As per Hiro's decree, we are allowed one meta thread per board

As per Hiro's decree, we are allowed one meta thread per board.

How do we improve Sup Forums?

all ads are blacked ads

He asked this 6 or so months ago
He again ignored the Sup Forums suggestions and just picked 1 for every other board that was complaining about their boards

/they/ will not allow him to fix it because both of them are still upset about how this board treats them

It's not gonna be easy. How would you realistically filter out the Sup Forumskids? While I'm all for free speech and anonymity here, it's a mad dash to get (You)s for being as ironically racist as possible in every thread, derailing the whole thing. How do you get rid of that?

One small step may be IDs like they use on Sup Forums to cut down on samefag shitposting.

more blacked porn






make /film/ and rework this to house all the capeshit, tv and waifu shit.


Permaban any IP that posts on Sup Forums and Reddit. These faggots constantly spam dumb memes, capeshit threads, and the word "kino".

request to make more than 1 meta thread at a time. You can't go wrong when going meta.

How is this bait? Some of us are actually here for tv and film and some reasonably humorous memes. And no, it has not always been this way.

skin color and family race check so only the whites can post, but subhumans and canadians can still lurk and learn

Remove lefty shill attemps to normalise interracial porn

euthanasia hahahaha

but no seriously you should have to make a profile with your face and information and relationship status


>One small step may be IDs
I will stop posting here if we get IDs, I don't want people to be able to identify me when I make a mistake, I wouldn't be able to handle something like that, the awkwardness would be unbearable, my eyes are getting teary for just thinking about it.


Good, fuck off autistic faggot.

for the love of god please hiro

There needs to be a /bane/ board devoted entirely to Baneposting where discussion of tv/film is banned.

No. Blacked is the best meme.

This desu, might as well have /im/ - Internet media so all Youtube shit goes there, I will miss the comfy Sup Forums RLM threads though

Your back is getting tight?

Merge Sup Forums with Sup Forums


it's based on your browsing history idiot


Which meme is worse, BRAAAPposting, or Blackedposting?


The one where flavor of the month spam is given a name that ends with "posting"

No, he should merge Sup Forums with Sup Forums, they're basically the same board.

Ban anyone who posts on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, r/the_Donald, and Tumblr.

This madman must be stopped

You get nothing from this. At least with Blacked, you might see a new pornstar to fap to.



We don't need IDs, we need country flags.

This. Redirect all comic influenced films to Sup Forums.

You know the IDs aren't literal personal information?

Get rid of the capeshit niggers from Sup Forums, Reddit, and Twitter

Every board has already merged with Sup Forums. Sup Forums and /his/ are literally just a /pol2/ and /pol3/ sat this point.

Trump has basically just inserted himself in to every once casual conversation on earth. Nobody can stop talking about him.

ban Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossposters
20 minute cooldown to post across the site for new ips

Where did he post this?

Just keep Sup Forums as is and make an Art-house Film board. That's all I fucking ask. It's impossible to talk about it anywhere on this site and fuck reddit because it's just circle jerk.



There is really nothing else to "fix" other than getting rid of "you know who"
He needs the same treatment as the boxxyfaggot
The userbase won't change just cause you ban "muh reddit and Sup Forums"

I like how Sup Forums thinks its better than Sup Forums or Sup Forums, never been to Sup Forums so I can't comment

/his/ is anti-Sup Forums. it's filled to the brim with pretentious redditors

maybe it's changed since I was last there but I keenly remember the sentiments that there is no such thing as race and that Jews were only coincidentally overrepresented in communism were popular there.


>20 minute cooldown to post across the site for new ips
I don't get why they don't already do this

Stop being hypocritical

Stop being mysogonist

Stop having shit taste

Stop having no self awareness

Stop watching television

Stop being autistic

Stop having shit taste in women

Stop being bitter virgins

Stop having no sense of irony

Sup Forums is objectively the best board because it knows its absolutely horrible

>hire proper mods deleting porn, cunny, pol and other off-topic threads.
>allow one general for star wars, capeshit, got, twd and so on at a time.

