Is Guillermo del Toro the only man in Hollywood brave enough to practice what he preaches?

Is Guillermo del Toro the only man in Hollywood brave enough to practice what he preaches?

You've gotta be shitting me.

>little mexican bitch illegally crosses the border into your dimension, breaks into your house, eats your food and steals your stuff
>somehow you're the bad guy

Looks like he has to go back.

Sup Forums BTFO

Nice link faggot

Source or it didn't happen.

Okay, I won't watch your movies if I'm so bad. What do you think of that?

>Guillermo del Toro

He looks pretty white to me. He even has blue eyes. A white only feature.


Sup Forums BTFO

I'm scared, guys. Is there really going to be a race war?

Imagine being Charlie Hunnam and read this shit. Like literally, you played the protagonist in previous movie and did your best, but now Del Toro replaces you for some absolutely retarded reason?
I would be mad?

>calls liberals thin skinned
>gets butthurt over a fake headline

No, not you too Del Toro! I was a fan...but if you hate my skin I'm afraid I will not be a fan any longer!

>comparing the pale creature to white people

Way to dishonour your own vision with hammy current politics

Sup Forums BTFO

god, it seems like we will have to see that ape face in every Sci Fi movie from now on...

All it does is alienate white men and push them further to the right.

are you retarded?

400 hours on MS Paint

It's actually two stories conflated. Boyega is the new lead in Pacific Rim 2, and del Toro did say this:

>6 minutes


He's memeing. Toro did say that Abe is an analogy for evil white men being monsters and pretending to be cultured and learned and shit.

To be fair, look at this guy who says all white males should be genocided

>turns silly remarks into a political discussion, derailing the thread
>wonders why his board has turned into a political discussion board instead of Television and Film
Look inwards, lad.

who cares, word is Pacific Rim 2 production is an absolute disaster. It's gonna be shit.

The real reason is Hunnam is getting paid more and probably going to get more stardom by leading this shitheap instead of that shitheap

>word is Pacific Rim 2 production is an absolute disaster.

do you have a source unlike the OP? I actually like deKnight and think he'll do a better job than Del Toro.

Yeah, the retcon is jarring. "What I was really trying to say when I made a fantasy movie 10 years ago about events 70 years ago was fuck Trump and fuck white people"

She was Spanish though, and she can illegally cross my border, break into my house and eat my food anytime she wants if you know what I mean

should have hired more brown people then

its so subtle how he propagate white guilt...

How butthurt do you think he is that the nazi vampire from his TV show is the most popular character?

Not very? He's one of the most interest and fleshed out characters in the whole show, in fact they could have easily had him be an asshole from birth but he was a fucking beta during the early days leading up to WW2 that drank the Nazi koolaid, saw how fucked it was, yet had no choice but to double down.


To be fair Mignola made that guy, not Del Toro.

Have they ever been photographed together? Really makes you think.

More importantly how does Tan and Red feel about this? Is there gonna be blowback?

Holy shit, brava the Bull, brava

Top Zozzle

nice false flag nigger! Del Toro dropped the project, that's the only thing that ape got a role in it