Please recommend me some movies that don't really fall under the "horror genre" with jump-scares and shit...

Please recommend me some movies that don't really fall under the "horror genre" with jump-scares and shit, but are sort of dark and spooky.
Preferably a bit slow-paced and with some mystery for you to ponder.

I love to watch these kind of movies alone at night, in a snug chair.


>The VVitch
>Let The Right One In
>Donnie Darko
>Jacob's Ladder
>The Thing
>Cabin In The Woods
>Stranger Things

I saw Jacob's Ladder yesterday, on an user's recommendation, and now I'm really craving more entertainment of this kind.
Yes, I know I'm a pleb

Other urls found in this thread:

pls reply

The Brood.


Hey, thanks - Haven't seen that.

They what? Is that a movie title?


THE EXORCIST III is what you're looking for. Down to the T.

yes it's a movie title

What? I thought that was just your typical horror series?

Okay, adding it to my list. Thanks.

This looks interesting, too.


Mulholland Drive

This is one of the best random recommendations i've ever gotten from Sup Forums.You know of anything similarly tense?

>Stranger Things
>no Eraserhead
the fuck nigga?

Neon Demon
Blue Velvet
Under the Skin

Oh, no. The first Exorcist is a masterpiece, but you specifically said movies that don't really fall within the horror genre. The Exorcist III is what you're describing: creepy atmosphere, unsettling imagery, haunting score, slow burner, etc.

I'll leave you with a track from the OST:

(the first seconds are from Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells")

Also, don't watch the trailers because they show too much! Trust me, you'll LOVE Brad Dourif's performance on this.

That cover make sit look like cookie-cutter horror trash, user.

>shut up or die

I'll have a look, since this guy reacted so positively:
Haven't seen it.
Thanks for reminding me.

Heard the Neon Demon wasn't very good, but I've been meaning to see it.

Never heard of the other ones, thanks.

Okay, man, I'll give it a go.
I don't ruin it by skipping right ahead to the third movie, right?

Similar tense? I don't know, I've never actually heard that phrase before. You mean like similar pacing?

Sorry, missed your post.
Added to my list - thanks!

It's bloody hand may seem generic, the movie is anything but

He said similarILY tense, user.


No, not at all. The Exorcist III has no connections to the first movie other than a few recurring characters (the protagonist played a secondary role in the first movie). The director, William Peter Blatty, wanted to call the movie "Legion," because it was not a direct sequel to The Exorcist and it completely ignored the events of the second film (a disgusting "movie", by the way, don't even bother). Also, the story is completely unrelated to the first one's.

The Vanishing/Spoorloos (1988)

This is pretty good and atmospheric

Not that guy but Pontypool is fantastic. All the generic horror shit is happening off screen and the film takes place in a radio station reporting on it. Really effective.

If you don't mind gore you should check out I Saw the Devil

Under the shadow
Elephant man

session 9

Jacob's Ladder is my favorite horror movie and the closest thing I can think of in terms of atmosphere, while not really horror, is Mulholland Drive. And if you like that, look into other David Lynch movies.

I really liked Lake Mungo, don't look up anything about it because the trailer and google images will spoil some stuff.

Oh, Under the Skin is a weird movie, I didn't really get it but it's definitely creepy and dark.

By the way, the Silent Hill movie was based on a video game that was (atmospherically) inspired by Jacob's Ladder.

I like this too, even though I wouldn't call it slow paced. For some reason I think of it when I think of pontypool. It's kind of an experimental. the movie is broken down into three parts, a different director giving each part a completely different style and vibe.

Assault on Precinct 13. Original, not the remake.
Name of the Rose with ol Sean Connery ish fucken good too.

Possession (1981)

Also, Killing Them Softly.


absolutely love this film

Looking forward to it


>asian live acting
Skeptical, but I'll give it a try, I guess.

That sounds really promising, actually!

Mh, doesn't sound like the stuff I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.

I've seen Perfume and Hellraiser, and I don't think they quite fit what I'm trying to describe, but I can see why you'd recommend them.
Will take a look at the others you listed.
Apart from Elephant man. I know how the story goes, and it just sounds like a sad story, not a creepy/mysterious one.

Aren't those more typical screamy horror things?

Sounds good. I enjoy Lynch, though I haven't seen all that much of him yet. I liked Twin Peaks, and that movie which starts with the yellow lines on a dark road swooshing past (can't remember the name - Everything happens at night?).

