What is Sup Forums's thoughts on this?

what is Sup Forums's thoughts on this?

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angel was better

Should have ended after Buffy died fighting Glory. It wasn't necessarily bad after that, just not as good and certainly worse than Angel.

on season 3 right now, i really enjoy it despite disliking gellar and boreanaz, he's only good as a heel, it's so fucking cringy when he's trying to act all sweet.

I actually liked season 7, 6 was good but cringy at times


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I think they both have their pros and cons but angel does feel like the more "mature" show

No BD/HD version, no watch

The HD off of the TV is pretty dreadful, as it's forced 16:9 and reveals a lot of stuff that should be out of frame (like with Malcolm in the Middle). At other times, it's cropped 16:9, so part of the image gets lost at the top and bottom of the screen. Then there's the color correction errors. youtube.com/watch?v=lsb1HWANqSw

Shit that 7-12 year olds watched in 2003

I tried to watch Angel a few times, but found the first seasons too boring to get past. I feel the same way about Buffy to be honest, but I'd seen the latter seasons first anyway so I was invested already.

the first season of angel isn't great bar a few episodes, it's suffering from just being that spinoff from buffy.

but it gets steadily better, season 5 of angel is the best thing whedon has done imo.

Blame Whedon. The retard didn't think of protecting a show that started in 1997 for widescreen. The X-Files was made in 1993, and yet the people were smart enough to shoot it with widescreen in mind, and now we have a nice widescreen remaster of it.

Super comfy but i havent watched it in years but its pretty good.

Loved it when it first aired. Wanted to fuck Drusilla so bad, for some reason I tried to watch it again and I couldn't get into it.

The Body

Very hot chicks. I fapped so many times with this. Sarah was perfect in her prime.
If you talk about quality, I loved season 2 and 3, and every other season is watchable. Good show overall.

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Also Rank the Buffy and Angel Seasons

1. Season 3
2. Season 2
3. Season 4
4. Season 1.
5. Season 5
6. Season 7
7. Season 6
Best Character - Giles

1. Season 5
2. Season 1
3. Season 3
4. Season 2
5. Season 4
Best Character - Wesley

That said, I love all of Angel and Most of Buffy.

That post is not autistic at all lol

>The Body
>No music entire episode
>whedon banter falls flat to expose the sad humanity underneath.
>"I have the lies to make you feel better"
Is this purest kino?

I'm 18, out of HS, and I'm kinda going through this phase where I just can't watch any movies or TV that take place in HS. It reminds me of how I wasted my teen years.

You don't need 16:9 to be HD
The DVD quality is just awful

Stupid sexy Wesley.