Any kinos about life in Dixie?

Any kinos about life in Dixie?

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12 Years a Slave


clint eastwoods georgia movie

for historical dixie i suppose ken burns documentary about the civil war idk

gone with the wind

The Outlaw Josey Wales.

It sucks here, don't waste your time


there's this old cult classic Gone With the Wind, that's pretty good.

Ken Burns the Civil War has some meaningful statements about life in the south shortly before, during and after the war.

Django Unchained has some great shots of staged thoroughfares and roads in Mississipi, I really love how Candyland looks in particular. That movie has something for everyone.

If you do not reply to this post with "Keep on Marchin' Mr. Sherman" your state will be invaded and burned to the ground

Gone with the Wind, Song of the South and Sam Raimi's cut of Mississippi burning.

God I wish I could help burn down a Southern state

but my ancestor already did the invading and burning to the rebels, user

the tree of life

deliverance is one of the most boring movies i've scene. watch the two famous scenes on youtube and that's enough.

>your state will be invaded
So the eternal Yankee admits it was an invasion!

Easy Mode: Texas; flammable, full of oil
Moderate: Missouri; who knows what's there
Hard Mode: Florida; wet as fuck, snakes

northern aggressor pls go

>there's this old cult classic Gone With the Wind
>Gone With the Wind
>cult classic

>he hasn't seen Billy Bob Thorton and the Southern Deep Fried Mad Max Adventures: "Welcome to the South" Edition
It's on netflix you know.


wat?: the post

Baytown Outlaws, senpai.

boy Im bout to secede your balls from your pasty torso if you cal me yankee again

not sure if many southerners would consider appalachian kentucky 'southern' or 'dixie' or whatever but Justified is pretty great. Not for accuracy or realism but for thrills and many keks.

>confederacy bombs Fort Sumter



Boyd "The Terror of Tel Aviv" Crowder
Sup Forumsacks, is he /our guy/ ?

Stop this meme, Boyd never gave a flying fuck about being a skinhead.

>remove occupation forces from your country
Lincoln wanted the war no matter what. This is just jewing to blame the Confederates

Talk shit get hit.

>"What side do you think the government's always been on, us or the people with money? And who do you think controls that money? Who do you think want to mongrelize the world?"

>Lincoln wanted the war no matter what.
you people wouldn't stop being slave owners. you got off easy.
>but muh states rights

>slave owning
Christcucks and tumblrtards out

seconded, but its western too because of the main character being a cowboy cop with an oldfashioned honor code

>minority of 4 percent of population (many jews) own slaves
>"let's not buy them from them and save hundreds of thousands of non slave owner's lives but go to war!"
lincoln fucked up

Mississippi Burning

lol his relationship with raylan makes the show

it was more of a western in the first season, not as much later on

>I should be permitted to own people as property, beating, raping and torturing them if I see fit
(you) out

Anyone remember how Raylan was a bit of a macho-PC fag at the beginning of the series?


>raping and torturing
not as common as you think. Django Unchained isn't reality, it's nigger lover Tarantino sucking up to Nigs to be knighted an honorary Nigger.

>it shouldn't
>Muh morals
Christcucks out I repeat

>Inbred rednecks still can't get over being cucked by Lincoln.

You should read some Frederick Douglass, he's doing some great work.

Mississippi Burning is great.

ya its becomes more southern in its feel.. but raylan still has that cowboy look

Yes. And?

>He would at times seem to take great pleasure in whipping a slave. I have often been awakened at the dawn of day by the most heart-rending shrieks of an own aunt of mine, whom he used to tie up to a joist, and whip upon her naked back till she was literally covered with blood. No words, no tears, no prayers, from his gory victim, seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose. The louder she screamed, the harder he whipped; and where the blood ran fastest, there he whipped longest. He would whip her to make her scream, and whip her to make her hush; and not until overcome by fatigue, would he cease to swing the blood-clotted cowskin.
Is Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas also sucking up? (Realising of course the futility of having a /his/ argument on Sup Forums...)

