The expanse

Now this is a space battle
not star wars pew-pew-pew kindergarden fights

Other urls found in this thread:

>he's never seen BSG

>Stronk martian womyn arm-wrestles with a robotic exoskeleton

>ships dont fire at each other until they are 50 foot away

its still fucking dumb.

what the fuck is with the terrible product placement this season? FedEx on the fucking space pods, WHAT?

BSG is shit. Pure utter shit.

what the fuck
this is stupid as shit

and you know what makes it worse? Without the sound you can't hear all the awful grating accents

Why are they so close together, do you see naval ships jousting on the sea?

they are close cause they are trying to get to the space station, then they end up in close quarters cause they are using it for cover. Also, you are a fucking idiot, ships at sea have no cover and can't maneuver fast, in space there is no drag.

the ship they are in isnt meant for long range battle you utter mong

Your opinion is shit. Pure utter shit.

it was a surprise attack, they get close stealthy

still not BSG level mary sue

I miss BSG.

those expensive af turrents firing expensive ammo is silly, why don't they have bigger cannons

Looks cool but i have no idea what ship is getting the inside shots.

In star wars you really dont need context its simple to even the most dumbest viewer

>Fedex delivery/breaching pod

Imagine not being able to enjoy things like this

no, he is right.
but just defend BShitG

that fucking shakey cam in every scene is annoying, and let me not derailing the thread by talking about how shitty everything else in that show is (characters, politics)


Your opinion is just that, your opinion, and it is objectively shit. You're nothing more than the typical pseudo-intellectual contrarian on Sup Forums, so it's not surprising in the slightest.


bigger the cannon the bigger the recoil and the quicker it is to accelerate the bullet. Also, if you use bigger bullets they can be shot down, like the missles they use for long range combat, the small guns can be used as defensive guns to fire down missles. Seriously, this is very basic sci-fi that has been thought about many times.

>in space there is no drag.

real life spacecraft cant turn on a dime you fucktard. its a slow process that takes hours just to alter course slightly.

not an argument

it all depends on mass and acceleration thrust. Smaller ships could alter course quickly if they had high thrust. Learn basic math

They have some kind of fusion driven RCS in this show.

Seasons 1 and 2 of BSG are some of the best TV ever made, let alone military sci-fi.

True kino.

I hope more directors go with soundless space scenes and I hope audiences don't go full pleb and reject soundless space scenes.

>I'm a retard

It was one of the best sci-fi shows I've ever watched before it gone DUDE EVERYONE'S A CYLON.


The camera work is shocking

basic sci-fi shit that has no basis in reality or how technology will change

I still enjoyed seasons 3 and 4 a lot despite the drop in quality; but 1 and 2 were on another level. It was the perfect blend of science fiction, military and politics.

Ironically, the worst episode of the entire series in in season 2, but we'll forget that bit.

The Expanse is really bringing me back to early BSG. It doesn't get the blend right, but it's close. It's by far the best thing Syfy has come up with since BSG, not that was hard to do.

that was not how i imagined how the battle went down but i like it

>camera work

Wow are you retarded?

s2 was already retarded. Acted like they weren't near extiction.

Julie ;_;


I hope not, poor kid.

So how did they win? Ever crewman on the other ship got shot? Pretty unusual to see a space battle that doesn't end with an explosion. How were they certain the other ship was disabled?

>plebs who havent seen Legend of the Galactic Heroes

That's what happens when you upgrade weapon before shield energy. Good thing they weren't in Mantis territory or it'd be worse.

That's not Julie, that's A human child, no more than 4-5 years old, with an immunodeficiency genetic condition turned into a weapon by careful application of the protomolecule

>aerodynamic space ship that never flies in an atmosphere

You guys realize and space battle that happens within visual range is utterly ridiculous. Also there is no stealth in space because there's no way to mask your thermal signature. 'Battles' are going to take place over 100,000s of thousands of kilometers with kinetic missiles, and whoever gets hit first loses

Ever see Master & Commander? Deception and surprise at close range can give you the edge needed to win.

The stealth frigate would have torn the Roci apart at long range and "standard" CQB ranges, as the simulation scene indicated.
So instead they use deception & surprise to catch it off guard, in a literal ship knife-fight, using the station as cover.

Yeah if you want to kill your human crew

The music is still the best ever made for a TV show. There was a hint of something unique just like BSG sound-wise in the S2 premiere of the Expanse, but the music never leads a scene. In BSG it certainly did.