I never watch trailers before seeing a movie (better to just drop it if it sucks after 10-20 minutes).

Lake Mungo and Under The Skin added. They look promising.

Yeah, got heavy Silent Hill vibes from that subway section in the beginning.

God, that cover looks atrocious.
Will look it up, though.

Loved In The Name of The Rose, and I was considering adding it to my list in the OP, but decided not to because it's not really "spooky" in such a direct way.
Will check out Attack on Precinct 13!

These too, thanks!

Bone Tomahawk yo

Twin Peaks: Fire walk with me

>Aren't those more typical screamy horror things?

Stalker is from Andrei Tarkovsky and is almost 100% atmosphere and mood with next to no action.

Sauna is similar to Stalker in that it's almost all atmosphere but with a few scares and a screamy horror ending I guess.

Session 9 is about a slow build up to the horror in the last 20 minutes or so, I didn't care for the ending myself but the build up to it is incredible.


Have seen it. It was nice enough, but lacked the really nice mood of the series, and it ruined the atmosphere a bit with being so blatant.

>Stalker is from Andrei Tarkovsky and is almost 100% atmosphere and mood with next to no action
Oh, is that the A Roadside Picnic adaptation?
I liked the novel.

Guess I'll give Sauna and Session 9 a chance too, then. Thanks

yeah it's based on roadside picnic, it's a masterwork compared to the other two films but they are also worth watching if you enjoy slow burn psychological stuff

Big fan of dark thrillers myself, checkout horsemen with David quaid. I think there might be one small jump scare but it's a great story.

Also, the Devils advocate, and the 9th gate are amazing imo. Fuck it just start with the 9th gate dude, it's one of my favorite spooky movies to this day and I don't think there are any jump scares.

>Mh, doesn't sound like the stuff I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.

Oh, also...

I love Alien. Should be obvious, but watch it if you haven't. I like Aliens too, but it's more action-oriented.

Oh, I liked the book The Haunting of Hill House, it was fucking weird, I recommend the book if you like reading but I recommend its adaptation The Haunting as well. It's more about the main character than the house.

Any of Kiyoshi Kurosawa's films.

Only fags from reddit don't like gore and jump scares

I can't believe Sup Forums is seriously answering a movie-related question.

Plus 1
Perfect Blue
Blue Velvet
Phantom of the Paradise
Requiem for a Dream
To Live and Die in LA
The Hunger
The Entity
Over the Garden Wall
The Skin I Live In

Hopefully you will find something you like.

Thanks a lot!
Might actually start with 9th Gate then, since this list is growing too long to really make a decision now:

The Brood
Devil's Backbone
The Exorcist III (???)
Neon Demon
Blue Velvet
Under the Skin
Mulholland Drive
The Vanishing/Spoorloos (1988)
(I Saw The Devil)
Under The Shadow
Lake Mungo
Under The Skin
(The Signal)
Attack On Precinct 13 (original)
Possession (1981)
Killing Them Softly
(Session 9)
Devil's Advocate
9th Gate

Have watched Alien, and yeah, I guess it fits the category. Great mood.

Love reading, so The Haunting of Hill House is definitely going on my to-read list. Thanks!

Eh, I don't trust Asians to make movies with subtlety and atmosphere, to be honest.
That's usually more the actors' fault than that of the director, but still.

Jump scares are cheap and uninteresting.
Gore can be good, but is often overdone and ridiculous.

Shit, that's a lot - Thanks!
I ave seen Coraline and Over The Garden Wall, and they were pretty nice.
The rape scene in Perfect Blue gave me shivers. Great movie

Ninth Gate is eh watch Posession instead that movie will really fit the bill you're looking for.

Right on dude, hopefully you enjoy them

Not op but I'll check out possession. Thanks nig

Ninth Gate is great

Posession is greater

The Game

If you're including anime then Angel's Egg fits your dark/atmospheric/creepy criteria.

>maymays from 2006

OP I heavily recommend Kill-List by Ben Wheatley.
It has everything you are looking for.

And watch The Vanishing, I see you got it on your list already, this is just a friendly push so you don't miss it.


Exorcist III is from 1990.

are you serious

Are these what you call "psychological thrillers"?

2nding Plus 1 and 9th Gate.

9th Gate is maybe my 2nd fav movie of all time.

