecure white men
>instant hit

>be feminist
>love Islam

I always liked her.

well.. dropped.

What a stupid potato.

She's desperate. She also wants to retain "indie cred" while going for money and awards. Bait like this is the best way to do it (she thinks). In short, she's an idiot that hasn't learned from the mistakes of those around her. This movie will kill her career.


Potatoes are the original unwanted immigrants so it makes sense.

We can share mine, user. She's pure.

Get with the times gramps.

Headline really said it all.

>tfw Sup Forums takes a promising film about the clash of cultures, alienation, identity and belonging and project their cuckold insecurities onto it

yeah it would be way better if she did vapid capeshit

>I don't like the subject matter
>I don't want to have this socially relevant dicussion via film
>I don't think anyone else does either

post Saoirses

>promising film
Sure. The post quoted above it's what's most likely going to happen, also, if you're going to whore yourself out at least take a fuckton of money and get known rather than flip a coin and going for the maximum oscar bait.



Both ads are so related

why the fuck do you still have ads


Oh I'm sure there are cucks out there, like you both, but nowhere near enough to save this film. See: any feminist propaganda made since Eat, Pray, Love.

And nobody will respect her after this.


I agree with everything in your post but "promising film". you can't possibly believe that. like this concept hasn't been re hashed a million times before

Shes Irish shes not white anyway. Why y'all so upset.


not enough memes


Fuck off you stupid nigger

>And nobody will respect her after this.
You mean bitter Sup Forumsirgins won't respect her after this. And it's not like you cucks pay to watch movies anyway.

no one wants Sup Forumss respect

how is this whoring out?

maybe but it is a relevant topic so it's not a bad time to cover it, we'll see

We get it, you're actual literal cuckold but that doesn't change reality. Name a single whore that whores out and then went on to make great movies.

You're really taking this to heart. It's just a movie buddy, she's not going to suck black cock on camera. Relax.

~t. "Ulster Scot"



She'll be fine

isn't every board a Sup Forums board?

That's a cute deflection. Care to answer my question?

Same to you, except replace "Alt-right" with "communist" and "cuck" with "Sup Forums".

For the record, I'm not alt right. I'm far right.

Has any group in history just up and self exterminated like ethnic Europeans are?

she was my first and only waifu for 5+ years

fucking dropped

disgusting bitch

>making a movie with a subject I don't like is whoring out REEEEE

I bet you're getting laid left and right, you hunk

>that whores out
define "whores out".

man paris hilton is so ugly

ok she's mine now

I just want a cozy movie with Sersh and without any romance.

Is that too much to ask?

nah now every board is a neo-Sup Forums board aka /r/The_Donald

>mfw she's only doing this because she's a good patriot who hates the anglo devil and will do anything to accelerate their inevitable doom

she forgives you user

t-things aren't looking good for you then...

Why is genocide suddenly good and fine when it's done non violently to white people?

no she does this because she's a nigger loving leftist whore

sersh going to get some sweet bbc in her belly


Unless you are fine with being cucked.

the only reason whites will disappear is because instead of reproducing, you're spending your time shitposting on a cantonese pottery class forum instead of getting laid, you stupid virgin fuck

>see interracial couple

fucking hell why are white """""""""males""""""" so fragile


There's plenty of pure actresses

If you know where to look

Another cute deflection with extra sexual inadequacy ad hominem. You wouldn't happen to be a woman, would you? You "argue" like one.

I feel the phrasing is quite self-explanatory.

fuck off back to Sup Forums you anime watching virgn

Ethnic replacement is genocide, the UN literally acknowledges this

Cucks. Just admit that this useless whore of an "actress" is nothing but a desperate talentless hack trying to undermine Trump's presidency. It's disgusting. Kill yourselves.

>brown eyes

Yeah she's pure. Pure garbage. NEXT!

Because it's done by white people themselves, they seem to have better things to do than getting laid and having kids.

I felt the same way when ASR went off to college. My only waifu for almost a decade and then she gets corrupted.

There would be nothing wrong with that if white countries and only white countries weren't importing the entire third world

My favorite Saoirse

Who cares about this garbage actress anyways. Never have ever been in a good movie since the very day her worthless career started. All these triggered cucks thinking she is gonna do any justice with her promotion of the extinction of the superior apex predatorial race of the highest intellect, then all of them should fuck off to whatever niggerish shithole they're from. Degenerates. As a person with a verily high IQ of 164 and very supreme in my philosophical knowledge, this bullshit is nothing but intellectual garbage.

>The virgin is immunized against all dangers: one may call him an autist, Sup Forumstard, neckbeard, sperglord, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a virgin and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

There would be no difference. There's no genocide going on.

Fuck you


t. triggered SJW tier Sup Forumstard

Still waiting for your argument.

Brown eyes are the patrician choice, user.