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Wow, what a shitty look

DYEL manlet whitey



Another boring Netflix capeshit wow how original



Where are his muscles?


Sort of a bummer Daredevil is the only series to embrace it's heroes' costume.

where are yours?

This looks worse than Jessica Jones to be honest famalamdingdongpai

>city of marvel netflix shows

>Those kimonos
>Kendo dojo

>shoes inside the dojo

They let niggers in, I don't know what's worse

I'm guessing it'll do the same thing as Daredevil where he gets the actual costume near the end of the first season. Which is fine and all but it is a bit disappointing that you won't get to see the iconic costume until the end and then have to wait a year to see him fight in it.

I hope so, but I'm not certain. From what little interviews I've seen with Finn he seems to think he's above silly costumes, and Iron Fist's costume is at its best when it's a bit sillier.

What a fucking dyel.
If they were looking to pay homage to the old Hong Kong Kung Fu films they missed the part that all those guys were jacked.

HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA are you shitting me?

>Episode 1: "Snow Gives Way", directed by John Dahl.
>Episode 2: "Shadow Hawk Takes Flight", directed by John Dahl.
>Episode 3: "Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch", directed by Tom Shankland.
>Episode 4: "Eight Diagram Dragon Palm" directed by Miguel Sapochnik.
>Episode 5: "Under Leaf Pluck Lotus", directed by Uta Briesewitz.
>Episode 6: "Immortal Emerges From Cave" directed by RZA.
>Episode 7: "Felling With Tree Routes" directed by Farren Blackburn.
>Episode 8: "The Blessing Of Many Fractures", directed by Kevin Tancharoen.
>Episode 9: "The Mistress Of All Agonies", directed by Jet Wilkinson.
>Episode 10: Unknown.
>Episode 11: "Lead Horse Back To Stable", directed by Deborah Chow.
>Episode 12: Unknown.
>Episode 13: "Dragon Plays With Fire", directed by Stephen Surjik.

Jess/Luke don't have a costume. Iron might get his later on but it's probably gonna look as weird as DD's first costume so eh

>directed by RZA

that dude does not look believable

why didn't they cast a martial artist

this looks gross

fucking dopey weeaboo white male. it's fucking embarassing. they should've casted an asian instead

I likd DD's black outfit personally.
The first suit after it was made was a little off but when he got it revamped later it looked a lot better.

>they should've casted an asian instead

The original source had a blonde white male, why do you think an Asian makes more sense?

I'm super nervous about this show, guys.
I've enjoyed all the other Netflix Marvel shows to varying degrees, but comic Iron Fist is my favorite character of the bunch, and his show seems to be the least interesting and faithful.
I just don't want this to suck.

>master of martial arts
>not asian
>give it to a white power fantasy

Jessica Jones and Misty? Nice.

Didn't know a Tyrell and a Martell would ever fight hand-in-hand.

crawl back to tumblr, jesus christ

Will she get coffee this series?

why the fuck wasn't Scott Adkins this guy

why the fuck wasn't Michael Jai White the black dude

I want to punch you

Because they are 40 and 49 respectively, and Marvel want people to watch this.

this guy and the black guy in luke cage were literal whos. Adkins and MJW are bigger now than these actors before the show.

And Charlie Cox and Krysten Ritter were household names before?

Most people I know have no idea who Scott Adkins is, but they all knew Jones from GoT.

He has superpowers no need for muscles.

>autism hair
>shit tier beard
>awful tattoo
>fuccboi face

So this... is the power of Marvel.

Does he even lift, bros? I doubt it.

This would not be hard to do.

>direted by RZA.

how do i get that physique?

Luke's costume is just a yellow fucking t-shirt and jeans. They had him wearing it in that issue of EW a few weeks ago. I hope that's what they have him wearing in The Defenders. It's the easiest shit.

>directed by RZA
Dear Lord.

5000000 lateral raises and don't eat

Scott Adkins already has a (minor) role in the MCU canon. Stardust and Breaking Bad were pretty famous

Sit around on Sup Forums for a couple hours a day, go jogging three times a week, eat fast food whenever you want, work in an office.

That's how I do it.

>Marvel still Britwashing roles

But Jessica Jones was great.

Also is this the turbofogget from GoT?

>White guy playing an Asian character



>13 episodes

fuck me

Gal Gadot has more muscle tone. Embarrassing.

Bruh look at this dood.

>casting the faggot from Pleb of Thrones

Ya done fucked up. Nobody will watch this shit especially when you cast some literally who as the main lead.

