Inherent Vice

This was kino, right?

More like incoherent vice, amirite?

Isn't that, y'know, the point?


it's comfy and a bit of a haze for sure. snoozefest is a bit strong

stopped watching ten minutes in after reading a post on Sup Forums saying it was shit.

it was shit.

have your

own fucking opinions

its shit

you're a troglodyte

I liked it. Brolin was probably the funniest character

for sure, that frozen banana scene is amazing

I have no idea.

>The Nice Guys for kinofags

What did PTA mean by this?

The longer you watch it, the better it gets.

The first 25 minutes are so tough to get through.

the book is bad, why the movie will be good?

Yo tengo que get the fuck outta aqui

I think I'd appreciate it more if I watched it again.

I need to rewatch it

Made me chuckle.

I dont smoke anymore, so I didnt "feel" it.

Yes, it's 100% kino.

>Dude it's meant to be confusing, you just don't get it

what's the deal with the upside down badger?

My penguin classics edition doesn't have that supposed error that some people have. I think it depends on when yours was printed.

it's great and the best that could've come out of it. i get why people say it's incoherent though


of course not, it's just that a pynchon novel is impossible to film. this is the best he could do though.

i'll attack you

>upside DFW

it's a meme based on a quote from pynchon. pic related

The Big Lebowski on acid.

Something about Thurn and Taxis and Torquato Taso, IIRC.


Am I the only one who didn't really feel that the plot was that incoherent?