I don't get it

i don't get it

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his wife was a spider

girls are spiders


Jim Stafford - Spiders and Snakes

subtext yourself

Jake Gyllenhaal has a fetish for spiders

She was a drider


Both Jakes are actually the same character, actor jake dying is about growing up and not cheating on your pregnant wife

I think

this makes me very very uncomfortable

It a movie about a giant spider attacking Toronto. What's not to get?

Nope. No humanoid futures. Pure spider.

Here is a good example of a drider from the 1990 hit miniseries IT.

This is a sculpture at the Canadian National Gallery in Ottawa that the film might have been inspired by


dude is it two different people or two different parts of his subconscious does the spider represent his relationship and infidelity idk one dislikes blueberries but the other doesn't lmao

*hits bong*

What other films are set in Toronto? Other than scott pilgrim

Spiders are a metaphor for relationships, because spiders make webs and webs are used to catch prey. The bigger the spider the bigger the web.

Jake sees small spiders at the start of the film because he wasn't that commited to his wife, but later on that changes drastically as he keeps seeing bigger and bigger spiders, slowly realizing he's caught for good because he loves her.

>person uses "subconscious mind" to describe the unconscious mind

Basically this. Spider = commitment + the future. Conflict between who you're becoming and who you want to be. And in the final scene after killing the part of himself he hates he confronts his fears.

It's absurd for the sake of being absurd.


It's been a while since I watched the movie and this video, but I remember this guy being pretty much a fag and wrong.

The movie is not literal. It's not meant to be literal.
The movie is the "imagination" or thoughts or whatever of a person bored with his life.
Boring Jake is that guy
Actor Jake is the person that the real person (the one who this fantasy world is based on) wishes he became.

The spiders, like people have said, represent women or at least responsibilities and obligations.

As the movie goes on, the spiders get bigger, and Actor Jake's life falls apart.
The end of the movie is Boring Jake (and meta-Jake) realizing that his boring life is the only sustainable one.
Hence when the big spook at the end happens, he doesn't look shocked, he just looks resigned

Doesn't he smile at the end after looking resigned, I definitely remember him smiling

why is the spider afraid of him though

Whoa... it's almost as if the ambiguity of the movie is open for interpretation... Hmmm

I don't think it's afraid.
It's just doing spidery shit. The next moment it could pounce on him


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The spiders represented Sam Raimi's involvement in the film.
They got bigger as Raimi's hand in the project became more apparent.
The resigned look upon seeing the huge spider at the ends symbolizes the original director's acceptance of the fact that Raimi is the one true director and always gets his way.

This is probably the worst movie I've ever seen. Though I must admit I jumped at the jumpscare at the end.

Had a dream the other night about a large grey spider and it was crawling along the wall. Googled it and they say in dreams a large spider represents a controlling woman present in your life. My gf is controlling as fuck. I remember seeing this movie years ago and damn what a trip that it translates to real life.

its afraid because jake has got the key and is contemplating cheating again
the spider no longer has control on jake

I took it as a non linear shit, guy didnt trust women after the car accident and saw them as spiders.

For anyone that doesn't understand the film. Spiders represent women and commitment, the whole doppelgangers thing is all in Jakes mind. He has split personality disorder where the teacher part of him has a great sex life but no excitement, whereas the actor has no sex life but a great career. The real Jake had the job as a teacher but also a part time job as an actor, 3 movies that amounted to nothing, which is why his mother told him "you should forget about being a third rate actor" even when he thought he was the teacher and the other guy was the actor. The affair with Mel most likely happened at some point because his wife asks "are you seeing her again" but the car crash scene is Jake killing off the thoughts of being unfaithful along with his alter ego and accepting his life. However, as soon as he receives the key, he gives into temptation once more, telling his wife he's going out. His wife is the giant tarantula backing up in fear because she is frightened that the "old Jake" is back and is going to cheat on her again! He gives her a look to say here we go again, proving his line from earlier in the school "history repeats itself."

From a youtube comment

Spiders are taking over the world.

the spider ate his gf

Look it's really simple, bud. It's about the inside of a guy's mind. He's split between the life he wants to lead and the life he actually leads. He wants to be an actor and fuck bitches, but he's got a teaching gig with a wife and a baby on the way. He doesn't want responsibilities. The spiders are the women controlling his life. He wants to crush them and be free like a man should be. It's basically a redpill on marriage. Ask any married guy.

Why didn't he just use a gun though?


because canada

>Moonlight playing in aisle 10
>have to go through the swamp tunnels to get there
>push the gondola driver down in the crocodile infested waters when he's not looking
The theatre fined me $5.99+tax, but it was worth it I'd say.

It's worse with sound

That means the director did a good job.

There's also this in toronto


Women are literally worse than Hitler.

>not recoiling in absolute terror
its shit