

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=chilean women&biw=1366&bih=657&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1m5nb2vLRAhXjllQKHSVcDH8Q_AUIBigB

Problem solved the way I see it, she's no one's burden now.


ppl are so sad ;_; we should just let them in guys

she cant seriously think her job is hard

She's not even from a bad country. She was getting deported to Chile, which is unironically first world.

let them inside your wife

jesus, what a narcissist

We shouldn't.

She and Spoony were made for each other, too bad she's a kiwi.

back the fuck off?!?!?!


Let Muslims in they try to kill themselves
Kick Muslims out they try to kill themselves

It's a no win situation, at least she didn't try to take anyone out with her.


>People desperately want to get into and stay in the US so they can get welfare paid for by white people
>Now they're all starving again
Sounds good

only if they can complete and MXC type challenge that actually can break your legs and arms

quality Sup Forums - Television & Film here!!

fake news


Immigrants are so lazy they can't even finish a simple job.

just post her tits already you faggot

google.com/search?q=chilean women&biw=1366&bih=657&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1m5nb2vLRAhXjllQKHSVcDH8Q_AUIBigB

go or stay? google makes me lean towards go.



Maybe she found out they were sending her by helicopter?

let's discuss alice's tits

how are they even possible?

>"attempts sucide"
aka takes a bunch of pills in full view of everyone or some stupid shit like that

FAke news

>i want to leave if trump wins
>fellow americans open the borders and let everyone enjoy.

What the fuck. I'm chilean, what was her fucking problem? Is not like people die from starvation here. Fucking bitch better kill herself right there if she doesn't want to come back to the BEST country in fucking South America.

Perra maraca y la conchesumadre.

great genes and a healthy lifestyle

Fucking disgusting

She's kind of right, you know. If I had to strip naked for the cam and dance around, I'd have to shave all my asshair and make sure every spec of shit is gone. I'd also have to spend hours to apply makeup onto my body to hide any acne scars and imperfections. Then I'd have to make sure the lighting is absolutely favorable so you can't see any folds of fat.

Imagine if I missed a hair laced with crusty shit near my asshole on 1080p? People would never let me hear the end of it and it would be on the internet forever. It'd be memed on Sup Forums. And I'd have to do deal with that kind of stress daily? No thank you.

Miss alice pedo is now going after these threads since theres no bella thorne thread to trigger him??