Yeah the satire is fun and all...

Yeah the satire is fun and all, but why aren't youtubers taking a deep look at themselves and reflect on the content they're making after RLM btfo'ing them so hard?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because, unlike RLM, they're actually making money.

Yeah I don't understand why people that do a job for a living would throw that out the window because a small YouTube channel made a few jokes about them. Very odd.

Name 1. Im genuinely curious if there are suckers that are willing to watch the idiot numbskulls that RLM is portraying

The fuck are you talking about? What does that have to do with the post you're replying to?

Why should they care what some other online friend simulator think?

Just because I'm aware of Collider doesn't mean I actively watch Collider, you fucking sperg.

...because why would they? As long as it brings in the clicks, nothing will change.

>someone made fun of me. Better change my entire life!
Are YOU that weak willed, user?

Because they make a lot of money shilling and no parody by RLM will stop that.

I like RML when they didn't give a fuck about anyone.
Now with this stuff they are doing they are clearly angry and affected by the YouTube people they are making fun of.
They are putting time and effort to address them instead of not giving a fuck. Screams of desperation.
"Waaahhh why do people like those guys and we don't have as many subscribers. All they do is act excited over everything"
It was better when RLM was not concerned about other Youtubers and just did their own thing.
It's also clearly reactionary to people commenting negativity to their recent videos. The RLM crew thinks all the negative Nancy commenters are fans of other YouTube channel reviewers , so why not put time and effort to make fun of this channels?


RLM has always made fun of dumb pop culture shit. You must be a newfag.

You should work at a movie theater considering how good you are at projection

Keep talking shit and I'll donate another 100 to them. Try me, bitch.

They have always made fun of that stuff yes but not focused exclusively on other YouTubers.
They have always acted like they didn't exist. Now they are focusing solely on them.
Screams of feeling threatened by their channels and their fans. Especially by putting time and effort into trying to address it by making fun of them and putting out video after video nowadays .

>we don't have as many subscribers

RLM has more subscribers than any similar channel on youtube im sure

Pretty sure they have millions of views so

They're not focusing on specific youtubers though. People can point to Collider all they want but everything RLM is satirizing with these videos is much larger than just that channel.

Besides that, the videos themselves are just funny. Why get so butthurt about it? You just sound like a contrarian faggot who has to point out that you liked RLM before they were popular.

Yeah, you show 'em. Let the autism bux flow.

It's satire because they realize that most their audience watch that kind of stuff. They are making fun of all you virgins.

RLM does make money and they probably have real day jobs.

The question is how much money does Collider make? They are owned by some company and those guys on their show probably are not making a pretty shit base salary.

>RLM does make money and they probably have real day jobs.
They do RLM full time

Then why does it take so fucking long to get a new video?

I'm not butthurt about it. Yeah it's funny. It's just that I never thought RLM would stoop to this point where they're focusing time and energy to address these channels and their fans. When in the past it didn't really give a fuck.

Also their recent reviews have also turned to shit. Let's say they like a movie. But they have noticed that everybody else likes it and it's raving about it. So when they review it they try to go against the grain just because everybody else likes it and now suddenly they do their hardest to nitpick it just because everybody else likes it. Even though they loved it as well.
It's like "hey everybody else likes this movie and we do as well but we have to go against the grain and try to be the rebels of YouTube reviewers."
They didn't used to be like this.

Because Mike and Jay are the only ones that edit. And they're not vloggers

We got it. You are too cool for RLM. Congratulations. Go find some other obscure YouTube channel with only 1000 subscribers so you can pretend to have superior taste.

Was meant for

You could edit one of their videos in a couple of hours.

nerd box money is too good

Literally nothing in your post makes it sound like you have any understanding of RLM.

I've practically watched all the videos they ever release kid

Where can I sign for Nerd Box?

They give more video content to patreons, as well as quicker public videos.

Is it worth becoming a patron?

Hell no, I don't give my NEET bucks to anyone. I just read their patreon.

This isn't true

Yes it is. There are 2 videos only available to $15 patreons from the past week right now.


What went wrong?


I blame Drumpf.

Literally nothing.

So why aren't their reviews honest anymore?

