What is he gonna do NEXT?

What is he gonna do NEXT?

It's almost as if Jews can't be criticized

>being this much of a cuck

surprise surprise look at that a fat unshaved unkept liberal

Okay I did it.

>Replace the word "Jew" with the word "Jew" and ask yourself do I sound like a fucking Nazi?'


>replace the word "Alt-right" with the word "Jew" and ask yourself do I sound like a fucking Nazi?
Really surges my synapses

>implying sounding like nazi is bad

"52% of Jews in the UK believe homosexuality should be illegal"
"31% of Jews in the UK want to implement Sharia law"
"15% of Jews in the US believe suicide bombing is an acceptable way to achieve your goals"

I don't know, it just doesn't sound right.

Replace the word faggot with the word pocket wrench and think, "did I just sound like a fucking mechanic?"

i think the sign is referring more to anti-muslim rhetoric expressed by supporters of the travel ban. or were you just being disingenuous?

>if we had this ban in 2001, then the jews wouldn't have done 9/11
Not really a nazi stance, but w'ere getting somewhere.

Hanlon's Razor.

Sorry but it ain't Jews doing all the murdering.

replace the word "nazi" with the word "jew" and ask yourself, do I sound like a fucking jew?

almost as if they had practical experience with genocide. kys nazi scum.

Like clockwork

enjoy no healthcare or clean environment nazi amerikuk

>I wish Jews would stop raping women and beheading people who practice other religions

I dunno. I don't THINK I sound like a Nazi.

What about this experiment.

>Replace The Word "Infidel" With The Word "Jew" And Ask Yourself; Do I Sound Like A Fucking Nazi?


>Replace The Words "Fucking White Male" With The Word "Jew" And Ask Yourself; Do I Sound Like A Fucking Nazi?

Mate, hitler was a huge conservationist and a literal socialist, what are you on about? You're mixing up your terms.

Does the sign being disingenuous cancel out his being disingenuous?

Also, the U.S. did place a travel ban on Jews. The same generation that fought and defeated the Nazi's.

So I think the hobo in the OP might be a little confused with his ideology.

Following his logic all Muslims are Nazis.

But, the majority of those are Muslims killing other Muslims. Don't pretend for a moment like you give a shit.

>Clean environment

Is he a Nazi or not?

Nazis were hard line environmentalists.