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did he break something?

>so close to running, not there yet

yes, his heart

I'm completely straight but I would throat his cock .

I'll gladly save him if he's suffering from a buildup of semen in his balls.

What is he doing?


Giving his fans what they want

uh, why is he always wearing a hat?


Anybody else happily take Henry's dick up their ass?
Straight btw

I like his doggo.

>yfw never be friends with henry


Henry is based.
He knows he lucked out getting to play Superman so he's just loving life and his massive paycheck

Would take his footlong up my ass


>you'll never have one too many drinks and start wrestling
>he'll never hold you down and passionately steal your first kiss

Why is he dressed like a peasant from 800 AD?

because he's /ourfuckingguy/


This pretty much sums up my feelings about Herny.

>Kansas City Chiefs fan

Hey Henry are you gonna save the DCEU now that Ben Affleck bitched out like a fucking chump? I liked you in MoS and BvS.


>Rehabbing my knee and training for The Durrell Challenge at the same time. By the end of this I think I might be ready for the first ever deep-sea marathon.

>Hey new kid, you play WoW, what faction you with?

what the fuck is he wearing and why?

Looks retarded

Dr.Cavill, I'm Seaman.

It's an aviator hat. He's trying to do a Filthy Frank tribute.

Alliance because I'm not retarded

Alliance since I saw LOTR and Gimli is hella fucking epic

No he's clearly copying the guy from this

This desu.

What is he recovering from?

Holy shit.


where does Henry live? :3

Twink Cavill a cute.

did he get the surgery to remove that splotch?

Literally in LONDON.

Jersey as well, I live there also He is a mascot of our based Zoo

What's he gonna do once the funds dry up after DC reboots?


He looks hot with it though, looks like he's flushed.

Hopefully porn.

Why are his suits/tuxes always poorly fitted? He should hire whoever dressed him in the UNCLE movie.

because he weighs 280 pounds

They're not poorly fitted. He just enjoys dressing like he's living a more nostalgic era.

t. youtube food reviewer

>ywn be a literally flawless male specimen
>girls will never piss their panties with cummcummyjuice jut looking at you
>no matter how hard you work out it will never fix your face

>your face
Can't fix your autism neither

he's a hairlet user rejoice

He'd probably look good bald tho, like johnny sins

Bald literally doesn't matter with strong stubble and jaw.


These are two POV of him fucking you. Women love this shit. First video he cums fast, 2nd vid he is taking his time as you ride his cock while he works out.


>“You’ve got to enjoy life! I mean, you’ve got to,” Cavill said. “When I’m making money I’m spending it on nice stuff, whether that be lavish holidays for me and my friends or just seeing something and going in a shop and saying, ‘Yeah, I want that for the house,’ and buying it.”

>He stressed that the money isn’t spent on himself alone. He likes to splurge on his friends. He also pointed out he is especially grateful for his money when it comes to long-distance travel.

>“Spending money on my friends, buying dinner for everyone, drinks for everyone, it’s a nice place to be, and I like people to feel cared for,” he said. “People will be calling me a cuck as they’re reading this, but travel’s great as long as you’re going first class. I mean, traveling to New Zealand in economy, it sucks. Especially if you’re over six feet. But first class? I’m not going to ever pretend to be coy about that. I love it.”

It won't ruin him, of course, but it definitely does change how your face looks and baldING is worse than being bald. He's probably suffering from it too while fucking 10/10 Staceys. Can't have it all I guess

go on...

Dude is symmetrically good looking but he can't act to save his life and I wouldn't bet much on him being talented as a director.

>be 10/10 Chad Dudeson
>be a millionaire

Cmon bros, just bee yourself!

>He likes to splurge on his friends.
I want him to splurge on me

(( ( ( T H I C C ) ) ))

Back when he had less muscle.

Probably tossing shit in his hair to cure balding


nothing helps

you faggots are so gay





The sheer volume of cleavage
Henry lust thread?


why didn't you save him Sup Forums?

Why the FUCK are British men so attractive?

It's not fair bros. I'll always be a disgusting fat american fuck.

No man escapes Kraven the Hunter, not even the Man of Steel.

Is he ever out of shape? Is he the only super big guy to stay in shape year round?

When he's on holiday he just wears nice clothes to cover up any slight paunch

no there's also biel

Am the hand

I'm from Britain and most born and bread (especially working/lower class) Britons are fucking disgusting looking. Literal eternal Anglo tier.

Upper class people like Cavill tend to be more attractive but even some of them look inbred.

I want nothing more right now than to dig my fingernails into his broad muscular back. I swear I'm not gay though.

Henry is one of the few exceptions. Most British men are fucking hideous.

Tell me about Henry! Why does he wear that hat?

He literally got all the good genes

It's fnot fucking faaaaaair!!!! British men are all hunks and here I am a stupid obese American piece of trash.

My spank bank can supply that image

>you will never press your face into Henry's chest and breathe deeply

too bad all that working out won't grow his hair back

>44 posters
not one of you explaining what OP is talking about?
is cavill sick?

Fuckin' bullshit. He got the combo; good face, good body. He's unstoppable. he can have anyone he desires.

>Upper class

Stop using terms you don't know the meaning off.

>I'm from Britain

Yeah right.

Minor injury

and I was having such a good day too

>Upper class people like Cavill

Henry Cavill is middle-class.

Acceptance is the only cure.

Delete this NOW

Jesus.... us americans are so fucking ugly compared to these British Adonis.

>People will be calling me a cuck as they’re reading this
nice try

I must have got him mixed up with someone else because I thought his family were gentry or something. Turns out they're just rich.

>“People will be calling me a cuck as they’re reading this"

He browses Sup Forums right? Is he /ourguy/?