Dark City?


Eyes Wide Shut

Came here to post The Ninth Gate, but somebody beat me to it. Great atmosphere. You need cigarettes and scotch if you're gonna watch it though.

Mothman Prophecies is pretty underrated.

The Myst



>Dark City
>The Hunger
>The Game
>L.A Confidential
>Black Dahlia
>Barton Fink
>From Hell
>Mulholland drive
>The 9th gate
>Ghost writer
>Shutter island
>The others
>Pan's labyrinth
>Blade Runner
>The Crow

Seconding all these.

>some movies that don't really fall under the "horror genre" with jump-scares and shit
OP, these are almost all horror films. Not all horror films rely on jump scares. The good ones create dread and a mood of unease that don't require someone jumping up and going "BOO!" Adding:

The Wicker Man (1973)
The Fly (1986)
It Follows (2014)
The Bad Seed (1956)
The Living and the Dead (2006)
Diabolique (1955)
Dead Ringers (1988)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956/1978) both great, but the original is the superior film.
Mientras duermas/Sleep Tight
Angel Heart (1987)
Pin (1988)

I thought Honeymoon (2014) was a surprisingly good and underrated creepy movie

Is there a worst genre out there than 'psychological horror' ?

It's fucking sad how people praise these garbage movies. Do you really feel special because you hate jump scares ?

All these fucking movies are the same, even fucking worse than the typical horror shit. They are pseudo-dramas with spooky endings and nothing more
>character does mundane shit for two hours
>childish symbolism through the movie
>suddenly something ambiguous or creepy happens at the very end of the movie
>open ending

These movies are only good to be circlejerked about by contrarians and pseudointellectuals fucking sad

Exorcist II is a great movie, what are you talking about? Sure, it's nonsensical, meandering, slow and cringey but it's one of those films that really sticks with you.

>Exorcist II is a great movie
Did you forget a I?

Session 9
The Blackcoat's Daughter
Black Mountain Side


>The Wailing
There ya go.

Shut up, user, you cute fuck.

>Is there a worst genre

Worse. The word is 'worse' as in Is there a 'worse' genre as opposed to "Is psychological horror the 'worst' genre".

Seriously if just one person sees this post and corrects this mistake in the future my life will have meant something.


Tenebre (1982)
Shady (2012)
The Chaser (2008)
A Most Violent Year (2014)
Lost Highway (1997)

Repulsion (1965)
Videodrome (1983)
Whispering Corridors (1998)
Maniac (1980)
Anti-Christ (2009)

Okay, so I know you made sure to specify NOT OBVIOUSLY HORROR, but I'm going to be a cunt and mess that up for you with this one.
It's like Kill List - everyone I show this to either adores or blasts it. Also it's really messed up, so be warned.

Strange Circus (2005)
Inferno (1980)
Memories Of Murder (2003)
We Are What We Are (2010)
Black Swan (2010)

The original Shutter (Korean, 2004) isn't as pure horror as the marketing (and American counterpart) would like you to believe. There are a few solid moments that really got to me, mainly one toward the end that I still think about in my everyday life. No shit.
Also, second on Antichrist and anything Cronenberg.

All The Colors Of The Dark (1972)
Black Coal, Thin Ice (2014)
A Tale Of Two Sisters (2003)
Marebito (2004)
The Shining (1980)

Lake Mungo

>Strange Circus
Came to this thread to recommend that same movie. One of my favorites.

Slow paced with a mystery...



it's thai you dipshit

OP here,
I just saw The Ninth Gate.

I love gothic imagery, so I enjoyed it, but it was extremely ham-fisted.

Also cringed hard whenever they handled the books. Everyone was supposedly experts on rare books, yet they all handled the rarest and most valuable books in existence as if they were TRYING to damage them. Bending pages, scratching leather, throwing them around, taking them out in the rain and fucking smoking while reading?? That is not okay.

This. You should watch it.

Watch Birth. A genuinely creepy film.

Slowburn horror>Classic Horror>Surrealist horror>Slashers>>>>>Day old shit in the toilet>>>>Modern horror

The Tenant(1976).

>and that movie which starts with the yellow lines on a dark road swooshing past (can't remember the name - Everything happens at night?)
lost highway

Pulse (Kairo)
The Invitation
The Game
Blair Witch Project

Les Diaboliques They never explain if things are paranormal or not at the end.