Any films about materialistic losers?

Any films about materialistic losers?

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is there a film about Sup Forums? if so, that

Everyday carry is one of the most pathetic things I've come across


it's the equivalent of girls taking selfies in front of what they're trying to show you

high fidelity

what the fuck is half that shit anywy nigga


the fuck else do you need is that guy really jotting notes down in a fucking journal daily? idk even know what the entire right side is lmao

>vape and e-juice

What's he supposed to defend himself with

wes anderson

The Monsieur Hulot films.

>if you care about the way you look you're a loser

what did you mean by this?

OP's pic is just conspicuous consumption and defending it tells me your a nigger

Is that a hard drive or a phone?

looks like a journal

American Psycho duh.

wtf thats literally what i have
minus the mouth-fedora though

what is the blue thing bottom middle?

u werent watching the same movie as me

That says WPI? That's a wallet.

Has it tools attached or something; where can I get it?

He says in some other place it's a Trayvax original wallet