LGH did a good job but that's not really how space battles will be fought.

>no way to mask your thermal signature
read the books, they can mask the thermal signature but it's not perfect
>and whoever gets hit first loses
read the books

FedEx director has ties with Alcon Entertainment or something. It's an easter egg.

Don't be so sure about that dumbass
Stealth exists today on planes that makes them fucking invisible to radar even at 20 km
An active broadcasting radar is a target
infrared kinda sucks, could be camoflaged against easily
Can't tell a decoy from a real object at 1 million km

It's going to be more like sub warfare than surface warfare

The weapons involved are silly, the lack of any armor is silly, the concept of big free floating stations is silly

power went out and also did you miss the escape pods ejecting everywhere?

>It's going to be more like sub warfare than surface warfare
It's going to be like no warfare we've ever engaged in

>I know how the future will work.

wrong everytime

>You guys realize and space battle that happens within visual range is utterly ridiculous.

Yeah, and it's why they did it. Crazy plan to catch the enemy by surprise in an attempt to even the playing field.

>Also there is no stealth in space because there's no way to mask your thermal signature.

Read the books, it's not perfect tech, it's ridiculously expensive and requires massive R&D efforts.
You CAN do it, but the expense required is so great that nobody can really justify it.

>'Battles' are going to take place over 100,000s of thousands of kilometers with kinetic missiles

That's what happens in the first season, with the Donnager battle, before it descends into CQC, as the stealth ships needed to board the Donnager

>and whoever gets hit first loses

Not as true as you think. Compartmentalization helps a lot to reduce damage.

They were docked to a freighter heading to the station to get in close. Fucking watch shit before you start talking shit.

The real battles in this show do happen at BVR.

you miss all the shit about high G? That's why they are strapped in with all the extra pressure.

The show explains all this but you retards still need it explained

I'd like to know how they put enough armor on a spaceship to survive a kinetic missile hitting them at 25 miles per second and completely vaporizing half of the ship. Also, there really is no way to hide your heat signature that isn't complete bullshit, I mean you could figure out some way to direct all your emissions behind your ship, but then you couldn't maneuver without getting detected and you wouldn't be able to see anything in front of you.

>The real battles in this show do happen at BVR.

Can't wait until Ganymede, shit's going to be great.

>Stealth exists today on planes that makes them fucking invisible to radar even at 20 km
It makes them appear smaller, not invisible. It can also be countered by different types of radar, and when there's fuck all else out there for something small to hide amongst it doesn't matter.
>infrared kinda sucks
Against the background of space it would be hard to mask IR emissions, especially since those are the ONLY way to remove waste heat from your spacecraft.
>Can't tell a decoy from a real object at 1 million km
The only way to make a convincing decoy is to have it match whatever it is you want to hide, in IR emissions, engine drive plume etc. So that's less viable than you think.

Space warfare isn't going to be like naval surface or subsurface warfare, it will be something else entirely.

I haven't read the books, but I'm getting more tempted by the day.

>I'd like to know how they put enough armor on a spaceship to survive a kinetic missile hitting them at 25 miles per second and completely vaporizing half of the ship.

It's going so fast that it just punches holes through the ship, it doesn't "vaporize" it.

>I mean you could figure out some way to direct all your emissions behind your ship, but then you couldn't maneuver without getting detected and you wouldn't be able to see anything in front of you.

You just figured out how the stealth ships work. They're mostly reliant on external sensors using tightbeam communications to be their "eyes" while they sit still.

Read the books.

>in IR emissions, engine drive plume etc. So that's less viable than you think.

>what is flares

You should, they're great and better than the TV show. The two are also different enough that you can enjoy them both.

And how long will those flares last? It would be pretty easy to use spectroscopy to differentiate between a simple flare and a spaceship engine exhaust plume

The books go into detail about a lot of things that the shows don't openly explain, as the show takes "show, don't tell" to heart.
If you want to know about how the space combat works in this setting, what the stealth ships are & how they work (and their limitations), you should read them.

That would have to be a hell of a flare to match the drive plume of a fusion engine.

didn't recall
was Ashur in season 1 too?

>It would be pretty easy to use spectroscopy to differentiate between a simple flare and a spaceship engine exhaust plume

That's kinda the point, it gives you time. That's what decoys do, give you time.

