Tfw i walk around pretending my eyes are cameras and wondering how i would direct the scenes in my life

>tfw i walk around pretending my eyes are cameras and wondering how i would direct the scenes in my life

Other urls found in this thread:


>in my back garden at night
>moonlight shining on my bush in a really cool way
>"damn that's a nice shot"

You sound like some fucking autists I bet you look obvious as FUCK doing it holy shit if I saw either of you in public doing that gay ass shit I'd beat your asses right then and there not only would I get praised (cause let's face it you both probably look like fucking creeps, fat ugly creeps) I'd get laid that instant and your mom would cry and kill you in your sleep that night. Oh no wait she'd kill you in your sleep the next afternoon cause you are neet motherfuckers

Stop spying on me and pretending to be me on an atlantean seaweed burning forum

>it's an user imagines himself on the Joe Rogan podcast episode

I just do it in my frontyard out in the country when no one is around

Take a chill pill bro

>tfw pretending to receive an Oscar when I shower
>tfw giving a speech in english
>tfw not even native english speaker

This probably means you could be a filmmaker. Go for it, user. I'm not memeing either. Just get a cheap camera and start doing something with it.

How do you guys picture yourselves? I always picture myself in third person in memories. This makes it easy for me to spin around the mental camera.


spielberg said the most important thing is being able to visualize shots. If you cant do that you will never be good

I do the same as op and make short films

How do you become a director if you don't have a mind's eye? Is all hope lost for me?

Turn my head smoothly and slowly to produce kino shots


It's something I've been considering, honestly I've only really been into film as an artform for less than a year, mostly I read growing up, but it's taken over a good portion of my life.

I've also found the Les Blank short Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe to be pretty inspiring with regards to filmmaking

/r/ing pics of your moonlit bush

>tfw pretending to receive an Oscar when I shower
>tfw giving speech in broken, heavily accented English despite the fact I'm Australian

>implying all great directors dont do this

Reminder that all really creative minds """suffer""" from this. Psychology is hilarious sometimes, especially on Wikipedia.

I don't necessarily believe it's real myself, although it seems kind of interesting to me.
>tfw spend hours at a time coming up with stories in my head that I never write down

Holy fuck. This is what I have. I didn't know it was a bad thing though. It's just the way I behave when I'm alone.

It's not bad

It's only bad if it inhibits your ability to function in society. Psychology, as criticized as it is as a science, generally only wants to get involved if something's a problem. Like I have all the hallmarks of schizoid personality disorder, but because I can function as part of society and am content with my life, it's not a disorder in my case, I'm just another type of personality.

tfw act out scenes in shower complete with different accents


>I didn't know it was a bad thing though.
It's not. It's a symptom of a creative mind. The concept was analyzed and the term coined by people who probably don't have a sliver of creativity in them, also known as psychologists. Of course, the "condition" has its extremes, as says, but then again, so does everything.
Daydreams are the foundation of art. Never be afraid to dream, user. Embrace it. The people who will make fun of you don't understand it because they're unable to experience anything of the sort themselves.
You shouldn't stop at daydreaming, though. This is how you know you have artistic potential, but it's only that - potential. At some point you actually have to work, and work hard, to make it into something, be it film, literature, music, painting, or anything else. It's a wonderful feeling to actually create something born of your own mind. If you don't release your creativity somehow, it'll eventually grow into disappointment and regret. Do it.

I already know how I would do it but I hate myself for being so narcissistic that I'd never do it.

Sounds like you suffer from a bad case of the 'tism

>it's a Sup Forums inspires me to do something good with my life and mind post
thanks my man

>my life is now dedicated to making quality shitposts


This sort of inspiration usually passes quickly, because it's based on emotion. Don't let it. You have to actually put in a lot of effort to hold on to it and make something of it, but it's so worth it. You can do it, user. I hope you succeed.

I think the difficult part for most is just having no sense of where to start.

How's that?


I know what you mean, but, for most, it's just an excuse to not do anything about it, caused by a deep fear of actually putting your soul out into the world. It's so much easier to just stay home, go to school or work, swim along the stream and tell yourself you could never achieve anything anyway - that's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Want to be a filmmaker? I'll tell you where to start. Just get a camera, any camera, photo or video, and start capturing the things you find interesting and beautiful. Learn how to translate your imagination to a screen, which is hard and takes a lot of training. You won't know how hard it is until you try, but, again, it will be worth it, if it's really something you want to do.
The problem of "not knowing where to start" is also largely caused by the age we're living in. Everything is handed to you on a silver spoon, which takes away all motivation. In a way, you have to fight harder than ever before to achieve something, creatively speaking. It's a dull time we're living in, and I don't mean >muh born in the wrong time, I mean the modern world actually stifling and killing creativity in people, mostly through mass media, including the site you're on right now. If you haven't given it much thought, it it can probably even sound like a conspiracy theory - goes to show how gradual and subtle the process of mind numbing is.

(of course, all that applies largely to the first world bubble we live in)

Feeling inspired but I think I'll just masturbate for the 3rd time tonight

>he imagines a music video in his head to the music hes listening to

thread reminder that Badlands is Malicks best kino.

I want to work on my novel this weekend. You've inspired me user, I just need to stick with it this time. I can't do anything if I don't actually work at it.

Another thing I'd recommend is, if you're a late sleeper, start getting up really early in the morning, and, if you tend to sleep a lot, sleep less. This has helped me a lot.
If you browse /lit/, browse it less. It's mostly full of people who aren't achieving anything. Read more instead. Take long walks.
Good luck, user.

>it's an user imagines giving inspiring speeches to his subordinates
I am the fedora

If you are British, there are cameras everywhere.

>Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe
I'll definitely check that out, thanks for the rec.

>read a good book
>write down who you would cast
> calculate the cost roughly base don how much the actors demanded for their other roles
>think a couple of actors might do it for free or a low cost
>determine the distributor
>imagine how you would film the shots and how th ecamera would move
>imagine th eiflters
>the color
>the aspect ratio
>think about releasing it and standing there with your favorite actors while they clap and congratulate you for your "excellent acievement in cinema"
Doe snayone else do this?

i convert my memories into 90's rpg isometric view

what a slut