Might as well cancel the piece of shit show before it airs.

was buffing up not required for the role?

I hope we see some Dragon shit.

I mean he became Iron Fist after killing dragon right? Or is Netflix cheap ass shit.

Does this show actually have a point or is it just capeshit?

DD was urban crime drama, JJ was sexual violence trauma, Cage was blaxploitation. Actually having a point and a narrative thrust is the reason these shows actually work unlike the movies. Nothing in the Iron Fist trailers shows the kung-fu mania of the 70's run or the pulp adventure action of the Brubaker run.

This just looks like Daredevil with the interesting blind / lawyer / Frank Miller parts taken out.

I bet you like her feminine penis too

probably kung fu shit. Who knows yet? Gotta wait until next month

after luke cage and the ninja arc of daredevil i'm over netflix capeshit

>white male

could've been the perfect opportunity to make asian-american kino

After the embarrassment that was Luke Cage and the Jewish nonsense of Jessica Jones (couldn't finish that one) my expectations for this are not high

>white "people" "martial" "artists"

Is this the dawn of DYELkino?

>ah b-b-black man! I c-c-cant watch this!

lmao @ whitey

It's been ages since an Asian won a medal on the olympics in any martial art category

>financing commie actors

they better have good choreography or it'll all be pointless


nice cross-overs, but better have my frankfu

>be white man
>be raised in white country
>be raised amidst white culture
>supposed to enjoy negroes on television
>supposed to accept and sympathize with petty criminals with low iqs
>supposed to accept that this is the fault of racism and the fault of my ancestors instead of them just being inferior beings

Try again shlomo

>just being inferior beings

So you admit 'white privilege' is a thing? Okay, cool.

If you cast an asian person, people would just cry that you cast them as the martial arts expert and that's racist or some shit as well, you're just damned if you do and damned if you don't.

As did Alfre Woodard, but that didn't stop her from being cast in Luke Cage.

I prefer "white blessing" myself, as I was blessed by the Aryan gods to be born with higher intelligence and impulse control unlike the subhuman negroid race

Pretty sure they already said he won't slay an actual dragon due to budget.

This is comical.

This is a hot pocket Star Wars skit just for fun you should check it out

Well yeah, buying a real dragon just to kill it for some TV show would be immensely financially irresponsible.

The cast.


>A billionaire Buddhist monk and martial arts expert proficient in Kung Fu, Rand returns to New York City after years presumed dead in a failed expedition that also claimed the lives of his parents, now with the ability to call upon the power of the Iron Fist to protect New York City.

COLLEEN WING (Jessica Henwick)

>An ally of Rand, who runs her own martial arts dojo in New York City. A warrior's toughness mixed with a businesswoman's savvy, Coleen has a good heart, but with many secrets.


>A wealthy businessman, Meachum was partners with Rand’s parents at the time of their deaths, and now controls their conglomerate, Rand Enterprises. A talented, but insecure businessman, Harold has a ruthless streak and a darker side than he lets on.


JOY MEACHUM (Jessica Stroup)

>The daughter of Harold and childhood acquaintance of Rand's, whose work building up Rand Enterprises with her brother Ward is threatened to be undone with Rand's return. Highly educated, logical and compassionate, Joy soon develops conflicting feelings for the man her family views as a threat, and discovers there's more to the history of Rand Enterprise than it appears.

WARD MEACHUM (Tom Pelphrey)

>The son of Harold and childhood acquaintance of Rand's, whose work building up Rand Enterprises with his sister Joy is threatened to be undone with Danny's return. Ambitious and relentless, Ward is willing to shed his morals to preserve the company and his future in it.

CLAIRE TEMPLE (Rosario Dawson)

>A nurse from Hell's Kitchen who joins Wing's dojo, Temple has ample experience with the criminal underworld and the vigilantes who take upon themselves to defend the city.

JERI HOGARTH (Carrie Anne-Moss)

>An attorney who helps Rand once he returns to New York.

MADAME GAO (Wai Ching)

>An accomplished and elusive woman who runs her own heroin trade in Hell's Kitchen.

Fuck year, best non-Purple Man part of JJ.

ZHOU CHENG (Lewis Tan)

>A mysterious figure from Rand's past, and a deadly warrior sworn to slay all those that wield the power of the Iron Fist.

Ew wtf why did they make her Asian she should have been non gender binary Trans sub Sahara African othergenderracekin.

He's the dragon's ex boyfriend out for vengeance.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 pullups, 100 squats, 10 km running everyday