Would you a Negan?

Would you a Negan?

What's a. Wagon

A whole Negan?

I'd receive head from Lucille

Do I look like a young negan bros?

No you look like a cock sucking bitchass fuccboi

U wot m8

I'm not though 2bh


you look like a cuckold

I've never been cucked to my knowledge.

>tfw you'll never be in Negan's harem

Try posting a photo of you leaning back

Rate me Sup Forumsros

Looks like Lucille got a good bonk in on your noggin


>tfw Negan will never imprison you naked in his rape dungeon and play you some soothing tunes

Uhhhhhhhh hairline?

It's unfortunate. I've been just'd for some years now

If you're a Manlet then cosplay Vegeta

Are you aware that young JDM looked like this?

I'm 5'9, so yeah it's an option

Huh, weird. I take it all back


He needs to get beefy, that jacket looks like it's encasing a skeleton not a scary apocalypse overlord.

This is the most minimum effort tranny I've ever seen. Couldn't even be bothered shaving the stubble they can;t even grow into a beard.

At least she has the balls to put herself out there. Let's see your face. Too ugly I bet.

*chases Olivia up the stairs*



The. Whole. Negan

>tfw Olivia got closer to Negan than you ever will

*leans back*

Explain this meme


Yeah, I can't believe they didn't make him beef up. builtfat mode Negan is superior Negan.


go watch most negan scenes
he leans back a lot
i didn't notice it until someone pointed it out

how do you NOT notice that shit, equilibrium of the entire human race feels that shit he does it so much

>That skinnyness

I am fucking triggered

Bearded Negan > Shaved Negan

yeah I said it

#serves comfy spaghetti family dinner#

What is this hairstyle called?


>apocalypse chique

The Negenator

who is this?

He's the Sanctuary doctor who was treating Dwight's ex-wife and Daryl.

the 2016 greaser

looks like putin fled to the southern us when the zombie outbreak started

look at that form!

Ey Rick, mask you sumnm mane.

Could a living breathing person lean back like THEYUS?

That's 40 degrees, that's 60, 70!
Why is he still leanin?

That's a 90 degree lean, Rick!


Technically I think it's just a pompadour, but sometimes it's messier and it was just slicked back in the season 6 finale/season 7 premier.

Shaved Negan looked pretty fucking scary tho

He definitely looks more sinister without it.

Holly shit! The casting for him being Dean's father in Supernatural was spot on as fuck.

How many people on this thread are fapping to this right now


Oh that's a lab coat. I thought it was a new leader bending the knee who's a plantation owner.

I cannot deny

The Resident

It's like one of my Chinese cartoons, they almost have the exact same face but with different hair


Goood! Let the masku flow through you!

I've never thought an old man stroking his cock in a bathtub would ever get me hard. I blame you faggots. You fuckers have finally turned me into a degenerate.

What is this gif from? I am perplexed.

It's from The Mask.

This is the true toll the internet takes on us all.

Can someone do this where it's Negan talking to CIA and it's the normal show dialogue?

Was there a reason he made Daryl get naked except for pure pervision

>Not having a coup d'état

The guy has zero redeeming qualities. Am I to blame the actor for this? The Adaptation? Or the original work?

I'm no apologist but I don't thimk anyone would blame Jeffrey Dean Morgan for his portayal. He's been working really hard to salvage the thrd of a script he's being given.

No, but would love tenderly/10 though.

Why do people do this