Am I missing on something here?

Am I missing on something here?
How are these three funny?

Different people find different things funny. What else is there to say? If someone who likes them explains what they find funny about them do you think a switch in your brain will go off and you'll think "gee you're right NOW I find them funny!" No you made this thread because you want to feel superior in your own little way by pretending your sense of humor is above someone elses.


explain it to me

how is anything they say, especially pilkington, funny?

weird innit?

Karl's funny the other 2 are sidemen

karl is not funny at all.


Christ, imagine having such a shit sense of humour.

the hanna barbera cartoon radio shows are hilarious

idiot broad and the moaning of life are fucking garbage

I used to find the podcasts and audiobooks funny when i was 13 but no I don't really find them funny at all.

I can still chuckle at their XFM stuff, though.

>poke the ugly dude with the stick & laugh....the show
Karl's comedy is complaining like a banker.


>idiot broad and the moaning of life are fucking garbage

Really? I've heard nothing but good things about An Idiot Abroad.

What do you think is funny, op?

Steve merchant and Ricky Gervais arent funny, you're correct OP

>situation comedy with brittish humor
It's alright, but still lower tier than the original Top Gear shows.
Not laugh out loud funny though.

If you're a fan of the shows, you'll probably like it. It's more to do with Karl reacting to the shit the other two put him in.

they're passable, but karl pilkington isn't funny whatsoever. ricky forced laughs at everything this guy says are fucking insufferable



Oh look it's Ho-Lee Fuk

Ooh its Gayvid gray the bent pianist!


Oh, Gayvid, you're looking all gay today. Do you have a girlfriend?