He needed that sweet sweet insurance money

he needed that sweet sweet insurance money

>OD'ing on painkillers and mental scrips

Is there a more Hollywood way to die than that?

I'd kill myself too if I was married to a little mentally retarded fat troll with down syndrome.

fentanyl is cut into the heroin in chinese factories. haha stupid lound eye.. chinese winning war you dont even know you fighting.

Crash plane

No you wouldn't you coward

>His wife was a dirty smack head just like the Rust Belt Fly Over's he spends all day belittling and mocking


With no survivors?

Car "accident" while intoxicated after expressing the wrong opinion



Wait, isn't it cowards who DO kill themselves?

Or is the custom different in your culture?

Try me, cunt.

That shit is scary. Killed MJ and Prince.

That's an insane combo of meds. It must be hard living with a Star Wars fan.

Suicide is hot. I want a dead gf.

adderall for energy/mood (probably depressed)
xanax for anxiety brought on by chronic adderall usage
fentanyl for pleasure seeking (again depressed)

>>he lives on a backwards cuntry without assisted dying


>He lives on a backwards cuntry with assisted dying

Cucked by the govt. Good goy.

she was a writer so that would keep you up and focused
comedown from adderall is a bitch if you take a shitload
shits good as fuck, so she was probably just an addict to begin with

Couldn't she afford safer stuff like Oxy with Patton's sizable income?

Out of all the drugs do OD on, fucking painkillers. You have the money, just do coke.

what the fuck is wrong with you people

Fuck off Patton. Go back to raising your ugly daughter.

>He lives on a backwards cuntry without assisted dying

Cucked by the Jews. You want to die? Go back to work, goy.

Apparently she was found with 500 bags of fentanyl

>Being this much of a brainwashed goy cuck.

I hope you're not white, kill yourself, subhuman.

she probably had a huge tolerance

isn't fentanyl just a cheaper, shittier heroin?

You are the ultimate shabbos goy cuck.

i bet this junkie bitch was always high when left alone with her ugly daughter with patton out banging ugly fans and doing comedy tours
her daughter is better off

Die with a dick in your mouth.

>hurr no arguemnt durr

Go get assisted suicide, goy cuck.

Shooting yourself in the back of the head

Kill yourself now and do everyone a favor.

it's strong shit, so she could of been a dopehead and got a bag that was pure fentanyl and OD'd since she was used to cut heroin all the time,

>hand on neck
>fake smile
>she's dead
This picture is clearly from before April 2016. See how the female is alive in the picture.

He probably choked her with his retard strength.

you're here too faggot

Keep talking about drugs

Or back issues.
Wouldnt trust it. There's a lot deaths due to it. Thought the public would know better.

But fucking hell, is everyone on a anti-depressant.

Fentanyl is supposedly in pretty much every street drug now because it's so dirt cheap.

His clammy midget hands around her throat didn't help

She was definitely a junkie. No doctor would prescribe that cocktail unless they were working for the Jackson family.

can we please ignore this fat fucking sperg idiot and his stupid wife for ounce?

go away, patton

Didn't she have cancer though?
>Wait, isn't it cowards who DO kill themselves?
Man, it's fucking hard to kill yourself. Your body tries to stop it, most suicide methods are unlikely to actually do the job, and you have to be brave as fuck to actually do it. The cowardly thing is to keep living when you don't want to.



desu pills is a cowardly way to do it

That's one of the most retarded things I've ever read. Why the fuck should anyone care how brave and manly their suicide is?

who dis cum drum?