Don't hold back

Don't hold back.

How big are the lotr and hp files? For your sake I hope they are over 18 gbs.

>New folder

I'm intrigued

You are like a little child. Watch this

Why is that?


Truth, I'm not very diversified.

You have maybe 2 or 3 good films there. And your condescending natural goes along with your childish mind and shit taste.

OP has around 25+ good films, of course he can delete everything shit like xmen.

Because the cinematography and filmmaking is glorious and they deserve to be seen with the highest bitrate possible, this means you should be watching on a big tv not your laptop

Awful fucking taste Jesus fuck it's like a nine year old with his own computer

t. Fedoraman

>It's a Sup Forums anons pirates movies episode

Post 2.jpg

Delete Jurassic World just delete it.

>only shit anime
>lots of other garbage

jesus christ

>small soldiers


While I agree with you, the copies I have are suitable for mediocre hardware.


Sorry Pepe.


Consider it done.

It's a guilty pleasure movie for me. Really like the chemistry between Gregory and Kirsten.

people still watch talking dead?

Where's TDKR?

I started up the series with S05 and lost interest again when it finished.

Sitting with my other BRs.

so many movies and only one good

small soldiers

what's up with that?

Personally find no need for tv shows, I can understand keeping ones you really like and watch often though, so these are the things I would delete and then get more films.

>Sakura Trick

Good taste

You don't like Face/Off or Demolition Man?

I reported this thread to the FBI, enjoy prison you thieving scums.

>Captain America
How do you expect me to look at the rest?