Who are your favorite comedians?

Who are your favorite comedians?

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Eddie Izzard
David Mitchell

Him and Bill Burr and Stewart Lee

Although not my favorite, I recently saw his latest special and thought it was bretty gud

Gaffigan is the only respectable stand up atm. As well as Burnham


Jim Norton, Jimmy Carr.

Steve Coogan
Jimmy Carr
Ricky Gervais, yes he's a faggot, but The Office and his work with KP are great

Doug Stanhope
Bill Burr
Mitch Hedburg



>Stewart Lee
Fuck you I like his long meandering self indulgent stories

>Richard Pryor
True visionary

>Lee Evans
A master of physical comedy. Jim Carrey also.

>Jimmy Carr
If you thought you'd heard it all, wait until Carr opens his mouth. Guaranteed offensive humour on some level. Frankie Boyle too.


Killin them Softly was GOAT

I stopped paying attention to Doug when he started getting cucked by the hobo or whatever.

Has he gotten any better? I assume he is still "wow just wowing about President Trump".

Carr's a decent presenter and has good banter with his guests. Boyle's just a cunt.

him and Dave Chappelle are the two bests of our era

You know I saw Dave Chapelle around April of 2016.
Not that t was disappointing, but some cocksucker on the front row was caught recording him like 15 minutes into his set, so as he was about to speak about the Airplane suicide in the Alps and Cosby he abruptly started telling dick and relationship jokes.

Not that it wasn't hilarious, but you could tell he was starting to feel very comfortable with us as an audience and that got fucked up by some rich prick who wanted a Snapchat video.

Anyone ever seen Seinfeld?


>tfw Patton Oswalt was my favorite comedian back in '05

Feelin' Kinda Patton will always be my favorite comedy album but goddamn did he fall off the rails after a while. Not only is he a libcuck mangina to an absurd level, he just isn't funny anymore.

his comedy is still great, its just when he gets political or religious, it gets waaaaay too preachy. i mean, im not right or religious but he needs to stop bending over for the liberal art majors who love him

new burr special was wack

shoulda seen the writing on the walls with his cartoon but the guy has officially lost touch

I don't think I laughed once when I watched Talking For Clapping. The guy's lost the touch, and I say this as a guy that bought his CDs the day they came out back in the day.

I don't mind when comedians are political on either side, as long as they're funny. Patton's George W bits used to be hilarious.

this + Chappelle and Lewis Black

the latest special isn't fantastic but I don't think his material has gotten noticeably worse

Jason Rouse
Norm Macdonald
Russel Peters
Sebastian Maniscalco
Steven Wright
Craig Ferguson
Mitch Hedberg
Rodney Dangerfield

Doug Stanhope
George Carlin
Bill Burr
Bill Hicks
Richard Jeni
Sam Kinison
Jim Jefferies
Patrice O'Neal
Louis C.K.
Mitch Hedberg
Dave Chappelle
Nick Di Paolo

Same here. I even read his book, and it was pretty damn funny. Right after his wife died, I knew it was over for him. I thought he'd sink into a deeper depression and disappear all together. I'd rather be did, instead of throwing tantrums pretty much daily.

i wish you used a trip so i could filter you

What's so bad about him?

Plenty of Boyle stuff on UK Netflix I enjoy

Todd Barry and Stewart Lee

I like relatively soft-spoken comedians, plus these two have a penchant for subtle comedy and perfect sarcasm that doesn't come off as obnoxious. I like the fact that they can hold their own vs hecklers too.


Michael Mittermeier and Dieter Nuhr

Bill Burr
Nick Mullen

Russel has become the most hack comedian out right now. He's nearing Dat Phan levels.

He's like X10 better if you're Italian so you understand his material desu


He's great because he isn't really telling jokes, he's telling stories, and weirdly they have a moral to them or a true bit of wisdom, not just yuks.

yeah, his evolution from his first records to his latest movie is amazing.

I was at the taping of his last special and it is great as well

Sup Forums needs more Normposting


I've seen seinfeld do about an hour and ten, back in around '09, big theater setting

The guy killed. Impeccable timing, incredibly polished. Absolutely no fat on any jokes. There's a reason he's seen as such a pro, it's well-deserved.

Rodney Dangerfield

seems like anons should be able to relate to him, but I don't see his name come up much. He was getting btfo by Stacey before we were even born

>I was on the phone with a beautiful girl. She said come on over, there's nobody home.

>I went over. There was nobody home!

Louis C.K.
Bill Hicks
Bill Burr
Joe Rogan
Dave Chappelle
Chris Rock
Jerry Seinfeld
Tom Segura
Bert Kreischer
Ari Shaffir
Ricky Gervais

There are too many to count honestly.

official Sup Forums rankings

Gaffigan is a weirdo catholic. What kind of guy has a shit ton of kids and has them all birthed in his house?

bo burnham is comedy for smart people

this guy is hilarious. new in town was standup kino.

I like to listen to Louis clips before bed, especially interviews. There's something relaxing about his resigned, low energy delivery of funny. It's just the right level of gentle downer before sleep.

Any recommendations for similar material?

>Other best comedians imo: Bill Burr (but way too high energy), Dave, John Mulaney, Pete Holmes

not bad honestly

Sweet I got tickets for my mom and I toward the end of the month. I'm stoked.

Hannibal Burress is pretty dope

Anyone seen the newest Bill Burr Netflix special? It was fucking garbage.

He was only ranting about shit with barely any jokes at all, maybe a funny voice here and there. Shitting on US politics, fat people, over-population, which I agree with most of his points but it just wasn't funny at all.

President Trump

Enjoy the show

Dylan Moran

Black Books is kino too

that's what he does nowadays

Is his last special recent?

Gabriel Iglesias, simply because he's not afraid to poke fun at racial stereotypes of all people.

Mitch Hedberg
Steve Wright

>>George Carlin
>Bill Burr
>Bill Hicks
>Richard Jeni
>Sam Kinison
>Jim Jefferies
>Patrice O'Neal
>Louis C.K.
>Mitch Hedberg
>Dave Chappelle
>Nick Di Paolo

Goat list.

>he likes them but not Rodney

They are the 3 kings of one liners

>>Nick Di Paolo
its a shame that Nick has gone so far into right wing politics in his podcast, he still has so much potential to be funny that gets wasted

it's no secret round here that blacks and chickens are quite fond of one another

>im a material girl
>in a material world
>you got no money
>you get no pussy

Louis CK tries to be the Woody Allen of the new millennium by being confident about his insecurities. Woody Allen was respected for it and attracted women like Mia Farrow and Diane Keaton whereas Louis was treated like shit by his ex-wife, he does plenty of comedy routines where explains this in detail and rationalizes this as the realistic role men have in marriage. His tv show Louis is him exposing his Beavis and Butthead lifestyle and mentality

>only two mentions of Jim Jefferies