>tfw all those civilization destroyed when in billions of years some of those stray railgun pellets strike their planets at relativistic speeds

But then couldn't an enemy ship easily detect the external sensors, which are most likely using an active detection method, and destroy them effectively blinding the stealth ship and forcing it to move, thereby immediately revealing its position

A few seconds of time isn't going to do you much good when it's going to take your missile an hour or 5 to reach its target anyway

It doesn't have to match every signature, it just has to approximate the ones used for targeting.

If there is even a moment of doubt or hesitation the decoy has done its job.

Yeah I think I will. The show seems to have a decent amount of thought put into it, and I keep hearing the books are even better.

>But then couldn't an enemy ship easily detect the external sensors, which are most likely using an active detection method,

They wouldn't need active detection, just infrared detection like standard initial detection.
LPIR (Low Propability of Intercept Radar) is a thing too, so for targeting data the sensors could still stay undetected.

Why would they be using active sensors? (not memeing, generally curious as to why you think they'd be necessary)

space isn't a closed system, conservation of momentum isn't a thing when the projectile is affected by gravitational forces and half life

gravitational forces could keep accelerating some of those strays forever until they hit something. and their half life could be longer than the estimated remaining age of the universe for all we know

I liked season 1, I'm not going to watch season 2 because that

Passive sensors for target detection, active sensors (RADAR, LIDAR) for targeting information.

The external sensors, being small, cold, dead objects, would be hard to detect when operating passively.
So the stealth ship would lie in wait, until the rough targeting data from passive sensors indicates favourable conditions, at which point the active sensors fire up to give precise targeting data in a short amount of time.

i'm too tired to argue with an armchair scientist

>hating on best girl
>tfw no amazonian martian

>It doesn't have to match every signature, it just has to approximate the ones used for targeting.
>If there is even a moment of doubt or hesitation the decoy has done its job.
When drive plumes are visible across the entire width of the solar system, the timescales involved get so large that shaving seconds off is not worth it whatsoever.

In the Expanse it doesn't fucking matter because they have magic stealth coatings that turn things near-invisible except for being slightly above the background IR reading.

>ive no arguments so ill use an ad hominem attack

knew I recognized him from somewhere

>He hasn't read Caliban's War

It would be necessary if both ships are using this method of stealth combat, otherwise it would be two ships and their external sensors waiting for the other guy to make a move, forever. And space is so vast that as soon as someone made the first move at a close-ish range, the battle would be over pretty much immediately, with the victor being the guy who waited longer.

So your best bet, if you're in a ship moving towards an area where you think an enemy vessel might be hiding out, is to use any method you can to detect the enemy from as long of a range as you can to give you the biggest chance of surviving his first attack, and then counterattscking. But because he's gonna be in stealth mode too the only way to do this would be using active sensors to find him.

it's your loss, caliban's war is where the books really took off

has anyone read all of the books?
are there aliens yet?

No, I appreciate that - I'd interpreted what you (or the user that posted about active sensors) meant was a stealth ship running with active sensors on all the time - which made no sense (which is why I asked)

They show up in book one dude

>They show up in book one dude
i dont mean the protomolecule. i read hints that there is alien activity beyond other gates.

>needing to enter the atmosphere to fuck shit up

>phasers breaching the ship hull that easily

what a joke

aliens are dead, Bad Thing™ happened to them. We're probably going to find out what. Maybe. We don't know

IR sensors are the best way to detect enemies, in the book they detected them using IR sensors then when they went into the battle they found out the enemy had parked two ships close together to disguise them as one big ship because they knew if anything used any other kind of sensors to detect them they would be blown away by the station's defense system

They're not phasers, they're bullets traveling at very high speeds which most certainly would punch through any metal armor you put on your ship.

Book three we see a projection (it's really difficult to describe) of what built the proto-molecule in the first place, we all see more proto-molecule creatures that weren't made from anything in our solar system - and some kind of lizard like creature


>they found out the enemy had parked two ships close together
I was waiting for that oh shit moment after them showing through the simulations just how difficult taking on one would be

But why, when they 'went into battle' did they even get close enough to see that it was actually two different ships. They should've been in a battle as soon as they detected an IR signature, by launching missiles at it.

launching missiles at it.
And watch as their torpedo's get swatted out of the sky by PDC fire. Some strategist you are

>Ironically, the worst episode of the entire series in in season 2, but we'll forget that bit.
People hate on Black Market but I always thought Hero and A Day in the Life from Season 3 were way worse.