Just starting this show and am immediately hooked from the first episode and Mads Mikkelsen is one of my favorite actors. Don't know why I never watched it before now.

What does Sup Forums think?

Better than Supernatural

Season 3 is where they they hit the wall

Well I'm just on episode 1 now and the episodes are long and captivating.
S3 for most shows is usually a hit or miss it seems.

i quit on season 3 episode 4

just didn't see any point in watching it anymore

Great show, S2 finale is likely the best season finale ever.

S3 is a little strange

I'm assuming he's going to be very fat from eating basically everyone at that point?

The first half is visual masturbation with a ridiculously slow pace.


It was good, I never got around to watching all of s3 but need too soon, looked forward too it every friday night

Thanks for the insight on it guys.
Rarely does Sup Forums agree on a series being this recommended.

Stop at season 2, it gets very pretentious after

Boring as fucking shit only fucking edgelords liked this degenerate fagtrash.

you quit just before the best episode of that season

Yeah the first two seasons are absolutely top-notch tv.

Back to Sup Forums faggot

You definitely know what it's like to be an edglord.

all that autism, muh psychoanalysis and those ridiculous murders are just silly.

Season 3 does start out slow and arguably pretentious. But it ends up having many of the best episodes of the whole series. By the end you will be glad you stuck with it

whatever you say reddit


What's a reddit?

>uses a trip to bait for (you)s
>calls others reddit

You have to go back.

Great show for arm hair aficionados. Caroline Dhavernas, Lara Jean Chorostecki, Ellen Muth, Kacey Rohl...


Great show, last season started off sloooowly, but it picked up halfway and the ending is truly glorious.