In 2009...

>In 2009, Discovery contacted Spoony to develop a concept for an internet campaign in conjunction with Mythbusters and work with them
>This would have led to more work and potentially a show pitch about science education, as well as a lot of money
>He pitched Dr. Insano and was surprised when they said no and never contacted him again


Other urls found in this thread:

What a fucking retard

2017 will be the Year of the Spoon. He'll make a bunch of funny reviews, get that patreon back up, catch up on all those backer rewards he's behind on, finally release that DVD, stat streaming again, and finally start on that movie

Why the fuck did he invest so much in Dr Insano?

Or maybe he'll finally fucking off himself, same difference


I really, really hope this is true.

Yeah I'm curious to.

Also how's the spoon holding up I haven't seen anything since he was doing the ultima series I think or FF10 whichever came last.

It's been over two years since Spoony promised he'll get his shit together, stay off twitter, and get those reviews out. Will 2017 finally be the Year of the Spoon?

He is diabetic

Can this dude just kill himself already so we can stop having threads about him? Even Latza has more professional success than this guy.

I miss latza threads and linkara movie, was that the peak of this threads

This. I can't stand this asshole. Yet Sup Forums is obsessed with him because he is a worthless neet just like them

I don't know about sauce but the rumour about his TV show pitch has been floating around since the early 10s. Probably came from one of the TWGWTG crew.

Does he still have heart problems while drinking mtn dew?

The Spoony One | Mar 8 2009 |

Looks like I won’t be a MythBuster.

I was contacted a little while ago about some possible sponsorship opportunities with the Discovery Channel. Apparently they were looking for some people to film some tie-ins to Mythbusters, and people-who-know-people asked if I had any ideas to pitch for SCIENCE-based content– Myths to bust, prompting viewers to visit the Discovery website and submit their own myths, that kind of thing.

I said, “SCIENCE? Do I have the guy for you!”

Sadly, while the people I talked to were very enthusiastic about my ideas, it seems Discovery was going in an entirely different direction. It’s a shame, too. I was never going to be on the set with Adam & Jamie even if I’d scored the gig, but there was potentially a fair amount of money in it, and I thought the whole mad scientist thing would really wow ’em. Seemed like a good fit, the way the promotion was described to me.

Oh well. Maybe they were afraid Doctor Insano would run around on Meerkat Manor testing the myth “can meerkats dodge golf clubs?”

Yeah, I know, I’m whoring myself out for cash. I’d sell out for a sandwich and gas money. You don’t want to know what I’d do to get some of that phat MythBusters money.

When was the last time he did anything outside of streaming?


I made this webm

>Discovery contacted Spoony
I don't think it works like that

I edited the family portrait with the swapped faces, spoony JUST picture with the sad face and red nose and other failed memes.

>another publicist hired to "get our client on all the edgy media like Sup Forums so we can get some social media buzz!"
>posting this shit like any of us know who he is, or cares
It's like the Bog posts over on Sup Forums.

I might be interested


Jesus Christ no wonder he will kill himself

What publicist? spoony can't pay for shit

Does he even care for his little lizard girl at all?
It doesn't seem so. And what is wrong with her to stay with a massive loser like Spoony? What the fuck? I know she is poor but so is he by now.

He wrote fan fictions about the fat redhead but nothing for the lizard

I made the season two trailer. Good times

I remember being a teen in the late 00s thinking those guys were living the life.

Me too. I thought TGWTG was hot shit and it would be cool making videos like they do.

HAHAHA thank god I got an educations instead and am now having a real job with a real salary.

Eggkara tags please go, we are done with your cancerous gossip threads.

Because its one of his only decent skits. Also reminder spoony predicted trumps platform almost decade ago

Still miss the spoon though

Never liked that whiny geek

Found it. Shame we never got Season Two, and the show was cancelled when Latza got too successful.

Daily reminder he gets 2k of your tax money every month + one aditional grand also from your tax money through autism proxy

Remember to report e-celeb garbage threads.

What is Spoony doing this evening?


heh, i remember this. We really did think he'd off himself when this happened

Gonna get you

someone post that spoony pic that always makes me laugh

nm pic related

How fucking new are you?

>Anyway, kiss my ass, Sweden. Everyone thinks you're Switzerland anyways. And they suck too. Hey Swiss fuckers, pick a fucking language.
/ourguy/ confirmed.

i miss old spoony

Is there a bigger internet personality disaster?

You know that it's not him, right? It's that chick he made a rape joke about, JesuOtaku, after her transition into a man.

Is prime Spoony a meme? I've watched some of this guys vids and he comes across as a guy that never outgrew his 10th grade edgy humor and mannerisms.

When is the latza hiatus going to fucking end? Season 2 only just started before it was thrown back into hiatus

Niggas, Eggkara is Iive, get in here

Source faggot.

Who doesn't love Eggkara?

We're the best. We have the best Werewolf related fanfic of all time.

One Eggkara thread is not the end of the world, considering all the funny and Black threads.