Damn, Hammaconda was perfect cast for this movie

Damn, Hammaconda was perfect cast for this movie.

Seriously, they should cast him and Tom Hardy in one movie.

(no homo)

They should cast Eva Green instead of Gal

Gal looks sexy, but she is tall and scene in lingerie with visible bones was not that much sexy desu + horse face.


his bubble burst a long time ago.

Why is he so perfect bros?

Jon Hamm is example of person that makes /fit/ and /misc/ extremly mad (just google jon hamm bodybuilding.com)

Do you know why?

Because his build is avg he is not lifting, but he is not fat or skinny, but he has most important factors when it comes to aesthetic and all 4 factors are pure genetic and its impossilbe to change it.

>face aesthetic + facial hairs
>wide frame + malny hand, thick wrists
>big benis

He's starring in the new Edgar Wright film and won an emmy like 18 months ago


There are not many actors with several websites dedicated to his penis.



He would be perfect as Ernest Hemingway

>He's starring in the new Edgar Wright film and won an emmy like 18 months ago

And every movie he's starred in outside the Town has been dogshit, even in the Town it was a case of the movie being good in spite of him, not because of, he was laughable in that.

He's really not worth the hype.


>not worth the hype

>He didnt watch Mad Men

Mad man

or someone like this

ugly face desu

more like this

You're gay.


I am not.

I can just admire another male aesthetic.

kek, you must have some insecurity problems if you have to prove your manliness on anonymous board senpai



Is that Taxman?

>Following graduation in 1989, Hamm enrolled at the University of Texas,[11] where he was a member of the Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Nu fraternity. There, Hamm was arrested for participating in a violent hazing incident that occurred in November 1990, involving another student, Mark Sanders. Sanders was beaten with a paddle and a broom, while Hamm was leading him around the fraternity house with the claw of a hammer beneath Sanders' genitals, and Sanders' clothes were set on fire.[12][13][14] The incident led to the fraternity's being shut down on campus.[12][13][14] Hamm completed the terms of a deferred adjudication, and the charges were dismissed in August 1995.[12][13][14]