Arrival for retards


We get it, they ripped off Slaughterhouse V
Very deep

>Arrival for retards

Yes, Arrival is for retards because it was a bland shitty movie filled with planks of wood and a memory is the key to everything interstellar ending.

>Arrival for retards

we know

so basically amy has the power to change that guy on the right's future?

fucking retard

>Arrival: for retards

but she can though? she can tell him that he's stabbed at F, and then go back and tell him this before F happens, thus giving the dude information which allows him to not get stabbed.

but if she prevented it she wouldn't be able to see it since it didn't happen

so no accidents ever happen after she learned the language? sweet.

she can only see her life fucking retard kys

More like "Arrival by a retard"

she yes, but when everyone learns the language there will be no more accidents. that's pretty sweet you have to agree.

>let's make a baby

They actually put that line in the movie. What the fuck.

So basically, stick with Amy and nothing bad will ever happen to you.

yeah but what about the illiterate

You forgot "is" between "Arrival" and "for"

> that happened.

Do dyslexic Heptapods view the future as blurry?

It wasn't difficult to understand, just not that clever.

I dont get it.

...then what did she prevent?


What about if see tells him to do something, anything, different from the way she saw it happen in her non-linear "future" time? Like she sees a friend in the street wearing a blue sweater, then goes back and tells him to wear a green sweat instead. Does the universe implode in on itself?

So how did she travel back in time after talking to the Chinese general?

The arrival plot twist: if you think it's anything other than capeshit made for the stupidest audience, you're a pleb


>don't know who to bet on for the superbowl
>see falcons winning superbowl in the future
>use information to bet on falcons in the past

So Time is a Flat Circle ?

Sports fans are worse the libcucks

so how does recounting events non linearly let you see magically into the future with complete precision again?

Hard mode: How is the inevitable paradox of being able to see your own future without changing it explained at all in arrival? or were the writers really that much of lazy hacks

Something about the universe being deterministic and if you knew the position and state of every atom you could simulate it perfectly going forward?

This. Even if you see time non linearly, it doesn't mean there is only one dimension of time. Hell we still don't know if the universe doesn't split into multiple dimensions every time an event occurs or not. And yeah, if she sees her future, it should only be one possibility. It doesn't make sense unless you admit that what she sees are only possibilities, but holy shit that means we step right on all the paradoxes and uncertainty we know.

Also is the 2 hours limitation ever explained ? They mumbled something about atmosphere renewal inside at the beginning, but what if they just brought more oxygen inside to talk more ?

>it shouldn't only be one possibility*

She just remembered the future you idiot. Are people really this stupid?

She teaches the world the language, everyone sees the same future, no paradox, it's pretty simple stuff. If someone changes it then people only remember the new future without realising some cuck decided to test it out. It all eventually straightens out.

The irony of this post is too funny. He just tried to explain to you that it's not a fucking memory, she experiences all timelines simultaneously and in the moment. And you just made the same mistake of thinking it's a memory, again proving a bunch of people are too retarded to get it and OPs post is actually warranted.

You can't remember something that hasn't happened yet, you should be locked up you sound insane wtf?? are you on meds?

Oh, but you think she can travel to the future? She simply remembered the future. If you stopped playing on your phone and actually watched the tv you'd understand.

You can't travel to the future either, the whole movie is wrong. It's not realistic at all.

This is also the way Muad'Dib saw time.

And his word shall carry death eternal to those who stand against the the righteous.


didn't she change it? her husband stayed with her in the flashforwards at the end

She only experiences one timeline, dumbo.
It's literally future "memories".
Which is physically impossible, of course, because your brain needs to create new synapse connections for memories to form, so they can't come from memory synapses you'll have in the future.

she sees it like doctor manhattan



pleb filter movie

if you think its smart then youre a pleb

Very nice

unless you're her daughter


-Donald J. Trump

the movie was already for retards

China attacking the UFO

So we're going to have another movie where, for years, people are going to post retarded interpretations of the movie and call others retards for not getting them.


love trumps gravity, obvs


In 1884, meridian time personnel met
in Washington to change Earth time.
First words said was that only 1 day
could be used on Earth to not change
the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1
day and ignored the other 3 days.
The bible time was wrong then and it
proved wrong today. This a major lie
has so much evil feed from it's wrong.
No man on Earth has no belly-button,
it proves every believer on Earth a liar.

Children will be blessed for
Killing Of Educated Adults
Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous
Days Same Earth Rotation.
Practicing Evil ONEness -
Upon Earth Of Quadrants.
Evil Adult Crime VS Youth.
Supports Lie Of Integration.

1 Educated Are Most Dumb.
Not 1 Human Except Dead 1.
Man Is Paired, 2 Half 4 Self.
1 of God Is Only 1/4 Of God.
Bible A Lie & Word Is Lies.
Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s.

God Is Born Of A Mother –
She Left Belly B. Signature.
Every Priest Has Ma Sign
But Lies To Honor Queers.
Belly B. Proves 4 Corners.

Your dirty lying teachers
use only the midnight to
midnight 1 day (ignoring
3 other days) Time to not
foul (already wrong) bible
time. Lie that corrupts earth
you educated stupid fools.

GoBelly-Button Logic Works.

When Do Teenagers Die?
Adults Eat Teenagers Alive,
No Record Of Their Death.
Father Son Image, Not Gods.
Every Man Born Of Woman.

>pretending this turd requires any sort of analysis