Is she, dare i say it, /our gal/?

is she, dare i say it, /our gal/?


Somehow her voice always sounds like she's about to cry. I want to protect her from all those thugs assaulting her all the time.

It's /ourguy/. Please don't misgender him you fucking fascist cis het shitlord fuck.


I knew her in high school. Everyone hates her from her attempted riding as a Libertarian candidate

does she have a nice boipussy?

I want to throat fuck this bitch so bad and pound her little behind. Fuck she has the perfect body built for power drilling slam fucking. I want to rub her face on the ground while I pound her hole and grab her tits and scream in her ear. Fuck she's such a nice piece of fuck meat. I wanna fuck and suck and lick n slap her ass so bad Jesus Christ holy fuck

how long before she admits she's a white nationalist?

Never because she isn't.

She's one of the "SJW's are the REAL racists" crowd

>she states facts

Didn't know that was a niche


I think he's implying that she doesn't want to embrace her racism.

Wrong. Left wing politics are correct, right wing politics are not

opportunist attention whore

looks like you found another member of that crowd.

t. Joe Bernstein

>a fucking leaf

Lauren has honestly never struck me as a racist. Someone excessively proud of her own heritage, maybe, but not an out-and-out "fuck the darkies" type racist.

t. half-black, half-latino user


she is -LITERALLY- an idiot that is only as successful as she is because she doesn't look like a complete hog. No, she's not our anything.

wasn't asking you motherfucker

she's actually a libertardian

Thought it was cool how she let some dyke throw piss on her and didn't sue.

She's a dumb 21 year old who knows nothing but talks a big game. Listening to her struggle to outwit a Twitch gaming streamer was funny.


he sounded like a retard too. it was a stalemate

Goldy > Southern

wait she's only 21? She looks much older but now I understand why she's so stupid

pretty embarrassing for her to only be able to stalemate a streamer (she didn't but even in that hypothetical scenario)

you can't really outwit a subliterate autist with a music therapy degree.

>defending your streamer "friend"


>ywn be Lauren's multiracial bf who she uses as a shield against accusations of racism
>ywn have hot raceplay sex where she either pretends you're her slave or a migrant worker


>libertarian whore who works for (((Rebel Media)))
Try Sup Forums, they're for Jew lovers like her and Trump. Sup Forums is an anti kike board

she has a great little body
i wanna be the bull to her cuck



Looks and sounds like a man.

Sounds like a girl, idk what kind of bizarre effeminate men or masculine women you're hanging around. Do you live in Seattle or something?

No offense intended, of course, I visited Seattle and your city is very nice, even though your people are a bit strange.

Literally who gives a shit what you think, darkie. Do you know her or just think you know her from watching her videos?

Looks like a convincing trap.

>Do you know her or just think you know her from watching her videos?

I don't know her at all, of course. Solely talking about the impression I've gotten from the handful of videos I've seen of her. Why? Do you know her?

She's an idiot just like the rest of Sup Forumss idols

She wrote a "book" about how non-white immigrants are the cause of all of the problems in America and Canada, and somehow Muslims especially even though they probably don't even make up 1% of the population in either country

I'd love to hatefuck her.


>The Rebel
is that some lefty crap? then GTFO from Sup Forums, you degenerate

Can't decide who I hate more, Lauren or Tomi Lahren.

look at her pants... of course she's /ourgal/. I bet she comes to Sup Forums all the time.

They are a conservative news site

I want those pants

>all that pandering to Sup Forums nerds

Is that supposed to be Satori and Ran?

she is from Sup Forums you fool. but she won't admit it in public. she used to post to /cgl/ and then discovered Sup Forums...

She's a kike puppet that loves and wants more SJWs because without them she and her kike bosses would have no jobs and nothing to report on. It's all a kike game of divide and conquer tactics on actual white people, and Sup Forumscucks are buying it.

Momiji Inubashiri

>she used to post to /cgl/

What anime does she like?

To be fair, for 30 years, people have just shut up and put up with SJWism to a large degree. That hasn't resulted in SJWism stopping. So fighting back, or as you say 'divide and conquer' has not negatives which aren't already in place by doing nothing.

>oh look, a cancer tumour

And before you say anything, no I'm not a Sup Forumscuck as you call then (nice use of the new 14 year old go to word 'cuck', so you're a Sup Forumscuck as well then?) I just see what's happening. When my 66 year old mother is complaining about this shit, you know it's hit critical mass.

Sup Forums are the biggest perpetrators of the identity politics. It's funny.


>Muslims especially even though they probably don't even make up 1% of the population in either country

Technically, Muslims are 1.32% of our country. But I get your point. I'm just drunk and nitpicking.

>Sup Forums are the biggest perpetrators of the identity politics. It's funny.
what identity is that? I visit Sup Forums regularly and don't notice this identity you speak of.

A manchild cuck pretending to be an adult identity

Not exactly. Sup Forums are obsessed with identity politics, but they aren't the "biggest perpetrators".

Remember that DNC has said "our job is to keep white people down", and that left-wing professors have said "I'm dreaming of a white genocide" while still keeping their jobs and with no legal penalties.

Sup Forums is a tiny backlash of a fairly small* middle-class white dudes too afraid to speak out so they vent anonymously. The only people who can complain about this safely are people like me, black/latino/biracial Americans, but even we say nothing because we don't want to be called Uncle Toms and ostracized. Identity politics, in the sense of being opposed to white germanics/celtics/slavs/and even latins, is very much the mainstream, so widespread and accepted that you hardly even notice it.

*Remember that the US has 330 million people, and that most Sup Forums posters aren't even from the US. It's a statistically insignificant minority.

>When my 66 year old mother is complaining about this shit, you know it's hit critical mass.
Is your mother directly making money from talking about SJWs and would be forced to go suck cocks at a strip club if all SJWs suddenly disappeared because she has no other skills?
I hope you see my point now.

>muh race
>muh gender
>muh sexuality
>muh heritage


she's jewish

just look at those roots, her hair is dyed blonde

fucking (((rebel media)))

>that bod
>Comared to the SJW "women"
goddamn i know what side im on

What's her sc?

Pretty sure the other girl is her sister

what do you think her hiney hole tastes like?

don't forget to buy her 60 page book LMAO

>implying i was comparing her to the girl next to her in the pic and not a pic related

>tfw no lauren gf

is she our news mommy?


>sup bros?