Still don't get why Anakin had to kill the younglings

Still don't get why Anakin had to kill the younglings.

Kids will believe anything, just say "As Jedi Master, I officially command you all to renounce the Jedi Order and stop training in the ways of the Force for as long as you live."

Or alternatively have them grow up to be the first of the Empire's Sith assassins and inquisitors, which we already know he had.

Would've been an interesting and tragic twist to show how Sheev stole and corrupted the future of the Jedi.

It explains in the book that he was going to let them go until they triggered him by calling him "master". He got upset and killed them all.

>until they triggered him by calling him "master".

What? Why did that upset him?

he wasn't made a master.

>Still don't get why Anakin had to kill the younglings.
Did you not watch the movie? He did it cause Sheev told him he had to to get closer to the darkside to be able save padme. He was already at the point of no return, so he gave in to doing whatever it took to save her.

Ironic..isn't it?

They saw him trip up the stairs on his way in and he was embarrassed, only way to save face.

no thats just inferring some bullshit that hasnt been explained

the order was probably kill all jedis non survive and then he went to the extreme

I feel pity for a book, or anything really, which attempts to redeem revenge of the sith. Too daunting a task, too ridiculous a movie.

Yes he was

Oh shit nevermind you're right. True pottery george he wasn't. It was a major plot point of the film that he wasn't.

Let's forget the kids are there because of tendencies that include clairvoyance and mind reading, of course.

He was conflicted. It was a test.

>Still don't get why Anakin had to kill the younglings.

The prequels are retarded so this doesn't make sense in the real world but within the logic of the film Anakin was already too far gone at this point, the extermination of the Jedi order was required and he chose to do this by killing the younglings.

>Would've been an interesting and tragic twist to show how Sheev stole and corrupted the future of the Jedi.

He already did this by corrupting Anakin as he had.

"Do what must be done, do not hesitate, show no mercy, only then will you be strong enough in the dark side to save Padme"

If anything the reason is too explicit you cuckolds
gets it

No he wasn't, that was one of the leading causes to his anger and overall descent to the dark side

Literally everybody calls him Master because, you know what? he's a Master.

why didn't they make them into sith lords?

seems like a waste of good midi-chlorians

He was, but he wasn't. He's a Jedi Master but not a Master Jedi, he gets to be called Master since Clone Wars because he's a knight, a Jedi Master and has a Padawan, I understandable the confussion, even Anakin got confused.

No he's not. That's one of the main things he's pissed off about the whole movie. He was the only member of the Jedi Council who was not a master, and he took their failure to promote him as a personal slight.

How many of these threads do we have to rehash the real answer. LUCAS IS A HACK. That's it. No other answer. End of story.

Watch Clone Wars, literally everybody but Obi Wan and Ahsoka calls him Master Skywalker.

>Anakin getting triggered by someone calling him master

Christ Anakin is the biggest pussy I have ever heard of. Would he be a liberal cuck if he lived in our time?

>Watch Clone Wars

He would be this.

She calls him master so much I gives me a boner. It's a bit overkill. it's a kid's show, not a BDSM porno.

>He's a master in the begining of clone wars show
>He isn't in EIII
>Think he fucked up so badly they removed his mastership
>Turns out they dont' remove his mastership he just stops being a master in EIII
This franchise has more holes than swiss cheese

>Hey guys, so Maul, the second sith, is alive and he's ruling over Mandalore, do you think we should focus on him, detain him and question him about the sith ruling the senate?
>No, to Utapau system you should go and with General Whovious you should deal
>Guys, srly, we have been ignoring the whole Sith in the senate for too long, for Force's sake the clone army was built by Tyrannus, I don't think this is going to end well
>No, trust in our clones we should and show them our back for backstabbing is the Jedi way