
memes aside, how did he get away with this?

Other urls found in this thread:


It was so bold that no one could do anything except applaud it.

And, it was a different time.

>Your teacher name is WHATOLINI?
>Peter, you don't have to take any spaghetti nigger SHIT, from no pasta sucking WOP. Now MARCH YOUR FUCKING ASS back to that school, and if there isn't fettucini-flavoured blood on your knuckles when you get home, you can say SAYONARA to your sega privileges
>oh ben REALLY, he's just a BOY
>SHUT THE FUCK UP, MAY, I HATE YOUR GUTS. Peter, why the fuck did I ever get married, and why did those stinking, greasy mommas boy mangecakes ever find their way into my beautiful city?
>Oh, ben
>MAY, SHUT UP MAY. GET UP STAIRS. Peter you better get out of here before I traumatise you by going ike turner on this disobedient old cunt.
>mark my fucking words peter, either that wop bleeds, or your out of this house

Kek who writes these.

Jesus Christ, Raimi.


I can still hear the dialogue

>Ugh...peter, don't hide those.
>Really pete, japanese cartoons? What the fuck is the matter with you?
>Peter, we dropped two nuclear warheads on Japan over the course of August 6 to august 9, 1945.
>220,000 nips erased... Gosh, I bet my grandfather was pleased. He lost his right nut in a Tokyo Tea House the day of the Pearl Harbour attacks. You should see him drink, Pete. He calls it a 'coordinated attack'.
>No, give them back. I'm keeping these for you. So if you slip up, I can show Uncle 'Just cram that jigaboo den into the oVEN' Ben or Mary Jane just how much of a scumbag otaku pedophile jackass you are.
>Peter, the japs have warped minds. They're trying to warp yours with this deranged shit. Don't fall off the wagon, pal!

How can Disney top this?

>Back to formula?


Am i fitting in yet?

I know how you feel, but with a little finesse this is a delicious meme

The 2000s really were different.

kys reddit

It was a different time.

>He was White Peter
>All these years protesting the Civil Rights Act, and one of my own gets me.
>Was I wrong boy?
>Uncle Ben-he-he looked Italian
>Oh Peter, thank you
>[Uncle Ben dies smiling]
I was honestly moved to tears



>Cute outfit, did your faggot husband fuck you with their 5 inch Taiwanese penis?


>that 10 minute segment of Aunt May going on about how 9/11 was ultimately for the good of the country
Seemed out of place

Genuinely chortled. Good work.

>"I had a dream once, Pete. I was first mate on some wooden cargo ship hauling negroes back to Africa. "The Motherland", as some naively call it with misplaced, delusional nostalgia. Well, they were about to find out how welcoming a bosom "Mother" really had. But before they did, they had to sail on MY ship. A ship where 105° was the norm below decks and mosquitoes could expect to feast like queens.

>I observed them all from above in the comfort of my roost, watching them being herded aboard in chains, one by one in single file. Sweat streaming like liquid black snakes off their naked, muscular torsoes and terrified faces. Every now and then, one of them would look up at me perched above as I sipped a cold glass of freshly-squeezed lemonade. Their eyes were red from lack of sleep, darting about desperately, finally fixing on me with silent pleading for deliverance.

>Now...you might think that all they got from me in response was an indifferent, heartless stare. No, Pete. Far from it. Instead, I arched an eyebrow and smiled casually, subtlely. The same as you would upon looking outside on a snowy winter's morning and seeing that your neighbor had plowed your driveway for you. Because I WANTED them to know that I was feeling something, Pete. I wanted them to know I was fully aware of how much pain and suffering lay in store for them, but more importantly...? I wanted them to know THAT I LIKED IT.

>Now be back here by 10pm and don't forget to help me paint the house tomorrow."

wew raimi


I'll go ahead and explain the meme to you since you don't understand it.

The joke is that SJWs regularly complain about standards from decades ago, retroactively declaring them inappropriate regardless of their period. This is an exaggeration of that behavior, acting as though their complaints about microaggressions ever had any real validity.

>seeing that your neighbor had plowed your driveway for you

Nobody in New York has a driveway you fucking moron

3.5/10 tried2hard

>White Power-Man was a hero. I just couldn't see it. He was a... a NIGGER! A garboon fucking mooncricket jiggoboo fucking coon! He stole my suit! He's a menace to the entire city! I want that spear chucking tree swinging moon ape prosecuted! I want him strung up by his dreads! I want White Power-Man!!!

>I offered you friendship and you spat on my face, like if I was some kind of dirty nigger!

Words escape me, somebody should have stopped Raimi there and then


No, it's not. It's about Peter's "Did your Husband knit that for you" comment and imagining that the whole film is written at the same level.

