Any other early medieval movies with this atmosphere? More realistic to its time when it was all dark, poor and shitty

Any other early medieval movies with this atmosphere? More realistic to its time when it was all dark, poor and shitty.

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Black Death

This is exactly what I was looking for.

there are no 'realistic' medieval movies because medieval period is completely made up


>responding to shitpost but not my actual recommendations


Middle ages were actually much nicer than most people realize

I think you're confusing the meme with dark ages. I'm sure poor people in those times still had real shitty lives.

Calm your tits. Thanks for the actual recommendations.

Go away, you uneducated peasant.

Hard to Be a God

There's a serious lack of mediekino to watch

Perhaps you would be more agreeable on the tip of my sword, swine.


The Lion in Winter

Marketa Lazarova is the epitome of medieval film.

one of the better movie of the century

Makes game of thrones look like dragonheart

that was a good one with a great ending

Black death is rather shit though

>Dark, cold, dirty middle ages
Choose one. They could grow wine in scotland and everyone bathed 1x per week at the absolutely very least because they still had bathing culture from the Romans.

The Renaissance, now, that was a really shit era.

When it comes to small scale, gritty medieval movies beggers can't be choosers I'm afraid.

Anyway, it's alright in my opinion.
Sauna is a better medieval horror movie though.

>what German leftists think the middle ages were like - the movie

>inb4 400 replies arguing about pop history "dark ages" for dumb americunts

>what murican trumpets think being witty is - the post

Seriously though

I'd like to have 1 thread on Sup Forums that doesn't degrade to politics plz

It's getting hard as hell to find movies lately

The Lion in Winter

Even for royalty it was kind of dark poor and shitty

pretty accurate - they even replicate this in one of the Vikings tv episodes

why though