Except it'll more likely be about some radical right wing neo-nazi islamophobe trying to blow up peaceful muslims

>nig bauer

Mmm you're right those nazis just murdered 50 gays last year!

Except muslims are always nothing but henchmen for the evil arch enemy that are the Russians in this show.

I really hope people don't fall for this bullshit again

>tv shows changing your opinions
lol americans

Well? Can it?

I think I need to take a permanent vacation from the internet

This is how it always is. It starts off with them thinking it's the Muslims, but it ends up being the Russians or the Chinese all along.

Mark my words this reboot will be the same way.

>The main characters are all white women or black males

Who's going to be the bad guys?

But I was already scared of Muslim terrorists.


Is he/she implying that muslim terrorists shouldn't be scared of unlike non-muslim terorrists?

Um wait . . .

He gwanna shoot Fat Barbie / Amy Schumer ?

Go Aheadt Brah

Doo eeet

Aint gonna watch anyway

Imagine if for once the mastermind string-pullers were Israeli


yes, and theres always a mole in CTU. and some bullshit filler plots involving the mc's family. though there shouldnt be too much filler with only 12 eps?

>Every single negative review is an anti-Trump screed

jfc I just want to know if I should watch except to see my boy Tony again

I refuse to believe who ever wrote this actually watched the show.

I thought that was what the Middle East was for

I thought replacing the white main character with a black guy would supercede the terrorist thing. Should have made him a black tranny instead

The protagonist is a black male though, shouldn't that cancel out the Muslim part

>it's a "left continues to shit the bed because they mentally can't cope with the fact that they are on the wrong side of history" episode

Would you STOP being so paranoid?

>can a show be tacitly anti-immigration and also woke

what the fuck does that even mean

you can't support black people without also supporting third-worlders immigrating and taking their jobs, goy

"can a show be subtly redpilled and also bluepilled" in nu-speak

>woke means letting a bunch of shitskin muslims into your country by the millions

>patriotic black American terminating sandniggers with extreme prejudice

I can get down with this.