I enjoyed it.


>Peter, dont tell harry his mother was irish...

How the fuck did Raimi get away with this shit?

>call me triple H...Human Holocaust

doesnt even make sense

You're agreeing with me.

I hope you're aware of that.

For those who want to be part of this epic Sup Forums forced meme there are three easy steps.

Step 1: This is considered the most important step. See what movie this epic Sup Forums meme is being applied to today. Most of the time it's the older Sam Raimi Spiderman movies but since these threads die very fast the guys that force this apply it to other movies now. This thread however uses the Raimi Spiderman meme. Please pay attention.

Step 2: Take a iconic scene in the movie, any will do as long as people remember the scene. Greentext a quote from the scene and twist the words to use anti semitisim, racism, homophobia or any other edgy as fuck topic. Go nuts, the sky is the limit! The more vulgar it is the more epic the meme is. This takes us to the final step.....

Step 3: Make a regular post, taking the position of a normal person and pretend to be disgusted by that scene. I know, I know, this is Sup Forums, a site where gore flows like fine wine but that's what makes this meme edgy, wacky and zany. We pretend to be offended by that fake scene. Funny huh?

Now that you understand how to do this, have fun kids. Happy memeing!

That is literally what he said.

>Goebbels, what have you done?

I thought it was Goblin who blew up the bridge. What did Rami mean by this?

>that beautiful ten minute 4th wall breaking speech about the dangers of miscegenation and the necessity of expelling the jews

I don't get why everyone thought deadpool's 4th wall breaking was cute, but the ADL and SPLC got up in arms about Raimi doing it.

>that scene where the dogs were fighting each other in the living room and aunt may was screaming, "They're gonna kill each other, they're gonna kill each other!" while uncle ben kept kicking them and hitting them with a broom while peter walked around screaming "STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT" and aunt may screams, "Get em off of each other, get him off!" while uncle ben turns red in the face screaming "That's what i'm trying to do goddammit, stop fucking screaming!" while the dogs fight each other across the living room.

What was that even about?


Does anyone have Ben's "White man's burden" speech?

In Dead Pool there were multiple scenes where he looks at the camera and lectures the audience on the virtues of cuckolding.

Meanwhile in the second Raimi Spiderman movie there's multiple scenes where Peter makes jokes like, "How do you keep black kids from jumping on the bed? Put velcro on the ceiling." with a laugh track and everything.

It. Was. A. Different. Time.

Yea it went on for like 20 minutes wtf

chill out hothead.

I'm just throwing this out there, you guys are missing a lot by just swinging for the blacks and jews. consider the melting pot that is new york.

t. gay black jew

>Uncle Ben looks directly at the camera

I cannot take it. It gets me every time.

Every time

>That sequence later on where peter abruptly leaves the table during dinner, and uncle ben starts sobbing. may just turns from him, disgusted and does the dishes.
>peter jogs to the junk yard and uses his spider powers to snare animals and then stick them to each other

I personally enjoy European racism.
Top tier banter

too long and it lacks a proper punchline, still pretty good.

>three graphic scenes of peter pre full spiderman costume in the shitty wrestling costume jerking off upside down outside of mary janes window.

Was it necessary? They did closeups of Toby Maguires cock with the veins pulsing and everything.

When white people are racist to other white people it's all fun and games. Brown people just don't get bants.

Best part

>the climactic lynching scene set to yakety sax
>star spangled banner blaring as Peter sets the cross on fire in slow motion
>amazing grace gently playing with string accompaniment as Peter goes around unplugging all the colored folks life support at the hospital
>Horst Wessel Lied with jackboots counting cadence as the credits roll

I'm generally a pretty white nationalist guy, but even I found the musical selections jarring and distasteful.

>Uncle Ben: All the things you've been thinking about Peter, make me sad.
>Peter: Can’t you understand? I’m racially tolerant.
>Uncle Ben': Peter all the times we talked about white pride, cultural marxism, racial purity...all those times I counted on you to have the courage to take a stand against liberal brainwashing...
>Peter: I can’t live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.
>Uncle Ben: You’ve been given a gift, Peter. With white skin comes white power. Raise your hand to the Iron Eagle, son.
>Peter: No Uncle Ben. I’m just Peter Parker. I’m White Supremacy Man no more. No more.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house when we saw this. Bravo, Raimi.

The fuck are you on about retard?


Nice pasta

I read somewhere that originally A. Wyatt Man was credited in lieu of Ben Garrison for arranging the score. Article said Ben "didn't want to be associated with something as heeby as a movie" but changed his mind upon seeing the final cut. I always like the special features because they shine so much light on certain decisions by the director and crew.