>only Christians have morality
>morality doesn't exist
which is it?

>le ebin inbred meme
did you just come from Black Twitter? They love to say whites (all whites it seems) have sex with their families. They don't seem to make the distinction between different white categories.
Hilarious they talk shit about whites being inbred when nogs are more inbred than huhwhites.

American Honey I think?

I wish I was in Dixie! Hooray! Hooray!

Bugs Bunny is and always will be based

i don't believe you, so many of you faggots have mommy incest fetishes. there's gotta be something to that.

trying way 3 hard fham

I know. It was that or fap again.

All whites are inbreds. Just look at how much you freaks worship Trump who isn't subtle about wanting to fuck his own daughter.

It's scientifically proven whites have the highest incest rates.

I've had enough this faggotry. . I can't take it anymore. I'm getting a gun and solving this.

Some of you are cool though, don't go to Kansas tomorrow.

1 man isn't all the white/jew slave owners.
did you know that many slaves stayed or returned to their former masters even after emancipation?
government schools won't teach that, just like they won't teach the Kikes' role in the slave trade, or won't emphasize how most (over 90%) of the Atlantic Slave trade slaves went to spic countries.

Cumskins are sick people. And they have the nerve to get mad at blacks for venting their frustration.

You cumskins brought this upon yourselves.

>It's scientifically proven whites have the highest incest rates.
I don't know, maybe inbreeding isn't quite as disastrous as they say it is. I mean, fuck, the Jews are the most inbred race on the planet and yet they are also the smartest.
Regardless, it still shouldn't be promoted, it's too icky desu fampai

>And they have the nerve
say 'gall' next time, it better conveys your righteous indignation.

Dixie anthem sang by the Irish gives me a massive feel.

Django Unchained.


Underage b&

Since you're on Sup Forums you probably have shot taste and would enjoy The Walking Dead, set in Georgia.


Damn straight. Boyd was based af.
they can retcon all they want but Boyd named the Jew in the first episode

Keep on Marchin' Mr. Sherman
So much work to do.

Yep, the only notable thing in your state besides shitty nigger Atlanta and peaches.

black snake moan?

>be yankee
>fight to free the slaves
>blacks start spreading up north
>realize why a bunch of dirt poor confederates with no financial gain would risk their lives to keep these niggers chained up, under control

This one is a bit weird.

>Nichelle Nichols (Star Trek's Uhura) is an army sergeant who leads her platoon into the woods of the deep south on a training exercise. Unfortunately, it is the site where a bunch of yankee soldiers murdered a town of confederates. The corpses of the dead soldiers rise up to wreak revenge.

Beaners are in Georgia.
Not Texas or Arizona or California levels but still.

Gone With the Wind and almost every Western ever.

Very different

Blueberries are a bigger crop in Georgia than peaches.

A good potion of Westerns are set in or involve the Confederacy.

>set in
hmm I don't know about that
not the Confderacy that was over. They involve southern guys because irl after the war when they were all broke a lot of southern men moved out west


>blueberry fanatic has a blueberry info chart saved


>implying there has ever been a good movie made in america

>white guilt movie



Sad but true


This sucked save yourself the trouble

George Washington owned slaves.

I'm a Good ole' rebel
Now that's just what I am
And for this Yankee nation
I do not give a damn
I'm glad I fought against her
I only wish we'd won
I don't want any pardon
For anything I've done


Enjoy your rust, carpetbagger!

>this is the state of Dixie in 2017

What went wrong?

why has no one mentioned O Brother Where Art Thou?

Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten

Kino and shows how scummy the yanks are

anthropologists have studied plantations and slave bodies, etc and signs of physical abuse is really really rare. not to say it never happened but it's nowhere near as common as people think it was. you have to realize too, nearly all of the narratives where written by people opposed to slavery, and they are about as accurate as Hollywood movies based on true events are.

>remake includes fridge actress
>she escapes right away
>justin timberlake leads a lynch party while shaking and crying