ITT: Cast an older Rey, Finn etc. for episode IX

ITT: Cast an older Rey, Finn etc. for episode IX
(15 or so years older)

This board needs some Rey bans

Making room for based Poe of course


TFA was shit.

>only 30 years old
Damn I thought she was a top milf


Post the webm of her jumping butt jiggle at the gym

Doesn't even look like Rey

>Not based Atwell



>ITT: Cast an older Rey


Sienna Guillory and Idris desu


Her forehead is a character on it's own


Was Rey an alien all along?

forget punchable faces, this one screams "hammer time".

>implying they will cast someone else and not just make a CGI older Rey

Isn't it about time that we make Rey a black girl?
There is literally no reason not to have her as a cool, sassy black girl who is also strong and independent.
Maybe pic related

Can't believe this isn't a shoop