>le honest meme
Kill yourself, retard.

based RLM btfo 99% of jewtube. I dont always agree with them but this is pure geek culture is garbage kino. They should mock furry reviewers next.

>" Hey we really like this movie but since everyone else does too, then we hated it and will not pick it to death just to not be like everyone else"

>make content your fans like
>faggot gen xers mock you
>continue to make content your fans enjoy

Faggots need to get back to making interesting content like hitb

>hey I don't have a specific example of them doing this so I'll just greentext to pretend I'm making a point.

Pretty much all the recent reviews in the last year or so have turned into this kind of shit

Forgot to put this post

Is Leonardo DiCaprio going to play Rich Evans in the inevitable biopic?

Still no examples eh?

Post the Top of 2016 one please

Well the reviews about movies that are generally bad they still do a good job of ripping them. I'm talking about the other movies that you could tell that they liked but they are trying their hardest to not be like everybody else so they say they didn't really enjoy it too much. Easy way to tell is when J tries to start off kind of saying good things about the movie and then just goes along with Mike trying to hate it for the sake that everybody else likes it.

I feel sorry for Mike

im not a patreon

jesus christ. Jay is the only one who has aged suavely

God is this the new hip thing to say? Seen it twice already, fuck off

last "ironic" episode was pretty good
I wonder if they will keep doing them, but they risk slowly turning into a non-ironic clickbait youtube channel that will get mocked by other channels, then the circle will be complete

Nope. Collider and channels like that eclipse them. Fuck, The Cuckmann is doing better and he's just some weaboo modern movie autist who knows nothing about film yet gets more views than RLM.

>why aren't youtubers taking a deep look at themselves and reflect on the content they're making after RLM btfo'ing them so hard?

Because their content still gets ad views from 13 year old boys regardless of they got BTFO by RLM or not.

RLM has gotten more attention and praise from actual industry people than the others though

So still no examples eh?

surprise surprise what's popular doesn't necessarily make it good


RLM has almost 200k more subscribers than Collider has, you don't know shit.

underrated post

holy shit what happened to Di Fatrio

Movie theaters don't hire projectionists anymore because digital projectors are completely automated. Your joke is antiquated.

They basically pioneered long format video reviews of a single film and in recent years it's really taken off.

YourMovieSucksDOTorg (the zoophile)
530,373 subscribers

I Have Everything
1,210,594 subscribers

6,556,276 subscribers

515,272 subscribers

All channels who make 20 minute+ long videos heavily critiquing a single movie, deconstructing it scene-by-scene in a negative light, undeniably indebted to the Plinkett format/character.]

>I never thought RLM would stoop to this point where they're focusing time and energy to address these channels and their fans

You must have missed the TFA Plinkett review where Mike discussed a popular fan theory for an hour.

haha young Jay looks like Lloyd from dumb and dumber

>6,556,276 subscribers
Why is this channel always brought up - unless they've changed their format, they're usually a joke channel. They don't give serious reviews.

Not intending to put them down at all but I don't think YMS, IHE or even the Plinkett reviews are meant to be taken 100% seriously.

I get where you're coming from but as I say, cutting down the movie scene-by-scene, only mentioning the negatives, the monotone sarcastic delivery, though obviously not invented by RLM these are all hallmarks of channels clearly influenced by the Plinkett reviews.

>YourMovieSucksDOTorg (the zoophile)


RLM make money, they just earn it by making fun of other youtubers who earn money by being overly positive

Why couldn't Jay grow taller?

Jay could have been super successful had he been 6'+ and had his teeth straightened.

Since I saw RLM for the first time I think Jay looks just like Chris Evans.

tl;dw he basically justifies bestiality in two ways:

1) An animal can't consent to being eaten or being forced to mate with a bull (arguably rape in its own right), therefore humans raping animals is fair game.

2) An animal is capable of consenting tacitly. That is to say, an animal can convey signals to a human that it consents to having sex.

This is the person millions take seriously as a film critics

He also argues that there are literally no good movies before the 1970s and that "pretentious" people only pretend to enjoy Citizen Kane.

How he still has a career is beyond me.

>They should mock furry reviewers next

>ywn go back and save the innocence in young Rich's eyes