Just marathoned through this

Just marathoned through this.
What did I think of it?

suck a fucking dick you shitposting fatass faggot

suck a fucking dick you shitposting fatass faggot

suck a fucking dick you shitposting fatass faggot

suck a fucking dick you shitposting fatass faggot

It's an interesting movie, and a very 'American' story. It was around this time in history that our modern idea of the 'mogul' began to emerge and questions of the 'morality of money' began to emerge alongside. The Puritanical Christian heart of American values is shown as a stark contrast to the values of Daniel Plainview, who endlessly acquires and acquires material wealth with no love for humanity. I think PTA was trying to identify a capitalistic worldview that is fundamentally sociopathic.

In the end we see a man alone and in ruins because he could not love and did not care at all for other people.

suck a fucking dick you shitposting fatass faggot

What if I actually did it? What if I actually did suck a dick, where would your insult be then?

There's absolutely no need to be so hostile, friendos.

How fat are you OP?

>unironically sucking dick

sugg a fuggin digg x-DDD


Just reached 203 lbs last month
>feels good man

Unnecessarily long, boring and plodding. Still decent. 7 maybe 8 if I'm feeling generous.

Fuck Eli, Paul was the prophet

Visually amazing. But boring as fuck if you aren't into cinematography.

>There Will Be Blood

I watched the first 30 mins the other day and was so fucking bored i stopped. Felt like i was watching the discovery channel

Might try again sometime

Watch it when you have nothing else to watch and somehow you'll appreciate the filming of it.

Are you implying you don't normally watch a movie in one sitting? what kind of primitive being is this?

That movie in particular drags on for so long I don't blame OP for taking multiple sittings to complete it.


Eh, I found it fairly interesting, but I've always liked films set in that late 1800's, early 1900's period. I wouldn't say it's amazing, but great cinematography, solid Day-Lews acting, and some grade-A Paul Dano.

Well said.

What are you looking so miserable about?