Why doesn't Eva Green get better work?

She's a great actress and carries every single movie and television shes in. Really, she makes herself the star of all of her work.

So this makes me ask why isn't she getting better work? Is she blacklisted?

I don't think she gives a shit

I'm sure she has enough to not want to be a mega star. plus it mean more paps and shit.

>Green has expressed interest in returning to the theatre. She says she has no plans to work in Hollywood full-time because, "The problem with Hollywood is that the studios are super powerful, they have far more power than the directors. My ambition at this moment is just to find a good script". She added that in Hollywood she would probably get typecast as a femme fatale.

> She lives alone and, by her own account, leads a low-key life when she's not working. When asked in an interview what people would be surprised to find out about her, she responded "I guess people would be surprised to find out that I am a bit of a homebody. I do not like clubbing or going to wild parties. After a day of shooting, I love to come home and relax by the fire with a glass of wine and a good book. Boring, huh?"

Pretty much, yeah

Is she a good actress or is she good at playing X type of role? she was not good in 300

>99% of the stuff she does she gets naked and slutty

her work cant get any better you faggot

>she was not good in 300
I thought she was the saving grace of the new 300.

>Is she a good actress or is she good at playing X type of role?
She's been playing her penny dreadful character a lot, that's true. But every time she's been given the chance not to she's acted a lot better than mainstream female actresses.

Shes not blacklisted. Shes just pick roles that she thinks is interesting or just for the money.

Though finally it looks like she getting serious with Euphoria and that movie shes doing with Roman Polasnki

she always gets naked.

maybe there aren't enough characters that spend a lot of their time naked onscreen, so she's not bothered.

>I thought she was the saving grace of the new 300.

Seriously, that film was shit. I just liked her getting nailed.

She has a full nudity clause

She prefers to star opposite little boys.

But in her most famous role she didn't get naked in that.



It's like watching her nipple get hard

Holy shit she does look like Ayn. But The Master is already the closest thing to a Ayn Rand biopic anyways.

Maybe she is satisfied with a lower standard of living then most actors and prefers to do stuff she likes

It gets harder as he gives her mouth to mouth

What a great gal

Watch Cracks if you want to see Eva play a fictional version of Ayn Rand.

It's probably just me being retarded but shes seriously look and act like Ayn in that movie.

They dont make them like that anymore.

>femme fatale
She could play all the badass dark characters if she didn't start by getting naked.

Because she doesn't care

It's to nobody's surprise that she works together with pic related, who doesn't give a shit either.

He also said that if you say no to (((them))) in a blockbuster(Nolan's batman) you'll get blacklisted for some role you'd actually like. I guess the same could've happened to Eva

People just need to give actors a break and realize that great roles are either purely random or given to you by God. If not for Hannibal Lecter, Anthony Hopkins would just be the biggest queer in Hollywood.

An actress like Eva Green just has to wait for that part and drink wine, do some cool roles like Ayn Rand and hope things work out. Only less than 1% of all the actors ever win Best Actor Oscar in their lives.

Green has had a fine career tbqh.

>if bond were to knew which side heart was on she still would be alive today

too old

Its in the middle asshole.

>If not for Hannibal Lecter, Anthony Hopkins would just be the biggest queer in Hollywood.
Go be underage somewhere else.

Who is that botox creature?

>and that movie shes doing with Roman Polasnki

Clever girl, he's getting on in years, any film might be his last film.

>too old for Eva

But she is one of them.

Didn't he regret saying no to that role?

>Eva will never come back from a hard day of filming to snuggle infront of the fire with you and a bottle of wine

Why even live?

Oh don't put them in the same league.

Hartnett is a genuinely good actor and he's been genuinely good in every movie he's been in, Green was easily the worst part of Penny dreadful. Not to mention it went full feminist in the final season and while I don't blame Green for that her character IS the reason Season 3 wasn't half as good as 1 and 2

Eva green is only look good when shes moving i never found her in picture but she makes my dick hard in flicks really makes me think


Her great face and tits are let down by her subpar feet.

She's a bad actor. Fuck you fags have shit taste.

she was supposed to, but Craig tampered with the script
not even meme'ing
she was supposed to be naked when he found her crying in the shower, but Craig thought it was distasteful and made the producers change it

She was good in the first season but after that just like the show she went full over the top and never stop.

pan faced british sluts get 99 percent of the work now

Not all Jews are (((Them))). Only the elite Jews are the ones doing nefarious shit.