Ban any IPs that have posts on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums from posting on Sup Forums. Remove pleb.

That's a really fucking Reddit attitude and is the reason it's the worst.
>Isn't this board so le shit? Here, let me spam some le memes xDdDDEd

unironically obviously this
except a couple series are ok

Also ban half asian/half white males from posting here

Yeah, but other anons would be able to backtrace my bullshit from other posts.

>The board is literally called Television and Film
>Stop watching television
Really user?

OP saved his image on his iphone from Sup Forums

"Stop being mysogonist" discredited your opinion.

>he thinks shitposters don't know how to reset their routers

whats up reddit

you can't stop people from being idiots, you can only zone them off into their own little shitty community

What the fuck are you talking about

ok but who decide which thread is more meta when theres more than one?!

Sup Forums was fine a couple of years back, I just don't know what the fuck happened
but yeah that would be nice

Half the reason why I don't take anything posted here seriously is the people unironically watching television and thinking its great. 90% of movies may be shit but 99% of shows are shit.

What time do we have the most Sup Forums users on Sup Forums so I can post my blacked threads?

Hire proper mods who delete porn shit etc. and don't delete legitimate threads.

Currently, you can make a thread about "actor said stupid shit on twitter", or "lol this actor has a big dick I want to suck his balls" but if you make any thread about an actress whatsoever it gets deleted.

Similar goes for Trump - you make a thread about "actor said stupid shit on twitter", it's ok, you make a thread about "actor said stupid shit about Trump on twitter" it's gone.

Which basically makes me think that the mods we have are retarded gay SJWs. So remove them.

You're just butthurt because it's true.

Cry more

>I just don't know what the fuck happened
Baneposting happened

We talk about television and film.

I voted for Trump and all but this race bait shit is getting out of hand. I'll go on Sup Forums if I want Sup Forums threads not Sup Forums.


>Which basically makes me think that the mods we have are retarded gay SJWs
The mods deleted your shitty trump thread so you feel triggered. kek

>I voted for Trump

Nice try CTR.

8 yrs.

more Chugga desu

his vids are kino

>having no self awareness
>being autistic
>have no sense of irony
>and a mysogonist

Make /fan/ - fantasy to quarantine all the cancer away

Simple. We'll just make a thread about it.

>"actor said stupid shit about Trump on twitter" it's gone.

are you retarded? trump and Sup Forums threads in general get up to 200+ replies until theyre deleted. like on a daily basis

>Sup Forums was fine a couple of years back
2007 wasn't a couple of years.

go back to Sup Forums iCuck faggot

You're a fucking faggot. I spent more time on Sup Forums than here but if someone doesn't wanted shitty off topic threads they're a hillshill.

You have to go back.

If I made a film thread right now how many of you would realistically post in it? Does anybody in this board even give a shit about film anymore?

Well it is easily better than Sup Forums and Sup Forums, but that's not hard to do.

Sup Forums without mods like it was years ago would be 100x better than Sup Forums though. Sup Forums, along with almost all of Sup Forums, basically just molded itself after the ultra-ironic self aware memeposting Sup Forums created.

Nice try, CTR. Go suck bernie sanders dick.

>79041098 (you)
>That Reddit spacing
Fucking kill yourself

Right and sadly the objectively wrong opinions and taste stem from people being idiots in many ways

talk about movies. Sup Forums is not a fucking propaganda cumwell to whore yourself as a disney shill

Does the cancer that joined Sup Forums and ruined it by following moot during the 2010 world cup actually believe this?

You sure seem triggered SJW!

Anyone who cares about film should know better than to talk about it here. /lit/'s film threads are like 2010 threads here, it's quite nice.

>Anything that pertains to celebrity opinion, tweets or drama needs to be permabanned.
>If the text of a post doesn't pertain to the board topic it should be banned.
>Superhero shit belongs on Sup Forums.

There I fixed Sup Forums by asking the mods to put in a little more fucking effort.

No, I prefer Sup Forums-related Sup Forums posts.



I rarely ever make threads anymore because they get like 10 replies until theyre bumped off the board. theres like one decent thread a month at best these days