The expanse


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How has the first episode?

Introduced some new characters, made some political tension.
The ep2 was better (pic related)

>new characters
mother fuckin Ashur will rock the space


lol no. I made the 1st you were referencing, and i made this. so this is the 'rightful' if we stick to the term




Awesome space battles.


The books are so much better, but at least they did the ships more or less right.

idk some say the show is much better


Those pinche squats can float home.

Where is my 7 ft. tall mechwarrior wife?



Stop, my invincible imbecile

>Who's gonna feast on Earth's sky - and drink their rivers dry?


i iwsh 2 b bullied by martian gf


Episode 2 link when. the rip asks you for money for the second episode, fuck having your info when a torrent will be out within weeks.

Why not just watch a stream?

>within weeks
it's all over everywhere

Where? I'm not in mexico so I don't know where to look.

Are you retarded? "A torrent" has been out for two days already.

usual places
whatever searchengine

wtf i thought this site is for adults

I was able to get a rip within 2 hours of the show, and that with shitty internet.

Since getting a job I haven't kept up with the latest pirating shit. This was like 7 years ago. Forgive me if paying with my wallet has allowed me to experience convenience. I already have amazon, hulu and netflix so getting syfy legally is not an option.

Complete shit. There's even more boring political shit to wade through now. Had to skip half of it and the rest has godawful dialogue.

I was able to find a mega link to it for a free download in less then two hours after it showed. I am not sure why you are having a problem finding it.

Think Mega and links... even someone who a redditor can figure it out.

Another teenage poor user helped me out and provided me a plebbit link but the second episode required me to pay so I was looking for another means of watching that wouldn't cause me to pay. I have bills so thank this mexican bastard I say mexican cause my brother is in tijuana and uses sites like these.

You sound like a 12 year old pretending to be a 16 year old

Inform me when this show stops being space fantasy and becomes hard scifi again

was that scene in the book? or is it heading to BSG level marysue depths?

It wasn't - Draper is first introduced on Ganymede where her entire squad gets torn to literal pieces by a protomolecule monster

Get out shitlord

Space rocks

Read the books.

Book Bobbie is thick and built. She's not stronk, she's savage.

use megadownloader
you're welcome


You would think would be enough of a hint.

when did it stop, retard?