Yes and no, he said he regretted saying to to Nolan because he wanted to work with him in actual movies. Also that he has to struggle nowadays to get a job that he could've easily landed back then. He's still rich though

>"I learned my lesson when [writer-director] Christopher Nolan and I talked about Batman. I decided it wasn't for me. Then he didn't want to put me in The Prestige." Hartnett said, "I know now that I wouldn't turn something down just because it's a superhero role,"

>"I've definitely said no to some of the wrong people," Hartnett told Playboy. "I said no because I was tired and wanted to spend more time with my friends and family. That's frowned upon in this industry. People don't like being told no."

>Hartnett knows full well he's no longer Hollywood's first choice for acting gigs. "I still get offered films and TV roles, luckily," he told Details magazine (via ABC News)

>"but years ago, if I saw a role I wanted, there was a good chance I could grab it. When I see a role now, I've got to fight for it. It's not bad. It's actually more rewarding. Depressing when something doesn't go your way, but only for a minute."

>She's a great actress

At least she didn't play in capeshit like the other Casino Royale trashy actor.

>Green has expressed interest in returning to the theatre. She says she has no plans to work in Hollywood full-time because, "The problem with Hollywood is that the studios are super powerful, they have far more power than the directors. My ambition at this moment is just to find a good script". She added that in Hollywood she would probably get typecast as a femme fatale.
>> She lives alone and, by her own account, leads a low-key life when she's not working. When asked in an interview what people would be surprised to find out about her, she responded "I guess people would be surprised to find out that I am a bit of a homebody. I do not like clubbing or going to wild parties. After a day of shooting, I love to come home and relax by the fire with a glass of wine and a good book. Boring, huh?"

Sounds exactly like my waifu except my waifu is more famous

love this lmao

Hartnett sounds like a nice guy. I always assumed that Pearl Harbour was the reason his career tanked

She's a pan faced talentless unemoting israeli whore

She would be great Catwoman or Talia Al Ghul.

ugly caveman faced whore

She has it in her all her contracts that she has to get nude at least once.

>50 posts
>no one has posted them
Pretty disappointed with you all

>implying she hasn't done any nefarious shit.

Not it not. its left of center.

What is this

>Book and bottle of wine
Were it Emma Watson, Sup Forums would be infuriated. That's the way you do it

Star Wars isn't capeshit user.

imagine eating her hairy pusy!!!

She has two movies this year (one is oscar-bait actually) so she is doing fine.

>I always assumed that Pearl Harbour was the reason his career tanked
Eh he was one of the only things that critics praised in that movie.

Also pearl harbor came before Black Hawk Down that was showered with praise by pretty much everyone


No, I don't think she's involved in any illuminati shit.

Is it lesbiankino?

It's been a while, Eva thread.

If you like /ll/ it basically is lesbiankino.

Also shes a cunnyposter in it so take that as you will.

I bet she showers only once a week


The first part of the greentext is entirely true for her as well and your statement would be too compared to it


post feets

Here is some michael pitt instead.

Except Emma Watson is too busy running through a train of "boyfriends" and then bitching about feminism.

>Eva Green reads a book at home
>Emma Watson posts a selfie with feminist literature

See the difference?

Kek see how fucking upset you are just stop whining like a tumblr cunt. Not only that wew lad the cherrypicking.

Read the spoiler senpai


As if we needed more proof.

She only posts those because she's part of a bookclub, she's one of the few actresses who doesn't post selfies or anything personal

She dates an ugly guy for 2 years, not even counting the chink


brb synagogue

where is eva green in that pic?

does she have any MCU films worth watching?

apart from those two where she looks after a young boy and girl

Ah so you're a hypocrite like a majority of Sup Forums? Wow it's literally nothing.

Left of Brie

Its quite a beautiful film about love.

my god I love Maria Valverde

If you say so

If I say so? You said so


Is this true?

I said I'm a hypocrite? Where, Esquire?


I want to smell her hair.


>She's a great actress

No she isn't. She isn't even attractive. Shes, in fact, quite ugly. She tries to make up for it by getting naked and being ugly, which people confuse for "great acting" from women.

You are very gay and also very stupid


She played a mother in White Bird in a Blizzard.

Also how is cracks mommycore?.


He's trying too much in this thread, just ignore him.