What is the "i like all music except country and rap" of cinema?

What is the "i like all music except country and rap" of cinema?

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get this fugly piece of shit faggot out of my sight


Citizen Kane

Damn, Shaun King looks like *THAT*

I only listen to rap and country

Rap isn't even music, country is like a shitty cover of something else with only redneck instruments.

They're not music genres.

I like all movies except romantic comedies and documentaries.

well that's wrong

i like all film except non english and black and white films
>tfw to intelligence to post on cuckchan

My thoughts on country: vocaroo.com/i/s0pL0k0TVhkp

"My favourite movies are SHawnshank redemption, Fight Club, Se7en and Donnie Darko"

>i like all movies except black and white

>wtf user these lyrics arent in english

Who is the Anthony Fantano of Sup Forums

Why are you making this thread again

rlm or cuckmann

RLM is Scaruffi and Cuckman is Fantano.

this chick drives me crazy


Scaruffi is armond white

I think you mean Latza.

>I like all movies except for foreign and old stuff


That would be the exact opposite though. Those movies are thought of as too much of an investment and too artsy by the average person, but rap and country are implied by OP's thing to be shit genres not worth considering.

It's more like "I like all films except animated and comedy ones"

So this nosebro retard is actually you


I guess your career of posting dumb things for (You)s is expanding
