So here's what she's doing next: Brain On Fire

So here's what she's doing next: Brain On Fire.

Chloë's first Oscar nomination will come because of this movie. She plays a young woman falling victim of dementia. Maybe at some point her brain will literally catch fire and she'll become a ghost rider-like entity.

Here's trailer. Looks like it'll be the best movie of the year!

Other urls found in this thread:

and can't wait for more chlo-mo

also need super high res pic

>tfw no sickly Chloë to cuddle with

i'd take care of you chloe. i may not be a smart man, but i know what love is.

must've taken a lot of CGI production to cover all those muscles

I'm truly excited for the worlds first trans-appliance Oscar winner.

>Chloe has been cast in a Regarding Henry remake.

Probably another remake where ole Harrison Ford gets his original performance surpassed.

She's in the remake of Suspiria. That worries me. She's done 2 remakes already (3 if you count Dark Shadows). Both failed, but one was actually good.

well at least if she is in suspiria remake they'll be some tasteful bush and whatnot

She cut after winning last year's WBBF title
>picture related to comment

Chloe is a fine young actress, one of the best actresses of her age in Hollywood.


rumor is that she was or is about to be forced off of suspiria due to misbehavior/partying.


Chloe "box office poison " Moretz should stop ruining movies by being in them. She couldn't act her way out of a wet paper sack by the way.

Are we being raided by ?

That doesn't make any sense. That just isn't Chloë's style.

When they do a remake of The Wrestler in ten years or so, I'd love to see Chloe play Mickey Rourke's character. Xhe has the body for it. Marisa Tomei has to reprise her role though.



She can definitely draw on her real life WWE/UFC experience for a truly 'method' portrayal

I think you need more than a dozen people for a raid

Why does 4reddit have a 4 mb max limit on gifs?


Given the recent escalation in her roid rage incidents, I disagree


Dementia is the new hot topic hm?

It's the new PTSD

>trashy tattoos
>socialising with niggers
>nipple piercings
>even more trashy tattoos
>specifically claims that she would kick up a fuss if she thought a movie wasn't "progressive" enough
>allegedly retires from acting after trying to slut shame a popular reality tv star backfired on her.

And this is all before turning 20

I got a feeling she's not the little professional all that PR bullshit led you to believe

Would anyone else let Cloe handle their meat with those big powerful mitts of hers?


>fuck no


>released in february
>oscar nom


>trashy tattoos

You mean the feet of her dead sister, the name of her dead grandmother and the initials of her family members? That's not trashy.

>dead sister
>dead grandmother
Did her rear naked choke get ooc again?

I wouldn't mind smelling her hair

I like this post

Is it time we started loving Chloe again?

Cfw she visits Sup Forums

No, he is a brute

..and cupping her balls

>hey pretty lady
Damn this guy winnin the oscar

only casuals and junior trolls ever stopped loving her

chlo-posting in 2017. feels good.

Imagine being trapped in an elevator with her as she's growing slightly more muscular by the second, breathing heavily and grinning like a madman.
Eventually her bulging muscles take all the space in the elevator and you suffocate, pressed against the wall, with no air to breathe, your lungs compressed to the point you can't even inhale.
And just before you pass out she starts to flex and you can feel your seed leaving your tubes and ejaculating somewhere into her muscles folds. Then you die.

By the way starting strength is the shittiest program on the planet.

Sure does, user

Anyone going to go see this when it comes out? The original was very good.

The bitch had footprints tattooed on her body.


Yeah I'm sorry that's fucking trashy.

>shittiest program
>shittiest actress

Not really. I was the ultimate chlobro from 2009 to 2013 then she died to me. She got annoying as fuck and only did shirt movies.

no fuckin way

The color of kino is silver
Sadly, the remake will be the usual Moroidz shitshow

>it's not trashy having the initials of your family members tattooed on your ass so you've got to either wear short shorts and hike them up or full on drop your pants to show them.

Jesus Christ

Hahahaha it looks fucking terrible

Direct to TV garbage

Does anyone know what nationality she is? She looks aryan to me.

Nice hair but she looks bad from every single angle.


Sounded Austrian when she played John Matrix

strong germanic genes, perfect breeding material

>perfect breeding material

For what, Escalades?

>he doesnt want an army of super soldier sons
step up sempai

I think the script or the book or whatever of Brain on Fire mentioned a nude scene. Has that been debunked yet?


>Has that been debunked yet?
We can only hope

do any of you guys think you could take chloe in a fight?

German-irish genes.


German irish is my favorite mixture. They tend to be a bit on the sturdy side.


>hey user, what's up you little sissy?! don't make me come over there!





Not even if we dogpiled her





Yep, I'd smash.



>Really user, you think you're big enough for me? No way buster!


At least let her finish out her playing days first

how big is her clit?


Hopefully big.

>Picks the Ravens who always year in year out have the hugest fuckin dudes on their defensive line even compared to other NFL teams



>p-please user! go see this movie. its not that bad i swear.

>i n-need the money for more protein user please

size of my thumb

>if you go see the movie i'll let you sniff my butt
>whaddya say?


>put your face against it and sniff it you dirty little mexican!

>i know you want to