>You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."


For those who want to be part of this epic Sup Forums forced meme there are three easy steps.

Step 1: This is considered the most important step. See what movie this epic Sup Forums meme is being applied to today. Most of the time it's the older Sam Raimi Spiderman movies but since these threads die very fast the guys that force this apply it to other movies now. This thread however uses the Raimi Spiderman meme. Please pay attention.

Step 2: Take a iconic scene in the movie, any will do as long as people remember the scene. Greentext a quote from the scene and twist the words to use anti semitisim, racism, homophobia or any other edgy as fuck topic. Go nuts, the sky is the limit! The more vulgar it is the more epic the meme is. This takes us to the final step.....

Step 3: Make a regular post, taking the position of a normal person and pretend to be disgusted by that scene. I know, I know, this is Sup Forums, a site where gore flows like fine wine but that's what makes this meme edgy, wacky and zany. We pretend to be offended by that fake scene. Funny huh?

Now that you understand how to do this, have fun kids. Happy memeing!

You know what I don't get? How they got Raimi to portray Mary-Jane as this desirable girl. She's some fucking fire-crotched potato negress and everyone's going ga-ga for her like she's the second coming of Freyja.

How'd {{{they}}} do it?

>In regard to the filming of the rape scene, Maguire said, "When I wanted to do the rape scene, I explained to [Kirsten Dunst] that I was going to hit her and rape her. There was no emotional relationship between us, because I had put a clause in all my contracts stating that they would not make love with Spider-man. We had never talked to each other. I knew nothing about her. We went to the desert with two other people: the photographer and Raimi. No one else. he said, 'I'm not going to rehearse. There will be only one take because it will be impossible to repeat. Roll the cameras only when I signal you to.' Then I told her, 'Pain does not hurt. Hit me.' And she hit me. I said, 'Harder.' And she started to hit me very hard, hard enough to break a rib... I ached for a week. After she had hit me long enough and hard enough to tire her, I said, 'Now it's my turn. Roll the cameras.' And I really... I really... I really raped her. And she screamed."[1]

Bullshit, I laugh at those jokes. For example made me laugh my ass off. Plenty of us have a sense of humor, you just assume everyone who posts is black unless they state otherwise, same way you automatically assume everyone is male until proven otherwise. That's the way it should be, race and gender should never be stated in a post unless it's directly relevant.

My point is, tons of us can handle the bants, it's just the media paints a narrative and irl its social suicide for us to admit that we aren't actually all that offended.


WRONG, pay attention

No, the joke is that we have become a pussy society. What was a harmless joke back then (did you husband make that for you) would be totally unacceptable today because we love cuddling gays and minorities.

This is unironically one of my favorite memes on Sup Forums.

Nope. You're blaming it on sjw's.

>mfw watching this in theaters as a kid next to my parents

I watched the second movie alone.

How did Columbia Pictures allow this? Did Raimi have more creative leverage than we initially knew about?

Fuck off back to readit, hothead.

so what you're saying is.... BACK TO FORMULA?

In all seriousness, how did Raimi get away with this ?

Pre-9/11 was truly a different time

>After she had hit me long enough and hard enough to tire her, I said, 'Now it's my turn. Roll the cameras
fuckin kek, every time

>History Time

This was like right in the middle of 9/11. They tried to get Raimi to take the Trade Center out of the movie. Pleaded with him. This was his response to the studio execs.

>that scene where peter could have stopped the hijackers but he said it wasnt his problem

>asking how Raimi could portray Kirsten Dunst as desirable



some spics are cool too

t. a spic


>what's ya name kid?
>the human holocaust sir
>really? couldn't name yaself after an actual genocide?

raimi's last name ends with "I" truely a wild cannon

I still remember a few people leaving the theater back in 2002

>retroactively declaring them inappropriate regardless of their period

>retroactively declaring them inappropriate

>regardless of their period


What was the last movie Sam Raimi made? All I know is he used to look and dress like a man from the 1950's.

He produced a play based on Mein Kampf for Broadway a few years ago.


>When Doc Ock starts a live action tentacle porn/snuff film show
Remind me why these movies were PG-13.

The ratings system is like a sliding scale. What is bad one decade is alright another etc. This movie came out around the anime craze in America when Toonami was doing well too.

>The ratings system is like a sliding scale. What is bad one decade is alright another etc.
Ah I see.

That also explains the scene when Peter first tries to masturbate before remembering he has tiny hooks on his fingertips.

Oooh yes it was a good time to be alive now everyone gets their panties on a twist for a small gangbang scene...wish Trump's administration get on this


this is the best

i completely lost it